The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1477: The pirates are gone, the home is gone

In the Wandao archipelago, the greatest threat is those ruthless and ubiquitous pirates.

Numerous islands provide them with shelter, and the passing cargo ships are their coveted prey.

The city defense army of Port Hope has a fleet to maintain the route, but not long ago, the main force of this fleet escorted a fleet of gold transporters away.

Before the remaining battleships left the port, a huge explosion sounded from the bottom of the ship.

The sound of the explosion was like a signal, and a few plumes of smoke soon came out of the city, and the pirates were undercover in the city.

It was the gangsters in the city who were the first to make contributions in this battle.

Because the Octopus Gang annexed the Starfish Gang and the Sponge Gang in one fell swoop, the boss of the Octopus Gang clamored to unify the Hong Kong underworld when he was drunk, so the atmosphere in the rivers and lakes has been tense recently, and the gangsters are all ready for battle. Weapons such as machetes.

When the fire broke out in the city, some gangsters thought it was the octopus that helped, so a group of people rushed up to block the pirates in the alley and slashed.

The city defense army also began to act, and a group of soldiers rushed to the city wall between the port area and the urban area. The military port was already killing the sky.

Charles stood up and looked around for a week, and noticed something was wrong.

The speed of the sea pirate ship to the port slowed down, and a large number of birds flew out of the mountains south of Hope Port at the same time.

"The north strikes the south." Charles sighed.

Obviously, the pirate ships in the northern sea and the bombing of warships were a pretense in order to attract the attention of Hope Port, and the main force had long since landed in the mountains in the south without knowing where to land.

Although there is also a city wall in that direction, it is easy to break through due to the insufficient number of defenders.

Based on the speed of marching on the mountain road, it will take a lot of time for the pirates in the mountains to come out, which is enough to eat the bait and then turn around to destroy the main force.

"I'm going to do activities." Charles said to Scotty, patting his stomach, "otherwise the belly will come out."

Scotty also stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

Charles glanced at her belly and asked with a smile, "Why, you also have a belly?"

As a result, the Tianling cover of this product was slapped by the big sword.

"Then let's go."

Charles jumped downstairs after saying that, and Skadi also jumped down.

An ice elemental phoenix flew towards the sea with the two of them, and the city defense army did not know whether it was an enemy or a friend for a while.

At this time, the magic crystal cannons on the fort on the city wall began to fire, but the pirate ship seemed to have pinpointed the range of the cannons and kept going in and out at the edge of the maximum range.

A pirate ship turned a corner under the skillful operation of the helmsman, and the fiery red magic crystal cannonball hit the sea not far from it, blasting a water column ten meters high.

The magician on the pirate ship opened the shield, and the shock wave of the shell did not cause any damage to the hull.

Just when the magician sneered, he was shocked and raised his head in a hurry.

At some point, a snow-white circular magic circle with a diameter of ten meters has been formed above the bow of the ship and less than the mast height.

The magic shield was as ineffective as the paper paste, and the icicles smashed through the decks of the pirate ship, leaving a large hole several meters in diameter in the bottom of the ship.

The wooden pirate ship sank quickly, and the pirates who were still alive jumped into the sea, when they found that the surrounding sea water had dropped to a very low temperature.

The magic circle did not disappear after blasting the pirate ship, and the pouring ice element froze the surrounding sea water into a large block of ice in less than a minute, freezing the wreckage of the ship and the pirates.

The pirates on other pirate ships were stunned. The sudden attack left them puzzled. They didn't know if it was an ultra-long-range attack on the shore or what the situation was, let alone when this attack would come for the second time.

Before they could figure it out, the same attack appeared again.

Another pirate ship was blasted by an icicle, which then froze the ship and the pirates together.

At this time, the sharp-eyed pirate finally found something flying in the sky in the direction of the sun.

At this time, Charles stood on the back of the ice element phoenix, holding a golden wand in his hand.

The shape of this wand is very similar to the scepter used by Loki in "Avengers 1". At the top of the slightly curved golden wand body are two silver-white crescent blades, one large and one small, and the back-to-back blades are inlaid with A white top-quality magic crystal.

Behind Charles, Skadi's temperament was different from before, very much like some kind of power sleeping in her body had awakened.

Infected by this power, Charles felt that his magic power was much greater.

The pirate ship began to counterattack towards the target in the air, but whether it was magic, arrows, or javelins, they all deviate strangely when approaching the target.

Charles manipulated the ice element phoenix to fly over one pirate ship after another, and cast the forbidden spell "Snow White Sheep" to defeat them one by one.

The city defense troops on the city wall saw that the pirate ships were destroyed one by one as if they were named, and they couldn't help but let out cheers resounding through the sky.

In about two hours, more than 50 pirate ships were all destroyed, and it is unknown how many pirates will survive in the end.

Just when Charles and the others flew back to the sky above the city wall, there was an anxious horn sound at the city gate in the south of Hope Harbor and a black smoke representing the enemy's attack.

The city gate here has become a **** on earth.

Because they thought that the pirates were going to attack from the sea, many people planned to leave the city from the south gate and hide in the mountains and forests to the south.

And Charles made a mistake. If he marched in a queue, there would be enough time for him to destroy the pirate ship and kill it again.

