The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1430: You are the prince of Yongri Principalit

Tremberg is built on the highest peak on a hill that is hundreds of meters high, surrounded by four hills dozens of meters high, with fortresses built on them, which form a defense system that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Although the troops in the encirclement were weak, with Artoria's efforts, a wide and deep trench was dug overnight to firmly surround the castle.

A few kilometers east of the castle, the icy soil was dug up, and Charles, Carlisle, and many others, despite the cold, carefully dug the soil with a small shovel the size of a palm.

Beside them, the two students of the martial arts training class carefully placed a pair of remains and the remaining clothing fragments on the white cloth beside them.

The corpse's hands were tied behind his back, and the left rib was broken and scattered in the mud in the chest cavity. The pattern on the collar fragment excavated by the neck shows that he was a centurion during his lifetime.

Two days ago, a prisoner from a nearby Demon Village told the Alliance Army that after the Demon King’s army captured this place ten years ago, the bodies and prisoners of the dead soldiers were all buried in several large pits in this place.

When Marshal Carlisle learned of it, he immediately led a team to come here in person, and took out the remains before the heavy snowfall to see if their identities could be identified, and then found a place with good terrain to rebury them.

It's just that the victims were looted before being buried in the pit, and apart from some clothing fragments, there were no metal objects that could be identified.

People can only number each remains and record their gender, height, clothing information and old injuries on the bones in detail, for future generations to check.

Charles is also excavating the site, because it is very likely that Rescheier's grandfather and Danya's father and brother are also here.

It's just that when the more than 70,000 remains here were cleaned up, he found that there were too many remains with similar characteristics and too little detailed information to distinguish who was who.

The only discovery was that Charles found a puppet from the remains of a dead soldier.

Judging from the material, this puppet soldier should come from a truncated chariot. It only has a rough shape. It can be seen that it should be a soldier with a spear. The novice kind of body disproportion problem.

Two lines of letters are engraved under the base of the puppet soldiers, one is Tremberg, and the other is High Castle, the capital of Boi Kingdom.

Charles cleaned the puppet soldiers and prepared to hand them over to Skadi, who was visiting various countries, to see if she could find the family of the owner of the puppet soldiers.

After a few days of siege, the general offensive on Treenburg began.

At this time, Marshal Yi was not on the front line where the artillery was roaring, but discussed some political issues with Marshal Carlisle in the sandbox room on the Red Island.

Although Marshal Carlisle was one of the commanders of the Alliance Army, he should not have discussed political matters with Marshal Yi, but he was the relative of the King of Boyi Kingdom and was suitable for informal communication.

The most important thing in Carlisle's eyes is the border between the two sides and the garrison of troops. It would be fine if Yi Jianguo had just conquered a small area, but now he has occupied a large area of ​​land spanning more than 100 kilometers from north to south and 90 kilometers from east to west. Although small, the combat power is against the sky.

The most important thing is that this place was the land of Boyi Kingdom ten years ago, maybe someone will make trouble.

If something happened to both sides, it would be a big deal.

Yi Jianguo pointed at the Morava River, which flows from north to south through the west of Zlin, Helburg, and the east of Dorning, and said: "The border of the garrison in the west of Yongri Principality is roughly the east bank of the Morava River, and the west of the river is Hullburg and Dorning will be renamed Friendship Fort and Fangcheng, which are the only places in Hexi where troops are stationed, and other places in Hexi will be used as agricultural development zones after the demarcation."

He didn't bother too much about the demarcation of the boundary, he just extended 20 kilometers to the west along the west bank of the Morava River. In the past, the actual control line of the Demon King's army was several kilometers farther than this.

In fact, this is also near the maximum effective range of the 130mm cannon deployed by the Yi army on the east bank of the river.

Carlisle said it was no problem, because these were the lands he took back from the Demon King's army.

Then Yi Jianguo pointed to not far south of Fangcheng, where the Diye River from the west merged into the Morava River.

The Diye River has many tributaries and a developed water system. Cargo ships can lead to a large area in the south of the Boyi Kingdom, and even to Dashuiqi Village, which is an important water channel.

