The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1476: villain at sea

Charles looked at the little gangsters, and saw that their clothes were a little shabby, they were too thin, and the daggers around their waists looked like they were.

"Let's sit down and eat a bun first."

Charles pointed to the table, then went to the kitchen and brought them a drawer of buns and a few glasses of water.

These steamed buns were just taken out of the steamer, and they were quite hot, but the little **** shoved them into their mouths without a word, and devoured them.

There was a little gangster who thought he was one-eyed and was sweating all over, he simply pulled off his blindfold to reveal his intact eyes, wiped his sweat and continued eating.

Charles looked and shook his head.

When he bought this tavern, he inquired about it clearly. The gangster here would come and collect protection fees once a month.

The money is not much, but if they don't give it, they will make trouble.

There are more than fifty people in the Octopus Party who manage the surrounding streets. They are all civilians who come here with dreams of making a fortune.

Hope Port does not bring hope to all people. Many civilians have gone bankrupt and collected enough boat fees to come here and live a life that is not as good as before.

There are many people who work as coolies in the port now, such as shopkeepers, clerks, and pharmacists who used to live a good life in their hometowns.

Some of them couldn't stand that kind of life, so they simply joined the gang.

It's just that the life of the gangsters is not easy. A large part of the protection fees they receive is from Hope Hong Kong officials at all levels.

If it was in the past, these little gangsters had already gone to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish, but now that Charles' mentality has changed a little, these people can still be rescued.

After the little gangsters finished eating, Charles said calmly: "If you don't want to be torn in half like a sea monster, just ask that stinky octopus to come and talk to me."

The little gangsters who had just eaten were stunned for a moment. They thought that the boss who invited them to eat just now was too soft, and they didn't want to suddenly cause trouble.

Charles didn't talk nonsense with them. With a wave of his hand, invisible force threw these guys on the road outside the door, and rolled down a few times, covered with garbage.

At this time, Skadi came downstairs and asked, "Do you want me to help?"

Charles shook his head and said, "Go and do your business, I'll take care of it."

Skadi said no more, took some money from the cash cabinet, and then went to the fishing port and the vegetable market to stock up.

Not long after, more than 30 little gangsters walked into the Red Killer Whale Tavern with a big gangster with an octopus tattooed on his chest.

The surrounding neighborhood was taken aback, and someone immediately went to notify Scotty who had just left.

As a result, as soon as these people entered, the door of the tavern closed by itself.

People with good deeds put their ears to the crack of the door, but not a single sound came out.

After more than an hour like this, the door of the tavern opened, and the gangsters ran out, supporting each other with bruised faces.

What happened next left the bosses on the street stunned.

Before noon, those octopus party members who were still bruised and bruised, limping with all kinds of tools, began to clean the street.

All the **** on the ground was shoveled away, and the roadside ditch that was half blocked by silt was cleaned up. Finally, a water truck came over to sprinkle water, and someone used a broom to sweep away the dust on the flagstone road.

The most surprising thing is that these guys put a lot of wooden barrels on the side of the road, and there is a sign next to them saying that the garbage must be thrown into the wooden barrels, and those thrown on the road will be beaten.

This group of people did what they said. In the afternoon, people from a restaurant peeled the beans and dumped the pods on the street outside the door as usual. As a result, these gangsters could not help but beat people into the store pig head.

When the port was off work in the evening, the gangster who pretended to be one-eyed held a wooden trumpet and announced the latest health policy for the street.

A few days later, the sanitation conditions in several blocks of the Octopus Gang improved a lot, and the shops on the next street found that there were a lot of customers, so there was no objection to the increase in the protection fee.

Octopus helped the boss to calculate an account. Although the cost of transporting the garbage in the trash can was extra every day, the overall income still increased, so he decided to hit the streets of the Starfish Gang and the Sponge Gang next month. down.

Charles is too lazy to care how they expand. Now that the front and back of the pub is clean, there are no flies, mosquitoes, and bed bugs flying around, and the protection fee is considered a sanitation fee.

This morning, Charles was doing the reckoning to see how much money he had made this month.

Although he still brought a lot of gold, he didn't use it except to buy the tavern.

"Our business is good." Charles said to Skadi with the ledger. "We actually earned three gold coins and a dozen silver coins in a month, not counting the copper."

Skadi was flipping through a stack of lists, and said without looking up, "If you don't make so much money, that's a problem."

Charles split the profits into three equal shares, one for the store's reserve, one for each of them.

After distributing the money, he said, "How about we go shopping today, we haven't officially gone shopping after being here for so long."

