The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1506: development direction here

The winter in Landeny is not too cold. When December comes, the minimum temperature is above freezing point. Occasionally, light snow falls on the ground and melts faster.

It's just that it is humid because it is close to the sea, and the wind is blowing constantly, so it is not very pleasant in winter.

A group of carriages slowly drove into Amstel and walked towards the Governor's Palace.

As soon as the motorcade stopped, a dozen young people in the carriage got off and ran to the bathing area near the Governor's Mansion.

In the system of the Loma Empire, the main officials in various places are appointed by the state, but clerks such as secretaries can be freely used by the leaders, so don't go too far.

After hundreds of years of development, local middle and low-level officials have long been divided up by local families, and a close and complex relationship network has been formed. Only the first and second leaders are appointed by the emperor, forming a balance.

Charles took office as the governor of Landeny Province this time and brought more than 20 secretaries. Although the number is a bit large, it is also within the balance range, so the local snakes don't care very much.

These secretaries were selected with the assistance of Polimeni, the emperor's chief think tank, when he was still in the imperial capital. At that time, someone gave a professional ability test paper to young people who were interested in his subordinates. He Shen discussed the test paper, followed by an interview, and finally selected these more than 20 young people who met their own standards.

What surprised him was that many of these young people were scholars in the fields of architecture, agriculture, handicrafts, mining, metal smelting, etc. In addition, some were studying writing, taxation, mathematics and other knowledge.

But what is even more surprising is that those young people and Polimeni, as usual, do not know everything when they are bosses, and they will rely heavily on their secretaries when dealing with specific work. As a result, during the group interview, His Excellency Charles knew everything. Even the postpartum care of ewes speaks volumes.

Not long after Charles arrived in Amstel and settled down, he brought about a dozen secretaries, five men and five escorts led by Hozenplotz, and a team of five men and women under the command of Captain Demper Mozavan. The ten-man team went to all parts of Landeny Province to conduct in-depth inspections at the grassroots level.

They have been gone for two months. When they left, it was early October, and when they came back, it was already December.

During this time, Charles inspected the XIX Corps stationed on the border, met Borja, who had become a centurion, and then went to the other six towns and several villages in the province to conduct research, and followed Huo Zhenpu. Luoz went deep into several larger bandit camps and had a long talk with the bandits to understand their living conditions and demands.

On the way back, Charles announced that all the entourage would take a five-day leave to give everyone a good rest.

"Welcome home, sir." Bo Lei, who was wearing a maid's dress, greeted him at the gate immediately, "Do you want to eat or take a shower first?"

Charles reached out and touched Little Loli's head and asked, "How are you doing with writing and math?"

When she first set out to go to the grassroots level, Polly wanted to go with her, but was rejected by Charles, who told her to stay and learn writing and mathematics with other clerks.

"I've learned it!" said Polly triumphantly, her ruby ​​eyes full of pride.

Charles couldn't help saying: "Your eyes are so beautiful."

As a result, Little Loli blushed when he said it.

There were original servants in the Governor's Palace, and just as Charles sat down in the dining room, a large plate of mutton steamed buns was served.

After eating and drinking, and taking a beautiful bath, Charles was hugged by Loli and slept until noon the next day.

When he woke up, he saw a pair of rubies twinkling in front of his eyes, and Polly was leaning against his arm, looking like it had been a while since he woke up.

"Awake?" Charles patted Little Loli's head lightly with his right hand.

Polly gave a soft "um".

Charles said to her softly, "Can you leave first?"

Polly's eyes suddenly became foggy, and she asked with a little weeping voice: "Does the lord not want me?"

"No, no!" Charles said hurriedly, "It's just that you numb my hand."

At this time, there was a burst of laughter in the distance, the sound was very good, as if a few girls were laughing when they encountered something that made people happy.

Polly immediately left the bed, quickly dressed and ran out of the bedroom with an expression on her face as if she was going to slaughter the gods.

After washing up, Charles came to his office and asked the servant to bring some food.

Not long after, Boley brought a few steamed buns and a cup of tea. God knows what the meat in the steamed buns is. Charles has already seen quite a few unique local animals.

Others can rest for a few days, but Charles can't rest yet.

In two months, he had a simple understanding of this place and had a preliminary idea in his heart.

In terms of terrain, the large rivers here are relatively fast, and there are many small rivers in the hilly area in the north to the lowlands in the south. As a result, there are many swamps and wetlands in the south.

As a result, there is not much arable land in this place. It needs to bear the supplies of the 19th Corps and the state tax. The farmers are under great pressure. Most of the bandits in the mountains are farmers who can't bear the pressure and escape. The days of reclaiming wasteland and farming are a little better.

It is worth mentioning that there are iron ore and coal mines here, as well as the iron smelting industry foundation, but the technical level... Charles shook his head.

In terms of trade, Amstel is a fairly lively seaport. Many cargo ships traveling between the east and west of the mainland and other continents rest here, driving the local trade and tertiary industry, but there are not many specialties and supplies. Inadequate limits development.

Charles sat at his desk thinking for a long determined the direction of the development of this area.

The first is agriculture, the swampy areas in the south can be operated as agricultural development areas.

The specific operation is to start from the high-lying areas, excavate drainage channels and cofferdams to drain water from the swamps, and at the same time dig canals to change the waterway, reduce the inflow of swamps, and turn the swamps into farmland.

In terms of iron smelting, Charles frowned and let the iron smelting technology here reach the level of the Western Han Dynasty. The goal is the level of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

He has done this in the world of little Arthur, and he is familiar with it.

Then he also planned to adjust the tax, and only levied a nominal tax on the merchants who came here to sell grain and wine, and the merchants who purchased distilled wine from here and sold it elsewhere. ensure food security.

Although he still has a lot of things to do, he needs to eat one bite at a time, and he has to take it step by step, otherwise he will tear his eggs if he takes too many steps.