Yi Jianguo continued: "I will build a port in the south of Fangcheng and set it as a duty-free trade zone. Cargo ships from the upper reaches of the Morava and Die rivers will be exempt from tolls and customs duties. A little gift for everyone."

Then he pointed to the wide estuary of the Morava River and said: "I plan to build a new city on the east bank of the estuary as the capital of the principality. This is a port city named Piran Port."

Hearing this, Marshal Carlisle, who had been silent, asked, "Why not at Tremberg? The terrain there is suitable for defense."

The marshal was still very concerned about this newly-born principality, because it broke into the southern end of the front line. If it could attack the back of the Demon King’s defense line if it went north, it was very important for the Alliance Army. It was very important to have a political center that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Charles said with a smile, "It will be taken down before the sun goes down today."

"The terrain there is too complex, the cost of urban expansion is too high, and there is no future for the flat-topped Piran port."

"I also have a plan to build a cemetery on the hill east of Tremberg."

Marshal Carlisle said immediately: "We will also pay for it."

Charles brought him a rendering of a cemetery with a large area from the side to show him.

Carlisle was shocked at a glance, and he sighed: "Such a cemetery is indeed magnificent and solemn, but the amount of work is too great and the cost is also very high."

Marshal Yi said: "It doesn't matter, it will be completed next spring. One of my subordinates is particularly good at sculpture."

Since he said it was fine, Carlisle didn't say anything.

The soldiers of the Boyi Kingdom sleep in the cemetery, and the Yongri Principality building such an unprecedented cemetery for them will gain the friendship of the military and many people.

I don't know what kind of anger Tilbi committed over there, and he was punished to bring a large amount of supplies, just in time for him to complete the construction of the cemetery.

There was basically a consensus on the border and garrison, and Carlisle asked another very important question: "Who do you plan to marry, the queen of Yongri Principality?"

"The little princess of Boyi Kingdom has a good impression of you, and you praise her very much. I think you are quite suitable."

Charles looked confused, scratched his head and asked, "Are you sure I know this princess?"

Carlisle nodded and said, "Can I know if my granddaughter and you know me? What do you think?"

Charles continued to scratch his head. The person he was talking about was definitely not Reschee and Maya, but probably the students in the Imin Academy or the students of the healing magic training class.

It's just that Charles finally said: "Let's put this aside in advance, because I have already decided on the heir of the Duchy of Yongri, not my descendant, and he is older than me, so his son will call me uncle, and there is a possibility of marriage or something. Waiting for the next generation."

"He saved my life with his own life, and I owe him a lot, so I'm going to pass this position on to him."

Carlisle's eyes widened after hearing his words, and after a while, she said incredulously, "If you are telling the truth, your virtue will be sung by the world."

It is not that there is no precedent for passing it on to others, but it is all the vassals rebelled and ascended after the servants were strong and the masters were weak.

Now Charles said that because someone saved his life, he passed on the legacy that he finally laid down to him. This is a kind of noble spirit.

At the same time, there was a wooden hut community where the port of Piran was about to be built. This was the residence of the aid experts from the Rurik Kingdom.

In a wooden house, a man who was studying road planning shook involuntarily.

"Strange?" he thought, frowning, "feeling being watched by something."

At this time, Arturia knocked on the door symbolically and walked into the wooden house, which startled the man.

He asked cautiously, "Why are you here? How did you know I was here?"

Arturia said to him with a smirk: "Charles has decided that you are the prince of this country."

Alexei, the former prince of the Rurik Kingdom, was stunned for two What is going on. "He said with tears in his eyes, "How can I be the prince here, what does Charles think, I'm his cousin, and my seniority is not right." "

Arturia smiled and said, "What else can happen, Charles sat on the throne that should belong to you, and now I will give you one back, just right."

"You should know what he thinks. Your matter has always been a pimple in his heart. If this pimple is not solved, he will feel guilty for a lifetime."

"You should also know Nikolai's idea. Although his idea of ​​splitting the base was rejected by Charles, how could he be so easy to compromise."

Alexey can only say helplessly: "Well, I'm also a junior of your queen, and there is no problem with your seniority."

It was too late, but it was fast. At the moment when the sword light reached his body, Alexei, who was already prepared, ran out of the house through the teleportation technique.