The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1372: research research research

Day by day, the work of the expedition team was basically smooth.

In an experimental car, only Charles, Eyjafjallajökull, Nasrdin and Alpha were doing the core experiment of this investigation.

Pieces of rock samples the size of watches are placed on the top of a cylindrical device, and the hot high-purity fire element is compressed into it. After a while, the rock samples are hot and red, and they are close to molten state.

At the same time, the injection of the fire element stops at the same time, and the timing starts at this moment.

After an hour, some samples had cooled completely, and several were still red.

Eyjafjallajökull said while recording the data: "From the data point of view, the magma cooled within ten years has a longer storage time for the fire element, and the preservation ability has decreased over time."

Charles is drawing a graph, with the cooling time as the horizontal axis, and the ability of the rock to hold the fire element is like a "do".

"I guess..." He squeezed his chin and said, "There is some ingredient in the rock that affects the time of preserving the magic element. This ingredient will decrease with the passage of time. If you can find this ingredient, you may be able to produce energy-dense energy storage systems.”

Nasrddin, who was hitting the keys on the calculator, said: "I have collected some information before, the deposit of the magic crystal is basically igneous rock, and now it seems to be related to the high affinity of the magic element of this rock, it can be better to preserve the magic elements, thereby increasing the condensation chance of the magic crystals."

Eyjafjallajökull continued: "Then you need to analyze the composition of the rock and find out what kind of material."

"I guess that this substance, like magic materials such as fire gold, has been changed under the action of high-purity elements, and perhaps some clues can be obtained from the composition of the magic crystal."

Nasrdin nodded and said, "I think this composition will change in the natural environment, making the rock less compatible with magic elements, so build a rock composition table so that clues can be found intuitively."

The three of them discussed related topics one by one, and Alpha listened quietly, learning their way of thinking.

After this experiment was completed, they conducted a second experiment by injecting the earth element.

If energy storage technology is to be promoted, the stable earth element is undoubtedly higher than other magic elements in terms of safety.

At this time, Alpha suddenly said: "Assumption one, the rock does contain element-affinity substances."

"Hypothesis two, this material is formed from rocks with high-purity fire elements."

"Hypothesis three, this substance is not stable."

"So, can we start from the following three aspects."

"One, create a magma environment and study whether it can produce affinity substances."

"Two, whether the aging products of affinity substances can be reactivated by the magmatic environment."

"Three, there are differences in the cooling rock samples collected in multiple places during the same period. Can it be considered that there are differences in the distribution of affinity substances in the ground?"

She came down in this series of several aspects, and the other three began to discuss.

In the end, everyone felt that the first two of the three aspects could be studied, and the third was difficult. No one knew the details of the underground.

Although the gods can definitely help, but a certain person feels that Reimu's character will definitely not go.

And the other gods... I guess the **** of war would be happy to take someone to see him, and then come back on his own.

The next step is the boring data processing work. In the end, Alpha took over this part of the work. In her eyes, this kind of thing is nothing.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, when everyone left the experimental car after get off work, it was very lively outside.

It's been a month since I came out for inspection, and everyone has perfected a set of procedures in the bumps and bumps.

After each long trek to a new expedition site, the entire team rests for two days to relax, and two days after the tense and dangerous expedition, before heading to the next destination.

There is a hot spring area near today's campsite, and all the staff are replaced by two shifts to soak for half a day.

Not everyone went there. The three natural disaster messengers who were injured by the fire element in their bodies were not allowed to go. Nasr Din did not like to soak in hot water. Alpha said that long-term soaking in hot water with high hardness will easily cause the joint system to age. Eyjafjallajökull was obsessed with experimenting, and Charles did not go after seeing this.

Because it is a day off, today's dinner is also richer than usual.

Charles just went shopping in a nearby town a few days ago. This time he bought several large buckets of honey and candied fruit, enough for the cooking cart to make a honey cake for everyone.

Tonight's main course is schnitzel learned from the local expedition team.

Meat is not a problem. I encountered a herd of long-haired bison again two days ago. This time they learned to be fine, and they caught a lot of live ones and tied them to the roof of the car. They just need to wash them frequently.