Scotty looked up and asked, "Is this a date?"

Charles replied: "You can think of it as a business investigation."

Skadi put down the stack of papers in his hand and said, "Then go out for a walk, just in time for me to buy something."

So Charles and her closed the doors and windows, hung up "this is the enemy", and left a sign that said "rest today" outside the gate.

The commercial area is not far from the Red Killer Whale Tavern. Many goods from the Old World are shipped here for sale after disembarking, and then merchants purchase products from the Wandao Islands to ship back here.

In addition, there are various shops here, including galleries and fortune-telling shops.

When the two came out of a gallery, Charles couldn't help shaking his head and said to Scady, "I knew that the oil painting skills here were so poor, so I would open a gallery and make money easily."

"The techniques of perspective, light and shadow, color, and even paint are still very backward here. I can hang them with one hand."

"Then you can open a gallery, too," Skadi said to him. "I don't think you've been opening a pub for so many years."

Charles thought about it seriously, and then asked her, "You're going to stay here for many years, don't you blame me?"

"How could that be?" Skadi shook his head and said, "I used to be fighting non-stop. After that incident, I felt a little tired, just to relax. There are more battles waiting for me when I go back."

Charles breathed a sigh of relief, and was worried that she would complain that he had brought her to this strange place for a long time.

"Go there and see." Skadi pointed to a fortune-telling shop.

Charles was also curious about the divination here, so he followed.

Half an hour later, Charles left with a look of helplessness. This store is a scam, and the proprietress did not have any fluctuations in magic and law power when divination.

Skadi was half a metre away from him, as if this guy had some sort of stink in his hair.

Charles said helplessly: "Please, how can I go to two sheep... alas... that kind of nonsense is unbelievable."

Skadi approached him a little, stretched out his hand and patted his back and said, "You're a normal man, sometimes... I can understand that too."

"Understood!" Charles rolled his eyes at her.

Then they came to a ready-to-wear store, which, because of its tropical location, had a lot of dresses for women.

Charles said to Scady: "It's so hot here, buy a dozen dresses for a change."

Skadi said angrily: "Why buy so much, you have a lot of money."

Charles nodded and replied, "Yes."

Skadi ignored him and chose two simple dresses to pay for himself.

Then she came to an armor store and asked the store owner to customize a set of equipment for going out.

"You're going to fight?" Charles asked suspiciously.

Skadi nodded and said, "I learned from the Adventurer's Guild that there are many huge sea monsters nearby, and I'm going to destroy them."

"It's dangerous to fight at sea," said Charles worriedly.

Skadi smiled proudly and said, "I'm a deep sea hunter!"

Charles smiled and shrugged, so let her go.

The two strolled around for a long time, and at noon came to a restaurant near the harbor for dinner.

The restaurant has three floors, with a flower-filled platform on the roof overlooking the port where ships come and go.

Charles ordered two seafood risotto. Because of the use of spices, the rice in the risotto was golden, and the rice was covered with shrimp, shellfish, squid rings and Maybe coconut milk was added to make the risotto. The rice also smells of coconut.

He also ordered a seafood platter with clams, sea rainbows, razor clams, oysters, prawns and breaded crabs.

In addition, the juice is not less, and there is pineapple-flavored slime jelly, which is enough for them to pass the afternoon.

The two ate seafood and chatted about some interesting things they had experienced.

At around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, a row of sailboats appeared on the sea, and there were more than 50 ships.

Charles thought that several fleets entered the port together and ran into each other, but he didn't care.

It's just that when he just picked up an oyster, there was a sudden sound of a horn in the port.

The port was in chaos, and those sailors, porters and others rushed towards the city, and the street suddenly turned into a pot of porridge.

Charles looked out to sea, and the row of boats hung the skull flag at the same time.

"Alas... those pirates again."

An old gentleman at the next table sighed.

Charles turned his head and asked, "Sir, will these pirates go ashore?"

The old gentleman said, "You're new here. Those pirates won't go ashore, they just stop there. They leave after asking for a ransom, but there will be another pirate tax next month."

Charles instantly understood that these pirates would come to blackmail Freeport every once in a while, and Freeport would share the money as taxes.

But he asked again: "Old gentleman, but those pirate ships have not stopped and are heading for the port."

The old gentleman was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at the sea, and sure enough, those pirate ships came over as Charles said.

So he said nothing, dropped the crab in his hand and ran away.

Braves who like to cause trouble to the brave, please collect it: () The update of the brave who troubles the brave is the fastest.