The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1370: Reflected Wave Seismic Exploration

Remember for a second【】

After walking for a short time, the inspection team arrived at the first target on the morning of the second day of the operation.

This is an extinct volcano, which erupted more than 200 years ago and has completely subsided in recent decades.

The reason for choosing this safe place as the first goal is to familiarize everyone with the workflow and equipment.

This volcano has always erupted quietly. For more than a hundred years, a large amount of hot lava slowly overflowed from the crater, flowed slowly along the hillside, and finally accumulated into a high mountain.

After years of baptism, a thin layer of soil has accumulated on the mountain and the surrounding rocks, many plants grow on it, and the water in the volcanic lake on the top of the mountain slowly seeps through the gaps and merges into a stream.

Although it was safe here, the entire team under the command of Eyjafjallajökull and Nasr al-Din prepared according to the harsh area.

A few terrifying spiders with a diameter of 1.5 meters were put down from the transport vehicle. As soon as they landed, they scattered around, using the sensors on their bodies to collect data such as temperature, wind speed, air samples, and air pollutants.

After about an hour, the test car reported the results: the temperature is 19c, the south wind is second-level, there is no harmful gas in the air, and there are very few pollutants.

Although it was a good weather for an outing, all the people who went out put on fully enclosed protective clothing in their accommodation cars, and then got out of the cars one by one through the transition cabin.

Next, the command vehicle issued an order to the crowd through a messenger, but it turned out that the signal was not very good.

Troubleshooting after Charles took the Warfarin off the antenna.

Afterwards, the expedition team was divided into four groups and went to their respective inspection areas under the protection of the security guards.

With an order, the team members sat on the manned horror spider and moved forward.

Everyone has learned how to drive this terrifying spider before they set off. Just hold the joystick to control the front, rear, left, right and speed.

Today's investigation is mainly to obtain basalt formed after magma cooling, so it is necessary to drill core samples.

Before long, the iron frames were erected one by one, and the resonant sound of the machine drifted in the mountains.

The work went well, everyone worked hard all day and got back a lot of samples.

These samples will be numbered and stored for research and analysis later on in the journey.

Today's dinner is a large piece of roasted venison. The deer originally lived nearby and were easily found by Charles, who was in charge of logistics.

During dinner, Charles found the earth spirit who was chatting with Eyjafjallajökull.

"Would you like me to avoid it?" Di Ling thought he was looking for the lamb.

Charles said, "I'm here to see you, and I have a work question I'd like to ask."

As a result, Di Ling said without raising his head, "I've already got off work. I'll talk about work hours."

Charles had heard of her character, she was unstoppable when she got off work on time every day, and overtime must be paid for overtime.

So a gold coin appeared on the table, "This is the consultation fee."

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

So Di Ling accepted the money, "What do you want to ask?"

Charles organized the language and asked: "I heard that you are good at investigating the underground situation with sound waves. I wonder if you are interested in promoting this method?"…

"I have an idea to set up a large-scale listening array on the ground, and then the sound source sends out sound waves underground, and the listening device analyzes the underground situation according to the time difference after receiving the echo."

What he was talking about was reflected wave seismic exploration. He talked about it in a college class before, but I only remembered it recently when I saw that the Earth Spirit would use sonic magic to explore the underground.

At the same time, he used magic elements to form a 3D effect animation to illustrate this technology, which attracted the attention of many people.

Di Ling thought for a while, and then said with a little regret: "Your idea is theoretically feasible, but it is difficult to implement in practical use, because no one can receive and analyze so much echo data at the same time."

Charles looked at Nasserdin, who was also attracted by the 3D animation not far away, and asked, "Do you think the equipment for analyzing the data is difficult?"

Nasrdin thought for a moment and replied, "The equipment is not difficult. As long as the logic of the operation is figured out, it can be made very quickly. You can ask your subordinates for similar equipment."

Charles raised his brows. It seems that the Navy's sonar has achieved results. I will ask when I go back to the meeting in a few days.

The earth spirit asked Nasirddin what technology he was talking about, and the latter gave her all kinds of knowledge about the demon brain.

"That is to say..." Di Ling thought for a while, "I teach a machine to do things, and then the machine can take my job, so wouldn't I be unemployed?"

At this time, a figure flashed over, and Alpha said to her: "You don't have to worry about this, those machines just free you from simple and repetitive work, so that you can focus on more pioneering work."

As dolls, they are sensitive to topics like "Omnic Crisis".

Di Ling originally wanted to ask what would happen if those machines had wisdom, and if she asked now, there would be no tragedy for someone, but at this time Xiao Huihui asked her: "If this technology is put into practical use, it can be used Are you going to detect minerals in the ground?"