It's just that the schnitzel here needs to be loosened with a meat hammer or the back of a knife before cooking. However, shooting so many schnitzels will exhaust the cook. As a result, I don't know who thought it, and the air hammer in the repair car was given used.

As a result, this beef steak is thick, yet tender and flavorful.

The beef steak marinated with salt and black pepper was dipped in flour and eggs in turn, and then dipped in some steamed bread crumbs. If there was no bread crumbs, it had to be replaced with dried steamed bread, and the result was not bad.

The steak is fried in hot oil until the surface is golden brown, fished out, placed on a plate, and some pickled cucumbers, pickled cabbage and mashed potatoes are placed on the side, and a "volcanic schnitzel" that later became the local national dish is completed.

Later, when Ji Shijun looked at the order from the factory for an air hammer for household meat hammers, he had a look of "you're making fun of me". Like the factory manager, he thought that someone was entertaining them.

After dinner, everyone continued to have fun.

Many people from the Rurik Kingdom brought musical instruments to relieve boredom, and the people of Letania have a tradition of loving music, so the music in the bonfire party never stopped.

But Charles didn't play with everyone tonight, and Eyjafjallajökull tugged at his clothes and motioned for a walk.

Under the starry night sky, the two walked to the hillside a little far from the camp.

Sitting on the grass, you can see the brightly lit campsite nearby, the dark red magma flowing from the mountains in the distance, and the water vapor from the magma flowing into the lake.

After sitting quietly for a while, Eyjafjallajökull said, "I have something I want to tell you."

Charles gave a soft "um" and waited for the next paragraph.

"I've thought about it." Eyjafjallajökull said, "I won't leave for a few years when I come back this time. There are too many experiments to do."

Charles nodded and said, "Then you have to take medicine on time, do treatment on time, and be careful when wearing equipment when you go out for inspection. I'll take you there when you go to a follow-up consultation."

For someone who has mastered the teleportation technique, long-distance travel is a very simple matter.

And then he will often run here for a series of things such as donating to build a library, a clothes business, building an airport, and developing a volcano.

However, Charles was stunned for a moment, as if the lamb hadn't realized it yet.

So he touched the lamb's head and asked, "Are you reluctant to leave me?"

Who knows, Eyjafjallajökull said: "I owe you a lot of money, you have to work hard."

Charles was stunned for a moment, and it took a while to realize that she was talking about the treatment fee from the elves.

Although a certain person had already said that the money would not need to be returned, she still remembered it in her heart.

Charles didn't say more, he asked, "Would you like to go to the hot spring for a while, I will help you deal with the fire element in the spring water."

As Eyjafjallajökull began to relieve fatigue in the hot springs, a figure flashed into the experimental vehicle.

Alpha, who was working on the calculator, asked in surprise, "Dr.'s the matter?"

Warfarin took a plate with candied fruit and a piece of honey cake and put it on the table, and said flatteringly, "I see that you haven't eaten yet, so I brought you something to eat."

"Thank you very much." Alpha said politely, "But I don't need to eat these, I only eat things rich in magic elements."

Warfarin asked in surprise: "Is it because of physical reasons?"

"Yes." Alpha nodded.

Warfarin thought she had some kind of disease, and said out of the doctor's duty: "Can I bite your neck, I can analyze what's wrong."

"Huh?" Alpha was surprised, "Do you have such a skill?"

She also thought that Charles and everyone had disclosed her identity, and that Warfarin could scan herself through this.

Here, she followed Charles out and wanted to see various techniques, so she agreed.

"The skin is not easy to repair, please wait."

After speaking, she raised her hands and pulled her slightly open mouth, and then pulled hard, a large hole was pulled out of the extremely elastic artificial skin, and then the silver-white metal head stretched out from the mouth like a hood. Come out, and finally peel off the skin of the head to the neck.


This picture was so impactful that Warfarin was so frightened that he fainted.

Alpha was shocked and didn't know why Warfarin suddenly stopped, so she picked her up with her metal head exposed and ran towards the medical car.

Then, the originally happy campsite was terrified.

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