The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1464: The country is just getting started

On March 16, 2019, the first Yongri Grand Duchy International Import and Export Expo opened in Piran Port. More than 100 chambers of commerce from more than 20 countries in the four continents came to participate in the exhibition, and more than 1,000 professional buyers from various countries attended the meeting to negotiate. purchase.

The Grand Duchy of Yongri International Import and Export Expo is the first large-scale national-level exhibition on the planet with the theme of import. It aims to promote the strengthening of economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between countries in the world, promote global trade and world economic growth, and promote the development of an open world economy.

"Look at the world, buy the world, benefit the world."

In the next 10 days, guests and friends from all directions will share the grand event with open and cooperative actions, seek common development with mutually beneficial and win-win measures, create the future with the attitude of walking hand in hand, write a new chapter of integrated development, and let the light of friendship bloom dazzlingly. brilliance.

For the supply and demand matchmaking meeting, buyers from various countries conducted multiple rounds of "one-to-one" negotiations, reached nearly 1,000 transaction intentions, and signed more than 100 procurement contracts on the spot.

At the same time as the exposition, a semi-circular steel sky island for transcontinental transportation was displayed on the square in front of the Unity Palace.

On the evening of March 16, the first International Art Festival opened. In the next 10 days, there will be art groups and thousands of artists from more than ten countries and regions, bringing hundreds of stage performances and several themed art exhibitions. .

The Symphony Orchestra from the Kingdom of Rurik and the Abyss City Ballet made their debut on this planet, setting off a wave of audiences from all over the world with their high quality, high attendance and high reputation; A series of songs and plays praising the heroes who have emerged in the recent war; Maria Demon King brought a hundred-person group pole dance performed by succubus, which brought unforgettable nights to the audience.

While being well received by the audience, the International Art Festival has become an exchange event for artists from all over the world. With the festival as a link, everyone connects the best art in the world, draws art from different cultural backgrounds together, and allows artists to explore each other. Vision, learn from.



The torrential rain kept falling, and thick dark clouds covered the sky. Charles sat by the window, enjoying the fresh and cool breeze through the crack of the window.

The fairs and art festivals are over, and the busy work has finally come to an end.

During those few days, except for his appearance at the opening and closing ceremonies, he spent the rest of the time wrestling with the kings and the plenipotentiary envoys.

Compared with those open official conversations, the closed-door consultation between the leaders is the real battlefield to determine the actual interests of all parties.

In the position of national leader, Charles is still a young novice, and he doesn't quite understand the political rules of this world. During the negotiation, he is like walking on thin ice, and he finally understands what a "mine field" is.

In this regard, Alexei, Nikita and Beelzebub couldn't provide much help either. Some of the terms of the treaty seemed to be fine on paper, but Arturia felt that something was wrong. problem lies in.

To ask others, there is no trusted political creature around Charles.

Don't look at him getting along well with King Samo, but when it comes to the interests of countries, personal friendships have to be put aside.

The same is true for the other three demon kings. Don't look at the Brida Demon king as his student. He was not soft when it came to harassing the teacher in the interests of the country. If the young people were a little impatient and showed their tricks, Mr. Yi still didn't know that he was being punished. Pit.

Not to mention the Demon King Maria. Although she does some ambiguous actions with Charles from time to time, there is a precedent for throwing the blame at the home of the brave. Even if she pulls someone in the bathroom to negotiate, someone won't believe it easily she.

After looking around, Charles speechlessly found that he was absolutely trustworthy on this planet, and the only person with superb political wisdom was Mato, the prime minister of the Demon Race.

So Mato found an excuse to rest in a country house (his house is still surrounded by debt collectors and lickers), and disappeared in front of everyone under the cover of the big housekeeper.

As the leader of the demon race, Mato has in-depth research on the politics and economy of human countries. With his help behind the scenes, Charles avoided many traps.

Those old foxes found that Charles was suddenly enlightened, and even discovered some traps that would not take effect until some years later, even the next generation, so they put aside their thoughts and exchanged interests on an equal basis.