Xiao Huihui is a big landlord, and there are mines in the ground, so he thought of this.

Only the Earth Spirit replied: "Reinhardt has more say than me in the knowledge of minerals."

Rabbit-eared pretty boy, who was eating quietly and watching the fun, didn't expect to have his own business. He thought about it, and then

^0^ One second to remember【】

Said to Xiao Huihui: "Theoretically, the veins are different from the surrounding rocks. If this technology can distinguish the differences in the underground rocks, it will be very helpful for prospecting."

Facing Xiao Huihui's inquiring gaze, Di Ling said, "Sound waves can indeed detect the differences in underground rocks, but it is not a mineral vein that needs to collect a lot of data to judge."

So Xiao Huihui said, "I voted for this project!"

This big landowner is thinking about opening more new mines on his own land.

Then Professor Kahn also stepped in, and the Earth Spirit was also from the University of William, so the alma mater would naturally not miss the fact that the rich man of Sherager could invest money.

Charles didn't expect that, he asked this question, and then led to such a series of things. When he left after dinner, a group of people had already discussed the details there.

Looking up at the sky, the moon is quite round tonight. …

He has an astronomical telescope in his storage ring, just right out of it to look at the moon and stars.

"What are u doing?"

Provence came to the roof and looked at Charles curiously with his big tail wagging.

Charles replied: "Looking at our neighbors on this planet, do you want to see?"

After he finished, he fixed the astronomical telescope and handed it over to the curious Provence.

"Wow!" Provence exclaimed, after adjusting the focus as taught by Charles, "what is this!"

In the telescope, you can see a red earth-colored planet in the dark universe, with a halo outside it.

Charles introduced: "That's another planet. The difference between it and our planet is that there is a halo around it."

Provence looked at it for a while, and suddenly said: "There should be no natural disasters on that planet."

Charles shook his head and said, "The planet is very hot and there are few volcanoes, but the wind on it can blow hundreds of thousands of kilometers in an hour. No life can survive on it, only some elemental creatures."

Once he saw Reimu playing "Civilization 6" and asked about other planets in this solar system, and his soul was thrown there for a tour.

On that planet, a speed of 50 meters per second is considered a breeze.

Then Charles adjusted the telescope and aimed it at the silvery moon.

"You are a very interesting person." Provence said while observing the crater on the moon. "Today, a few words have opened a new subject at William University, and the eldest man has taken advantage of it and invested money in it."

Charles just smiled and said, "I'm a little smart. The advantage is that I can integrate some existing resources to try new paths."

"If there is no Earth Spirit's sound wave detection technology, without Nasr Din's magic brain technology, there will be no tonight's new exploration technology."

"I think, your natural disaster messengers also need this technology."

Provence said calmly: "Although different natural disaster messengers have different specialties and focuses, Diling's technology is very useful. If it can be generalized, it will make our forecasting work much more accurate."

"We are not 100% able to predict volcanic natural disasters. Many people quit because of self-blame and discouragement after causing heavy losses due to a mistake, and some have left an indelible psychological shadow."

"Even... ugh... will be killed by angry people."

"More often, we will die in volcanic natural disasters, or in hospital beds."

Charles sighed, and then said, "Your disease can be cured, like Ayjafjallajökull, who was originally very ill and is almost cured now."

"Your problem is not optimistic. At present, the beautiful tail is still losing hair. If it continues to develop, I don't know what will happen. Maybe the tail will be bald..."

Provence stood up with a clever look, holding his tail with a complicated expression, and finally sighed deeply.

This is not an easy topic.

Charles added: "This time, we have developed a reliable conservative treatment plan for you with reference to Eyjafjallajökull's treatment, which is the benefit of participating in this operation. Although it cannot be eradicated, it can also prevent the disease from further worsening in this operation. "

Then he explained how Eyjafjallajökull was operated at the and how the blood filtration treatment was performed, but he did not elaborate on the cauldron therapy that followed.

Provence thought for a while after listening to it, and felt that this treatment plan sounded feasible. Since Eyjafjallajökull can be cured, others will not have problems.

"If only other sick scourge messengers could be healed," she whispered.

Charles smiled mysteriously. He and Eyjafjallajökull already had a plan, but the cauldron wasn't enough to take turns treating them in batches.

Because everyone had a busy day today, everyone went back to wash and sleep after having a full meal, and Provence also went to rest after yawning.

Charles also returned to the hotel car where he was alone. After taking a shower, he took out a book in the rest cabin and read it.

"I'm here!" Warfarin appeared again, "I didn't bring anything else this time!"

Charles pouted, stretched out his hand and said, "You suck."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^