The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1485: inspect the farm

The biggest problem facing Charles at the moment is the problem of eating.

Nikita reported at yesterday's meeting that, excluding the materials seized earlier, it is estimated that the food self-sufficiency rate of the entire Yongri Grand Duchy will be about 1% until the summer harvest this year. This percentage is still returned by the navy.

Even after the summer harvest, the main grains are barely balanced in theory, and the problem of vegetables and edible oil is not big, but the meat gap is still very large.

Livestock have a longer growth cycle than corn, and they also need to leave a large number of breeding stock behind.

On the Mordred River now, cargo ships pull in grain, livestock and other raw materials, unload the cargo in the duty-free port area south of Fangcheng, and then leave with soap, paper, salt, seafood and other materials.

In order to increase the supply of meat, the farms have tried their best.

Charles and Beelzebub came to a pasture, and leaned on the railing to watch the farm workers harvest the pasture.

The grass planted here is called "sweet grass" by the locals, and it comes from the Demon Lord Miksier *now it should be called Miksier Brave. He has been busy with business recently and has no time to regain the throne that was taken by the former Brave. on that continent.

This forage is a relative of sugarcane. It has a little sugar content but no value for sugar extraction. It has the advantage of high yield and strong tillering ability. Soon a new crop will grow again.

According to the calculation by the agricultural experts of the Rurik Kingdom after sampling their origin, the content of crude protein and crude fat of this forage is the highest when it grows for 30 days, and it will gradually decrease after that. Nutrient content will drop by half.

Therefore, "sweet straw" can be harvested once a month when it grows to more than half a meter or almost one meter. It can harvest 6 to 7 stubbles in a year, and the yield per mu is about 10 tons. If fertilization is applied, the yield will be higher.

However, experts believe that it has a disadvantage, because it grows on a hot continent, and theoretically it is not cold-resistant. I am afraid it cannot stand the winter when the snow on this continent can bury houses. Therefore, special greenhouses need to be built in order to keep seeds.

In addition to this shortcoming, it also has a troublesome place, because the sugar content is relatively high, so it attracts insects, but raising chickens in the ground can solve this problem.

In the field, a small grass harvester driven by the head of a walk-behind tractor is mowing down grass about 70cm high, and a few people are using pitchforks to load the grass on the ground to another vehicle with a bucket next to it. on a walk-behind tractor.

When the harvester drives to the edge of the pasture, the driver above will come down and take over another person's pitchfork to drive, as will the tractor that transports the pasture.

Many people want to drive a large tractor, that is a mighty and domineering handsome.

But the old driver from the Rurik Kingdom said that you should learn to drive the small one first, and then drive the big one after the small one.

It's just that now there are more people and fewer tractors, so now each person drives a line, and then changes to drive.

Charles nodded and said: "This is not bad, it can train a large number of tractor drivers, unlike some farms who draw lots and make everyone very unhappy, next month's production corps experience exchange meeting, let the company commander here make a report. "

"However, egalitarianism is a must. To choose the best professional driver, others must be able to use it, so as not to be blinded when it is your turn to drive."

Beelzebub had already taken out a notebook beside him and recorded the leader's instructions.

This is the advantage of professionals. If you know what a leader's instruction is, you need to write it down immediately. If you change to Mengxin, you will think that the leader is chatting with yourself.

Charles looked at the pasture for a while, thought about it, and then said: "We must give full play to the favorable conditions of the production corps farm with good soil quality and good irrigation conditions, and closely focus on the early start of agricultural construction and the relatively sufficient technical strength to make the production corps commander. The Ministry is the main starting point, comprehensively promote the optimization of agricultural structure, demand production from technology, promote agricultural machinery planting, standardize the use of chemical fertilizers, strengthen the training of technical personnel, introduce high-yield crops, and explore a..."

Beelzebub, holding his notebook and pen, quietly waited for the next paragraph for about ten minutes.

Charles considered again and again, and finally said: "Explore a new model of efficient and high-yield agriculture."

After Beelzebub finished recording, he instructed: "'High-efficiency' should be ahead of 'high-yield', and three or five days later, write a few news articles on the introduction of new crops, and focus on mentioning..."

Speaking of which, Charles got stuck again.

Leaning against the railing of the meadow, he clenched his chin and thought.

This year's introduction is not only the "sweet straw", but also some crops and livestock from other continents and even other worlds. Experts in agriculture have been very enthusiastic about this recently.

