The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1416: Grandpa Yi appears again

The three-month training period passed quickly, and today's empty island was full of shouts and cheers, and the trainees practiced archery on the training ground.

In an emergency, the combination of healing and bow and arrow magic can save a life, and medics will naturally not miss this class.

This planet also has magic such as bow and arrow enchantment, but because of the style reasons and the healing skills are somewhat mismatched, so the students are learning the unique enchanting technology of the Biberach Kingdom.

The students are very motivated. When the military boss came to inspect the pot a while ago, he gave relevant instructions. These students will be team captains when they go back. They will lead four or five students by themselves, and they must be brought out within half a year. A group of medical soldiers who can go to the battlefield and bring students to come.

After the study, Instructor Yi will leave ten people as assistant teachers, and these people have the position of squadron captain.

Although they are all grass-roots officers, on the one hand, these medics are directly affiliated to the boss, and on the other hand, they can teach as many officers as they can in the future.

Young people with a bright future are naturally full of strength.

Charles was going back to the academy for a class on gravity magic that day, and the students practiced on their own.

In his opinion, the key to using gravity magic is to drive that hard-to-find space element.

This knowledge point surprised Charles very much. Although he could use space magic and read relevant materials, none of the previous demon kings had studied gravity magic.

And this planet has not opened the teleportation skill tree, and no one can throw a gravity magic circle. They can only engrave the magic circle on the object. The reason is that people can't sense space elements and can only rely on magic. array to control them.

The problems in it gave him a headache, let's study it slowly.

After class, Charles was packing his books and thinking, if he added a gravity magic to the stone pillar when he was teleporting it to an altitude of 10,000 meters, so that the acceleration of its fall was several times that of a free fall, the power should not be small.

As he was leaving the classroom, the conversation of several classmates caught his attention.

"Tomorrow, we will meet with Jia'er City. Are you going to go shopping in the city?"

"Go, I'm going to buy a lot of things this time!"

"Come on!"

"What's wrong?"

"Bad Shuiyu is behind us!!"

Ah Yi was speechless. The two classmates quickly sped away when they saw themselves reflected by the decorative armor in the corridor.

When he returned to the small building for lunch, he found that something was wrong with Leschee, his face was gloomy, and there was something in his heart.

Charles asked her what happened, and she just smiled reluctantly and shook her head in response.

After lunch, Ah Yi hugged Reschee and sat on the sofa.

He stroked the long burgundy hair on the girl's back and asked softly, "What happened? Can you tell me?"

Reschee put his head against his chest, didn't speak, just shook his head slowly.

Charles could only hold her tightly and whispered to her, "Just tell me if you encounter anything. There are many things I can do, and my strength is beyond your imagination."

Reschee just gave a low "um" and hugged Charles tightly.

In the afternoon, Rescheer went to class, and Charles was writing and drawing in his own office on Sky Island Six.

He intends to replicate what Nightingale did on this planet, and these students will be the first seeds.

"Are you busy?"

Maya walked into the office, closed the door and locked it, closed the window and drew the curtains.

Charles turned on the light and asked the elf girl strangely, "Don't you have a class this afternoon?"

Maya said naturally: "I skipped class."

After she finished speaking, she sat on the table with her hands propped up, kicked off her shoes, and her long legs in white stockings under the autumn skirt were kicking the air repeatedly.

"You should know that the academy is going to reunite with Gael City tomorrow, right?" Maya asked Charles.

Charles put down the pen in his hand, nodded and said, "I heard, I also heard that there are a lot of things for sale there, should we go shopping?"

Maya stretched out her foot and poked his thigh, and said, "You probably didn't know that Leschel's home was in the city of Gael."

Charles was stunned, shook his head and said, "I really don't know. I asked her before, but she didn't say anything."

This time he finally understood what happened to Leschel. The girl was kicked out of the family not long ago, and now that the academy is going to merge with the empty island where the family is located, some troubles will definitely happen by then.

Charles frowned for a moment and asked, "Is there any way to solve this?"

"No." Maya said with a sigh, "After she was divorced, the family thought she would not live long, so she did a very good job and finished everything while Leschel went to recruit students. At that time, I came forward. There is no way."

"The only one she can rely on now is you."

"After graduation, she did not have the help of her family. If she went to the army, she could only start as a junior officer."

After listening to Charles, he pondered, Lescheer is a martial artist, and he can only learn about healing magic. He has no talent for business or anything. In the future, he is destined to seek a life on the battlefield.

Thinking of this, he had a solution in his heart.

Seeing that he had made some kind of decision, Maya asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

Charles said to her, "You don't mind if I'm partial to her."

Maya moved her buttocks, sat on the table in front of him, and said with a smile, " thought I would say that."

"Now I'm a careful girl. It's up to you to make up for me if I don't mind."

Charles lifted her off the table and put her on his lap, biting again on the tips of her long ears.

In the evening Leschel was still in a bad mood when she ate dinner, and she was still gloomy.

After eating, Charles picked her up directly, washed her in the bathroom first, and then set it up on the bed in the bedroom.

Rescheer glared at someone with a blushing face. In her recent novels and picture books, there are often scenes where one person is in a bad mood and the other person is in bed to make the other person feel better.

Charles kissed her lightly on the forehead and said in a very gentle voice, "Close your eyes, relax, and don't be surprised if anything happens."

This time, not only his face, but also his body began to turn red, this Ayi would come up with new tricks every time he said this.

When she closed her eyes, Charles leaned over and pressed his forehead to his forehead, and his breathing suddenly became a little heavier.

Suddenly, unsuspecting, Reschee felt something suddenly rush into his head, his body was propped up like a hot air balloon that had just been ignited, and it was full.