In the past two days, the Grand Duchy of Yongri signed a series of diplomatic, economic and military public or secret agreements with various countries, and those old foxes left with satisfaction.

With this experience, Charles finally understands that in the world in his previous life, a large number of think tanks must be established in the world, and many things cannot be handled by the wisdom of one or two people alone.

Enjoying the short-lived tranquility, Yi took another sip of tea, thinking that spring ploughing could begin after the rain stopped in a few days.

This year's rainy season came a little earlier than in previous years, but the construction progress of the entire principality still lags behind due to various reasons, so that they had to trouble Tyrbie House and the others to help keep several core cities from raining.

On the day of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Piran Port was sunny, but it was raining heavily on the sea not far south of the Unity Palace.

When the tea cup bottomed out, the door of the entertainment room opened, and the Demon King Maria walked in.

She was the first to sign various treaties with Charles, and after that, she went to Natis City to avenge her mother's murder.

After seeing her, Charles hurriedly asked, "I'm back, aren't you hurt?"

The Demon King Maria sat on the chair opposite him, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. After drinking it in one breath, he said, "It's okay, I have Mo Lu's token, I found that **** directly!"

"Unexpectedly, that succubus wanted to take a boat to a nearby island to hide, but a storm hit the boat on the way and blew the boat into the ocean."

"She was lucky. She walked and stopped by the sea breeze all the way, avoiding storms and huge waves, and drifted here for more than half a year by eating fish and drinking seawater."

"Hmph, it's no use escaping here. In the end, it's not at my hands!"

Charles was amazed when he heard the tsk tsk. According to Lexington, there are many storms at sea here, and being able to pick up the storm gap and float all the way can be said to be the treatment of the protagonist.

He poured a cup of tea for the Demon King Maria, and said with a smile, "Tell me something, don't laugh when you hear it."

Demon King Maria put down the teacup she had just held, and waited to hear the story with great interest.

Charles smiled and said, "I sent Brother Mixier back a few days ago. Do you know what happened to him?"

Demon King Maria thought for a moment and said, "Why, someone in his family rebelled?"

"Yeah!" Charles slapped his thigh. "The brave man from his family took advantage of his absence and entered the capital with the cooperation of his sisters and former subordinates, and finally became the new Demon King!"

"That's why, now Miksier is the hero who is going to defeat the Demon King!"

Even the Demon King Maria was well-informed, and after listening to it, tears came out of laughter.

"Oh..." she said, wiping the corners of her eyes, "you take me there when you are free another day, I have to laugh at him well."

"But it's not a big problem for him to regain the throne. This time, the big nobles he brought with him have softened their contracts, so there is no need to think about who they should support next."

Then she asked, "When are you free to take us back? I'm also afraid that I'll be gone when I go home."

Charles thought for a while and said, "The day after tomorrow, you guys will prepare for it tomorrow."

The Demon King Maria stood up, walked over and sat on Charles' lap, wrapped his arms around his neck and said, "Then you stay with me today, you will have a lot of things to do next, and it will be difficult to see you."

Charles nodded lightly, as she said, all kinds of things would come like a tsunami after the rainy season.

The first is the issue of the citizens of the principality. Among the people who have been rescued, those who have been slaves for one or two generations or even several generations will definitely stay, and these people account for more than half.

Among the rest of the captives, those officers from families will definitely leave after working for a few years, and the rest of the soldiers from civilians are the objects that Charles strives to stay.

According to Nikita, if life in the Grand Duchy of Eternal Day fails to keep them for the next few years, it will be our failure.

Secondly, the construction problem, although the community mainly "Niki Tower" finally completed the main structure under overtime work, and the subsequent installation of water and electricity was also completed quickly, but the issue of housing division is more important.

In addition to housing, the construction of infrastructure such as industrial areas, commercial areas, ports, roads, schools and hospitals will be on the right track.

These constructions require the selection and training of suitable builders from the first generation of citizens, which is the most troublesome thing.

Then there is the agricultural problem. The farms west of the Mordred River need a large number of people to reclaim. How to allocate the existing population to industrial and agricultural construction and production is not only a mathematical problem, but also a sociological problem.