Just now he wanted to mention the issue of species invasion and infectious diseases to throw cold water on the experts, but he immediately thought that he was an alien species. What if someone made an article about this?

Although this is an agricultural matter, it is very troublesome to be used by conscientious people to "infer others".

After thinking for a while, Charles said to Beelzebub: "I wrote two news about the high yield of introduced crops like this sweet straw grass in the past few days, and then organized a staged achievement seminar on the introduction of crops and livestock. will participate."

He decided that the introduction of crops still needs to be publicly reported, and the negative issues are dealt with internally in small circles.

This is how publicity works. First, set an "excellent" score for the audience and let them be preconceived, so that even if there is a deduction item later, as long as it is not a serious problem, it will only become "good" at most.

After studying in the party school for a few years, and being a magician who "speaks and follows the law" for several years, Charles has a deeper understanding of his own opinions.

Just like he just emphasized that "high efficiency" should be ahead of "high yield", because now that there is an infinite energy system, many people use equipment such as large tractors casually, and even take them for a ride, without considering the spare parts of these equipment, Even lubricants need to be shipped from home.

Efficiency is the priority now, and the cost calculation will definitely not run away. When leaders at all levels find that the consumption of spare parts is greater than the normal value, it is estimated that some people will be hung on the shovel of the excavator.

The two walked all the way to the farm of the farm. In addition to raising chickens, there are also some cattle, sheep and pigs here. The factory building for the production of white jade meat is still under construction.

As soon as I got here, there was a burst of music from the loudspeaker on the nearby light pole.

When the lunch break came, the employees from all over the world finished their last work and then went to the cafeteria to eat.

Skadi emerged from the vicinity and reported that there had been no news of their arrival here before, and everything was going according to plan.

Charles said: "Then I'll look around first, and then go to the cafeteria to eat later."

They walked around the farm and saw that it was in good order on the surface, but many details were not in place, and a full score of 100 could get more than 70 points.

You can't be too demanding. The workers here were slaves not long ago, and they have only been trained for one or two months. Moreover, a large number of people have not yet maintained their health. It would be good to be able to improve steadily.

When they finished walking through the farm, they headed to the canteen.

There are two types of lunch today, one is corn buns with a small bowl of stewed lamb shank, and the other is everyone's favorite "Hope Rice".

The so-called "hope rice" is actually the mutton cut into similar-sized pieces and boiled in water. At the same time, the spices are boiled and poured into the water. After the bubbles are removed, the rice is put in.

When eating, each person has a bowl of rice cooked in mutton soup and a piece of mutton cooked together.

When everyone first came back from the rescue, not many people were cooking, so someone came up with such a simple and convenient method, which was quickly popularized.

At that time, many of them could not eat meat seriously in their entire lives, and some families had to count up until their grandfather was captured to eat mutton.

Many people who have nourished their stomachs are in tears when they eat this kind of mutton rice for the first time.

Later, they called this kind of rice that brought hope in life to themselves "Hope Rice".

Now the practice in the cafeteria is a bit different. The mutton is still cut into the same pieces, defoamed and boiled in a pressure cooker for a while, then put a piece of meat and a tablespoon of soup in each rice bowl, and then quantify the washed rice Put it in a bowl, and finally put it in the steaming cabinet to steam the Charles walked and watched in the canteen. In addition to the meal, everyone also had a bowl of mutton bone soup with vegetables. Although there was not much meat, the staple food was Satisfying him.

But then the accident happened.

Now the food is in short supply, and the farm eats a large pot of rice, and each person has a ration every day. As many people are on the farm, there are as many lunches as possible.

Charles and the others came to inspect without saying hello in advance, so they didn't have their share of the meal in the cafeteria, and there were only some lamb bones left in the soup pot.

So, Charles, Beelzebub, and Skadi listened to the somewhat embarrassed farm leader's report while nibbling on sheep bones in the farm's cafeteria.

Fortunately, the aunt in the kitchen was smart, and immediately stirred up a plate of batter, added some salt and spices for cooking mutton, and then poured it into a few trays of steamed buns and spread it into a thin layer, and then put it in the steaming cabinet to steam it. Cooked, finally shoveled out and cut into pieces.

Charles tried it and it didn't taste bad.

When the aunt was in a hurry, she used a table for cutting raw mutton, so that three days later, the front page of the "Yongri Evening News" specifically emphasized the issue of food hygiene.