But in the mountains, there is not much discipline to speak of, the pirates run wild, and the marching speed is faster than the army that needs to keep the queue intact.

When the pirates rushed out of the mountain, the twenty or thirty pirate masters who were hiding among the fleeing crowd immediately attacked.

The pirates suddenly broke the latch of the city gate, and at the same time slashed the soldiers and the fleeing people in the doorway indiscriminately.

The city defense army did not check for a while, and the doorway was occupied by pirates.

The more than 5,000 pirates who rushed out of the forest ignored the small farms between the forest and the city wall, and rushed towards the city gate along the dirt road that usually delivers agricultural products to the city. .

Other citizens who had already left the city were frightened and panicked by the swarms of pirates, and some of their heads were still awake and began to run to both sides.

When Charles arrived, the fighting in the doorway was raging.

Those pirates had already destroyed the hinges of the city gate, and after lowering the city gate, they built a simple fortification with the corpses and carriages on the ground.

The city defense troops defending the city gate tried to retake the doorway, but the main force here had been transferred to the port side, and the remaining soldiers became hesitant after launching two useless charges.

There is also an east gate and a west gate in Hope Harbor, where one can escape.

Just then, Charles and the others arrived.

Until many years later, people present still remember a silver-haired girl with a big sword who fell into the sky. She wielded the big sword and the back of the pirates and the fortifications in the doorway were deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

After Skadi solved the enemy in the doorway and came to the top of the city gate, Charles was ready to cast spells.

I saw him put the wand in his hand to the ground, and a group of flaming tree stumps and pea shooters appeared behind the crenels on both sides of the city walls, and a corn cannon appeared on the top of several arrow towers and watchtowers.

Those pirates are already close, and the first thing that comes to them is a flaming pea. These flaming peas are the first to take care of the magician, followed by the pirates with long-range weapons.

Charles determined the position of the masters in the pirates through the soul vision, and a huge corn was used to clear them.

The city defense troops under the city gate poured into the doorway and set up a defensive formation in the hole.

A few soldiers with large shields came to Charles and Skadi, and put up their shields to help them defend.

Ignoring the casualties caused by the pea shooter and the corn cannon, the pirates charged towards the south gate with red eyes.

A small officer with a shield shouted in surprise: "Oh my God, they have drunk mushroom wine!"

Charles didn't know what mushroom wine was, but he knew that it was some kind of stimulant since the pirates rushed to the south gate even if one of their arms was broken.

The city defense army in the doorway was the first to feel the problem of such pirates. A pirate did not fall down after being pierced by a spear in the stomach, but held the spear shaft to push forward, pushing the soldier with the spear back. fall.

For a time, the morale of the city defense army was shaken by the fear of the pirates who were not killed. The trembling hands could no longer grasp the weapons, and the defense line became precarious.

Charles felt that Skadi was back at sea again, and she said, "My skills can last an hour."

After Skadi finished speaking, her body floated a little off the ground, a sea-blue light sphere appeared around her, and blue and orange birds flew around.

She sang a song that no one could understand, and along with the song, circles of blue and orange circles spread around.

The city defense army in the doorway suddenly felt greatly inspired by the singing and the halo, and the courage came back, and at the same time, he found that his strength had also increased.

Even Charles found the pea shooter and corn cannon a lot more powerful.

The perseverance in the doorway finally waited for reinforcements. The first to arrive were the guards and adventurers of the major chambers of commerce in the Those chambers of commerce immediately shrank their strength to protect themselves after learning that the pirates were attacking, and waited until all the pirate ships were captured. After the news that the main force of the pirates was in the south of the city came, these chambers of commerce immediately sent a small number of people to support.

After the arrival of this reinforcement, with the blessing of Skadi's skills, a very high combat effectiveness broke out. In ten minutes, the pirates in the doorway were cleaned up and a counterattack was launched.

Afterwards, the city defense troops who were originally in the direction of the northern port ran over on the city wall. Some of them strengthened the defense around the city gate, and the other part went out of the city to destroy the pirates.

Skadi's skills were over, she wobbled a little when she landed, and Charles hurriedly supported her back.

At this time, the overall situation was settled, and Charles took his magical powers and went back to rest with a slightly tired Scotty.

It's just... When they returned to the Red Killer Whale Tavern, they found that they were greeted by the ruins of the past.

At the beginning, the pirates felt that this tavern was a little famous, so they prepared a lot of grease and kindling to burn here to cause chaos.

It took the pirates a little longer to bring things over, and Charles was at sea destroying pirate ships when they started to set fire to it.

A large number of the Octopus Gang were in the newly-constructed block. When they arrived, the fire in the tavern was out of control. They had to demolish the adjacent buildings with others to prevent the fire from spreading.

The enchantment of the tavern kitchen prevents people, mice, and flies from collapsing. The collapsed house burned all the advanced kitchen equipment inside, and even caused the explosion of magic crystals in the equipment, making those equipment out of repair. value.

Seeing the tragic situation in front of him, Charles didn't come up in one breath, and fainted in the dark.

Braves who like to cause trouble to the brave, please collect it: () The update of the brave who troubles the brave is the fastest.