The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1487: Raise it as a daughter

"What are u doing?"

The cute little Arthur looked at Charles curiously with his lollipop in his mouth.

For the past few days, she has come here every day for a circle.

The shovel in Charles's hand stopped, pointed to a big hole by the river under the hillside and said, "I'm going to dig a stick to communicate there."

Little Arthur asked again, "Why did you dig a trench?"

Charles replied, "I'm going to run a water pipe up there so that sheep and human droppings can be collected into the pit."

Little Arthur's face suddenly turned black, as if he heard something very bad.

Ignoring her expression, Charles continued: "I am going to plant alfalfa by the river. When the manure is fermented in the pond, it can be used to fertilize the alfalfa. When the alfalfa is harvested in autumn, it will be stored and fed to the sheep in winter."

Arthur didn't care at all about feeding the sheep, she was here for other things.

"When will you finish digging?" her emerald eyes looked hopeful at Charles. "I want to hear your story!"

There aren't many entertainment programs these days, especially for children like her.

Charles saw her come to play when he was making furniture that day, and when the chair was ready, he would break up with her when he was resting.

"Once upon a time, there was a country where there was no food growing in the dry land, and the whole country was starving. The king asked the ministers, what should we do now? The wise minister replied: Your Majesty, I have three plans. You can choose one of them. The first one, His Majesty can distribute food to us from the grain depot, and we help the hungry people. The second one, His Majesty can take money from the treasury, and we help to buy food abroad. Third, attack France."

The innocent little Arthur asked Charles, which one would you choose?

Charles replied with a smile, I'm not a king, how do I know?

Little Arthur returned to the castle with a head full of question marks, and told the story at dinner to his adoptive fathers, Sir Eckert and Merlin, as well as his adoptive brother, Kay.

Just as Kay was talking to her about which to choose, Sir Eckert and Merlin looked at each other and saw the shock in the other's eyes.

In fact, there is only one of these three plans, which is to take the opportunity to obtain food or money from the king's hands.

People who can tell such stories are definitely not ordinary people.

That night, Merlin decided to meet the shepherd for a while.

He was tasked with raising the future King of England, making sure that no one with ulterior motives appeared around her.




Then he was blasted by a potato mine into the creek under the hill.

The last person who came to negotiate with Charles and the others was Sir Eckert, who was the lord here and the shepherd's boss.

Sir Eckert came in broad daylight, when Charles and Diana were busy in the house.

He didn't enter the door, but just stood outside and heard the sound of two people discussing cost accounting and sales expectations for wool and mutton from inside the house.

From that long list of calculations, Sir knew that these two people had a wealth of knowledge. There are many people who can't calculate how many legs a sheep has four legs and five sheep.

So Sir Eckert agreed to little Arthur to come and look for them.

"Hurry up!" Little Arthur was a little impatient.

Charles stuck the shovel on the ground and said to her, "I'll ask you a question, and if you can answer it, I'll tell you a story."

"Okay!" Little Arthur jumped up with joy, "Everyone says I'm very smart."

Charles smiled sinisterly and asked: "An army wants to build a camp. The camp is a hundred paces long and wide. At the same time, it needs to dig a trench two paces wide and one deep outside the camp. Then, dig this How many people and how long does the trench take?"

Six-year-old Arthur couldn't answer that question, she thought hard, but had no clue.

Charles smiled and said, "Don't worry, if you can't think of it today, you can do it tomorrow, if you can't think of it tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. You will come up with it one day, and then I'll tell you a story."

After he finished speaking, he continued to dig trenches, dug a few times and looked back. Little Arthur's eyes were full of tears, and he was about to cry.

It's too bad to make a little girl cry, Charles can only compromise with her.

He said to little Arthur: "The trench I'm going to dig here is about two hundred steps down, half a step wide and half a step deep. You dig it once and know how many days it will take to dig such a trench, and then you can figure out how long it will take to dig a trench at the campsite. How many days has it been?"

As the saying goes, those who can achieve great things at the age of three are those who are not afraid of hardships and have great perseverance. The future King Arthur showed his extraordinary perseverance at the age of six.

More than a thousand years later, a team of British soldiers came here for training. The soldiers dug out a section of u-hard ceramic pipe wrapped in asphalt while training trenches on the hillside.

The archaeologists who heard the news further excavated and found the site of the stone septic tank below the pottery tube and the site of the stone house above.

A generation of legendary King Arthur embarked on the beginning of the king's road "Pendragon Valley" was found to be a sensation all over the world.