The above problems are inseparable from the education problem. Among the rescued people, there are still a large number of minors. Most of the adults are almost illiterate by the standards of workers. Literacy and skills training are enough to make Charles and the people from the education mouth sleep. Not feeling well.

Then there is the medical problem. Now less than 1% of the hundreds of thousands of citizens have fully recovered. The materials consumed by medical care and nutritional supplements are enough to frighten the kings who used to count on their fingers to make their legs tremble.

Conscription can begin only after health issues are resolved, and the military expects to have enough healthy people to recruit three to four thousand recruits from it only by June.

After dealing with these, there is still the most important construction of administrative organs at all levels. It needs to be divided into several levels, and which institutions to set up have not yet been finalized, and can only be supported by the government.

Inevitably, there were some hilltop problems, or someone deliberately induced and indulged such problems, and Charles began to learn how to settle them in practice.

At present, the construction of the judicial system is the most urgent need to solve, and the four major organs of the public, procuratorial, legal and judicial organs must be established, and laws and regulations such as the constitution, criminal law, civil law, and commercial law are still blank.

Now if there is a Zhang San who defecates anywhere in Piran Port, from the perspective of "no prohibition or freedom", he has not violated the law, and can only be considered legal after the Archduke Charles said that "urinating and defecation will confiscate crime tools" can depend on.

To formulate relevant laws, there is no way to copy them, and they can only be introduced after learning from each other and in-depth research.

Many problems are inseparable from money. Although the gold in the treasury is almost the same as that blown by the wind, we cannot mess up the market by playing the piano.

You have to build up the financial institution system, not to mention the central bank and all kinds of banks.

Fortunately, many of those giant dragons with long and boring lifespans are willing to come and see other planets. This framework is barely set up, and the loan business has also started.

It's just that the deposit interest rate and loan interest rate need to be further actuated. To provide low-interest loans for merchants to purchase goods at the fair is actually because everyone has not calculated the interest. relevant feedback.

The easiest thing to solve is the coinage problem. Anyway, the gold standard system is adopted here, and it is enough to estimate the size of gold coins.

At present, Charles has no shortage of gold. The planet that Tilby took him to has died out, but their treasury is still there, so let the purple cabbage go and bring some back.

The country cannot get money without the tax system, how to build the tax system of the duchy, how many taxes need to be levied, and what the tax rate is. These issues have not yet been finalized.

In addition to these, there is also the National Legislative Assembly Citizens' Assembly to be established, which currently has only an empty building and a concurrent acting chairman.

The election was completely unfamiliar to the first-generation citizens of the Grand Duchy of Yongri. Charles and others agreed that they should be publicized and educated to let them know the relationship between rights and obligations before starting grass-roots elections, and then electing each party. senior citizen representative.

There's one more thing Charles has to deal with, but he's terrified of, and that's the annual budget battle.

Fortunately, Alexei was in front of this matter, and Charles only needed to sign or reject it at the end.

Now, whenever Charles sees the stacks of notebooks from various departments, he finally understands why Philip summoned a large group of people who copied his knowledge to help him like Artoria. Those traversers who can get things done by themselves go with them.

As Maria Demon King said, after the rainy season at the end of March, Charles was so busy that he couldn't stop.

Sometimes, as soon as he finished processing the documents in the morning, he would immediately send it to the farm on the west bank of the Mordred River to inspect the spring ploughing situation, and then he went to the port area and the duty-free trade area to the south of Fangcheng to listen to the report on the construction situation, and then met with foreign businessmen in Friendship Castle. Delegates have lunch to learn about the trade.

In the afternoon, he inspected the city and steel mills, textile mills and other projects in Baise City to understand the construction progress, and then went to Tremberg to have dinner with experts such as St. problem.

When he returns to Piran Port, he needs to deal with some documents that need urgent instructions. At the same time, he has to hold a small meeting with Alexei, who manages money and materials, and Nikita, who manages construction, to solve some problems that require him to decide. .

In the middle of the night, after Charles returned to the room, he fell asleep shortly after laying on the bed, which made Arturia sometimes have nowhere to spend money when she wanted to.