The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1516: Goblin Defense System

(?ω?): "Do you have anyone here who can peel?"

(???): "There are some."

('??`?): "Okay, I want wolf skins, and all the meat and bones are yours."

ヾ(?▽?): "Thank you, then... the wolf whip..."

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll): "What?!"

(?°???°): "Hey..."

(?˙▽˙?): "Hide in the wolf's skin, wrap it up."


As soon as the muttering was over, Liu De came over, "What are you talking about?"

Charles hurriedly said: "I see that the walls in the village are too bad, so I ask the village chief why it is like this."

The village chief said with a frown, "We also wanted to use a stone wall as high as the house, but we couldn't do it. We didn't have so much money and labor, so we had to stick the wooden stakes on the ground."

Liu De was quite familiar with Charles, so he said to the village: "Then you'd better ask him what he can do, he has a lot of ghost ideas."

Facing the eager eyes of the village chief, Charles began to think.

After walking two villages, he had a preliminary understanding of the place.

The productivity of the village is not good, it is about the same as before he took over the Landeny province, and there is also a shortage of manpower.

This led to the insufficient defense level of the village, not so much human and material investment, just fences and simple wooden walls.

To establish a time-saving and labor-saving defense system, only the simplest ones can be used.

"I have a simple idea," Charles said. "I'll start with the simplest."

He and the village chief came to the fence beside the farmland, and this circle of fences surrounded the fields developed by the village.

Charles said to the village chief, "You should know that there are several kinds of plants with thorns on their bodies in the nearby mountains and forests, and a thorn will hurt people."

The village chief nodded quickly and said, "I know, we stay far away from them when we go to the mountains to collect firewood."

Charles pointed to the outside of the fence and said: "You can plant those outside, they are not as delicate as crops, they will grow quickly, and then there will be a circle of thorns five or six paces wide around the village, I think it is normal Goblins and Beasts will have a hard time getting in."

He remembered a long, long time ago when he was still in elementary school before he crossed the road. His mother's factory used to have an unused space behind a fence. Usually, no one went anywhere. People often climbed the wall from there. Entering the factory to steal things was a headache for the security department, so the factory manager asked the gardening department to plant sisal there.

Later, the Security Section was occasionally there to rescue thieves who had jumped off walls and were stabbed.

I just heard that there was a fatality, so I replaced it with bougainvillea.

"Yes!" The village chief slapped his thigh, "Why didn't I think of it!"

"This way we can plant the walls further out and plant more ground!"

After he finished speaking, he decided in his heart that those secret wolf kidneys that he originally wanted to keep will also be sent to this adventurer. Such a good person should be rewarded.

In fact, Charles has no bottom in his heart. It is not a big problem for the wall of thorns to block the beasts that destroy crops, but the effect in front of the goblins remains to be studied.

To this end, he found a goblin expert.

It is difficult but not difficult to ask brother to kill a handsome boy. It is basically impossible to find him to eat and drink, but it is different to talk about goblins.

Charles knew that he would definitely go back to the ranch to report to the cow girl whenever he had the chance, so he made an appointment with him in advance to visit the ranch with two pounds of seasonal fruits on his rest day.

This day, Brother Sha Liangzai was maintaining his weapons and equipment at the place where he lived, and Charles saw his true colors.

It's just that this pretty boy with thin skin and tender flesh doesn't look very good. He doesn't seem to have enough rest. He has dark circles under his eyes, but he doesn't know if he has lost his hair.

And judging from his past behavior, he has mental problems. His long-term high tension and paranoia about killing goblins have caused him to have some abnormal behaviors. For example, he can eat and drink like ordinary people with a helmet on.

Charles turned on Ningshen's halo, and then went straight to the point and explained in detail whether the wall of thorns could stop the goblins.

Brother Sha Liangzi thought for a long time after listening to it, and this touched his blind spot of knowledge. He really hadn't thought about how to build a defense system.

He is not a fool. After Charles provided ideas, with the help of professional knowledge and rich experience, he finally got the answer.

"Yes." Brother Killed Pretty Boy replied, "Poisonous thorns of sufficient density can stop ordinary goblins, but they can't deal with teams with goblin spellcasters, goblin heroes and the like."

Charles nodded. "That's enough for now."

"In the past few days, I have collected all the records of tasks and events related to goblins in the adventurer's guild, and compiled a statistical table of factors that led to the village being destroyed by goblins."

"According to the analysis, a team of about 10 to 20 ordinary goblins accounted for the vast majority, causing the most damage to the village."

"The biggest reason the village was breached was the lack of defense and the weak defense system."

"As long as the casualties caused by this factor can be reduced, the damage caused by goblins can be greatly reduced in general."

"The defense system can be divided into personnel, weapons and fortifications."

"The road has to be taken step by step, to solve the problem of the fortifications first, and then solve it slowly later."

Brother Killing Pretty Boy said after listening, "It's a good idea to be able to kill goblins."

This answer came as no surprise to Charles.

After talking about the business, Charles felt the need to pay attention to the mental health of the younger brother.

If the string is stretched for a long time, it will break, and it would be miserable if he goes crazy and sees everyone like a goblin.

"What kind of books do you usually read?" Charles asked.

Brother Killing Liangzai replied, "Is there time?"

Charles smiled and said: "Books are the carrier of human wisdom. The wisdom of countless people is higher than the wisdom of one person. Human beings are progressing through continuous learning."

"So I suggest you read some books, maybe you can find a way to kill goblins that you didn't think of."

Brother Killing Liangzai seemed a little moved, and said softly, "Really?"

"Why don't you try it." Charles said, "I see from the guild's task list that you take a day off every few days. You might as well try to spend an extra day to concentrate on reading in the next three months. If It doesn't work anymore."

Brother Killing Liangzai quietly cleaned his chain After a while, he nodded.

"I'm going back first." Charles stood up, "I'm going to find a house with my partner. It's hard to find a clean place."

He just said something casually. Who knows, Brother Killed Pretty and said, "I know where there are clean houses, but no one lives in them for a few years."

Charles frowned, when did you become a real estate agent, brother?

Then they came to a wooden house by the river outside the town. The wooden house was a little old. From the traces left, there should be a waterwheel outside, but it is gone now.

"This is the residence of a previous client." Brother Shaliang knocked on the door twice and pushed open the wooden door, "She has gone to another world, entrust me to dispose of the leftovers, you can live here. "

There are only some dusty tables, chairs and cabinets left in the wooden house. The waterwheel outside the house is used to automatically lift water, and the space inside the house is not small.

Charles used his mental power to scan the house, there was no trace of decay and termites, and after finishing it, he could live with Liu De.