The six-year-old King Arthur took the test and was finally taught the way of kingship by a hermit from the East. The story of the last unification of the British Isles spread all over the world.

For more than a thousand years, the identity of the hermits has been a mystery.

Europeans say they are French, because King Arthur mentioned that he learned French geography here.

Oriental scholars say that they are from a family that moved westward as a result of wars during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, because a large part of the "Story of Wisdom" compiled and compiled by King Arthur can be found in ancient Chinese books, and they also brought with them the crop.

Others say they are Koreans, and if they don't accept it, they are not objective Smecta.

But even more fascinating is the legendary "shepherd's treasure".

According to the autobiographies and oral accounts of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, when King Arthur fought against the Anglo-Saxon invaders from the European continent, he took out countless gold from the cellar of the stone house of the shepherd, as well as the legendary weapons of King Arthur.

Don't think about gold or anything, but in historical records, King Arthur ordered his loyal knights to return their weapons to the cellar when he was old.

Archaeologists did find the entrance to the cellar in the Shepherd's Stone House ruins.

When the cameras of major media around the world were aimed at the slate door of the cellar that was about to open, everyone forgot that King Arthur wrote in his memoirs: "My greatest wish is to go back to that time and slap myself."

"Do you still have a conscience?!" Diana silently looked at Charles who came back. "I knew this and let Artoria come here, and how would she deal with you when she saw you did this."

Charles shrank his neck and said, "Don't say such terrible things, how is the business doing?"

They are for the lord to herd sheep, and they have to hand in a certain amount of wool, mutton and sheep cheese on time.

If you can count them out, you can eat it yourself or sell it, but it's a bit difficult at the previous level.

Shaving the wool is not a problem for them, slaughtering the sheep is easy, and the haggis is theirs, but making cheese with sheep's milk is very troublesome.

But there is a small monastery in the town, and the nuns in it can make cheese because they can't eat meat during fasting and use cheese instead, and they are very busy.

So when a nun comes to buy goat milk, the two decide how much goat milk you want and then squeeze it yourself. After milking, you can take it back with you. Goat milk doesn’t cost money, just replace it with ready-made cheese.

The nuns are very simple and immediately agreed to this transaction method. Anyway, for them, making two or three cans of goat's milk cheese in a few days is almost the same as making ten cans of goat's milk cheese every day, and the shepherd also promised the extra cheese. It can be sold directly to people in the town, and part of the proceeds will be donated to the monastery.

The transaction was recorded when a missionary monk settled here, and later economists saw it as the germ of a monopoly, as the shepherds had a monopoly on milk production and the monasteries had a monopoly on cheese making and Sales.

Seeing that the business was doing well, Charles went to the firewood to find wood to make a gadget.

Sheep and people all eat salt. It is not far from the Droitwich Salt Mine, where rock salt was dug during the Roman occupation, and merchants selling rock salt pass by from time to time.

Human-eaten rocks are not a problem for Charles, who also has some reserves.

He intends to hang a few pieces of rock salt in the sheep pen for the sheep to lick themselves, and to make a small shelter against the rain at the same time.

When the shed was ready, Diana made lunch in the house.

The lunch staple was bean stew, and in the morning Charles caught a few birds in a snare set with fine twine and roasted them.

During the meal, Diana said: "Have you noticed that your first two infinite streams have important gains."

As the so-called bystander Qing, she found something interesting after analyzing Charles's two missions.

She continued: "You master the realm the first time you stream infinite, and you bring back a lot at the same time."

"The second time, you came into contact with the prayer system and figured out part of the work of the gods. This is something that mortals, even transmigrators, have never been involved in."

"I think there are huge benefits behind the tasks that the God of Space has given It depends on whether you can find it or not."

"Perhaps, this is the main reason why He gave you the task."

Charles froze for a moment, stopped the spoon in his hand, and began to think seriously.

"I can't think of it." Finally, he shook his head, "Let's go with fate. This kind of thing depends on chance and fate."

Diana nodded slightly, let's talk about this when we have a clue.

Then she said with a wicked smile, "what are you going to do to little Arthur, I think she's quite attached to you."

Charles squeezed his chin and replied seriously: "Let's raise her as a daughter, how about that?"

Diana pondered for a while, "Okay!"

It's just that someone's daughter development plan suffered a setback from the beginning. Why doesn't his daughter have a beautiful little skirt?

But he chased little Arthur up three hills, but failed to persuade her to put on a skirt.