The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1528: village guard battle

Autumn is here, and the crops in the fields are about to be harvested.

A thirteen- or fourteen-year-old boy stood on a ten-meter-high watchtower, nervously watching every move in the woods ahead.

Suddenly, the teenager found something moving by the forest.

He rubbed his eyes, focused his attention, and found that goblins rushed out of the woods.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The bell on the watchtower was rang, and the villagers threw down their farm implements and rushed to the sheds where they rested by the field. They put on thick armed clothes and wooden shell helmets, and then took up weapons such as shields and long spears. Gather near the gate of the Wall of Thorns.

The armor is made by stacking many layers of strong linen cloth and sewing diamond-shaped lattices with thick thread. It is still a little difficult to cut through with the strength of ordinary goblins.

Not to mention that there is a cloth vest sewn like a "sole sole" on top of this dress. If the goblins used stone spears, they would definitely not be able to wear them.

This kind of armed clothes is quite time-consuming to make. It takes about half a month to complete a set, but there are many people in the village who can do needlework, and many people can be found to do this work during the slack in winter.

Some villages simply send the materials directly to the farmers' homes, and they are responsible for their own equipment. If someone dies because of substandard quality, it is also your family's business.

The villagers who were afraid of death came up with various enhancement patches on their armed clothes. Those who had money bought some iron pieces and sewed them in, and those who had no money just stuffed some wooden boards.

The shape of the helmets of the villagers is similar to the cool helmets of the Vietnamese, and their protective ability is naturally not as good as that of steel helmets. However, the price of this helmet is quite cheap after the hydraulic lathe, and the village can afford it.

In addition, this helmet has a layer of hood that hangs down to the shoulders when fighting. This kind of cloth hood, which is also made of the same process as the "shoe sole", looks similar to the beekeeper. Only the one in front of him is empty.

Although this set of equipment is not light to wear, it is not important to survive.

Especially this kind of armor can give everyone confidence and not panic when facing goblins and ordinary beasts.

The goblins in the distance rushed towards the village gate, and the boy on the watchtower set up a crossbow made of bamboo and shot at the goblins who ran at the front.

It's just that the distance is too far, the deviation is too large, and the crossbow arrow pierces the thigh of a goblin behind.

That was enough, the poison on the arrow made the goblin fall to the ground after just two steps.

The goblin holding a bow and arrow in the back aimed at the watchtower with a bow. The boy was so frightened that he immediately crouched down, and then untied the rope on the side, and the wooden curtain like a blind was immediately lowered.

This is a method that came up in the nearby village. The people in the watchtower can see the outside through the gaps in the planks, and the rough bows and arrows in the hands of the goblins can't do anything about this at a long distance.

"You go down."

A strong man with gray hair climbed up the watchtower and let the boy down.

The retired adventurer was very prestigious in the village, and the boy walked down the watchtower down the stairs without saying a word.

The situation in front of him made the retired adventurer frown. There were more than 20 goblins in the group, and one of them was a goblin shaman.

Moreover, these goblins did not directly attack the gate on the wall of thorns, but most of them were noisy in front of the gate, and five or six goblins tried to pass through the wall of thorns.

But these thorns have grown for more than 20 years, and the inner branches are dense and tough, and it is very difficult to cut them with a knife and a dagger.

It's not that there are no goblins who thought of setting fire. They encountered it once in a nearby village two years ago.

It's just that the biggest role of the wall of thorns is early warning, and the fire is enough for the villagers to retreat to the village wall to defend.

After repelling the attack of the goblins, the village was filled with thorn seedlings, and then a witch and her daughter were invited to cast spells in the adventurer's guild in the city, and they basically recovered in half a day.

The shaking thorns gave a good indication of the location of the goblins who were trying to pass through the wall. When they were more than four meters away from the other side of the wall, the villagers started their next move.

The peasant women who do farm work all day are very strong. Two or three of them hold a six-meter-long super-long gun together. First, they set it on the fence hole behind the wall, and shout slogans at the swaying position of the thorns. Just a scream.

Except for one of the super-long spears, which was stuck on the thicker thorn strips, all of them were harvested. When they were retracted, the spear heads were all stained with goblin blood.

There was no movement in the wall of thorns, and the goblins outside let out an anxious cry.

The peasant women did not relax, and they stopped after stabbing several times in a row.

Next, they will pay attention to the movement of this wall of thorns, and if there are goblins, they will stab it again.

Even if there are goblins going through the wall of thorns, it's okay, people have upgraded this defense system in practice.

Behind the wall is a circle of fences two or three meters high. The holes in the fence are not large enough for the goblins to get through. When they climb up, they will expose their belly to the person on the opposite side of the fence.

The retired adventurer on the watchtower blew a small horn with a specific signal, and the men behind the gate suddenly became nervous.

They were lined up in two rows behind the door in a "∧" shape to form a pocket. In front of them were the horses that had been placed by the door. At the same time, they stuck the pointed tail of the kite shield on the ground and hid their entire bodies behind the shield. , the long gun in his hand stretched out.

In the next battle, what they have to do is to keep stabbing the spear in their hands, and shove the spear head into the green body before the weapon in the goblin's hand hits them.

Taking advantage of this time, a few people pulled up a few ropes on the feet of the horse, ready to trip over the goblin who rushed in.

This is also what people have figured out from many years of fighting. Goblins lying on the ground are better than jumping around.

Some villages also prepared pegboards, waiting for the goblins to fall and lie on their backs, and it was very effective against beasts.

There was a knock on the door, but this door was made of very strong wood, and the crude weapons and strength in the hands of the goblins might take a while to be effective.

The sound rang for about ten minutes, the wooden door was still standing there, and the shouting outside seemed impatient.

There was a trumpet sound from the watchtower, and the villagers behind the gate immediately stood up and stepped back five steps before re-establishing the defense line.

The goblin shaman outside made his move. He waved a simple magic wand, and a magic blast hit the wooden door, and the thick wooden door suddenly turned into pieces.

The door opened, and the goblins roared excitedly, then rushed into the village like stray dogs.

However, there is still a big killer waiting for them in the village.

At the top of the villagers' "∧" array are three shelves placed on the ground. On the shelves are a thick wooden stake more than one meter long. White smoke.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three pine cannons facing the gate were fired almost simultaneously, and the fist-sized stone projectile flew towards the gate at a very high speed.

At such a close distance, the goblins where the stone bullet passed were all broken and broken.

Especially the goblin shaman standing in front of the gate just finished casting the spell, with a big hole in his chest.

It's not realistic to equip villages with metal cannons, but weapons like pine cannons are fine.

The Goblin was still alive outside the village, and he didn't know whether to advance or retreat for a while.

On the chessboard of the gods, a dice of "" stopped quietly beside a village chess piece.

The luck of this village is very bad, and another group of goblin groups of about 30 is also playing the idea of ​​this village, and the time has caught up.

As soon as the group of goblins arrived, they saw the door to the village wide open, and rushed over excitedly.

At first, the group of goblins rushed into the village excitedly when they saw someone of their kind approaching.

The hand-to-hand combat begins.

A few peasants stood guard in front of the pine cannons with wall shields, while someone behind them extinguished the fire in the barrels with mops soaked in water, and then began to load gunpowder and shells.

A pine cannon could only fire three times, and now they had six shots left.

The heavily armed peasants had already returned to the back of the line of defense, and took advantage of the opportunity when the goblins had just entered the door and their attention was fully in front of them, stabbing the spears in their hands towards their sides.

What these farmers have practiced most over the years is shield blocking and stabbing targets with spears, and they are not newbies who have never seen blood. It is not the first time that beasts and goblins have entered the village. No worse than stabbing your wife in bed.

For a time, the group of goblins were blocked behind the door in the open space surrounded by horses.

Behind the farmer, their wives and young children also put on armor, and some threw javelins at the goblins, and some attacked with slingshots or short bows.

At this time, there was another cannon shot, and a pine cannon used four relatively small projectiles this time to clear the goblins on a small fan in front.

One of the projectiles flew a little higher and smashed the goblins outside the gate to pieces.

The farmers on both sides suddenly scolded, because the instructor had said that it was forbidden to use shotguns in this situation.

Fortunately, the angle of the formation is sufficient, which is greater than the angle of spread of the shotgun, otherwise the village would have been killed by its own nonsense The tragic casualties seem to arouse the blood of the goblins, and the group who came over The goblins rushed into the village with their shields up, led by the leader who was two laps stronger than the other goblins.

"Boom! Boom!"

The other two pine cannons used a large projectile this time, and there were two blood paths extending out of the door in an instant.

The goblin leader, who happened to be standing in the middle of the **** road, was blinded when a pebble shot from a slingshot slammed into his face and instantly burst one of his eyes.

Two flaming javelins were stuck on his shoulders and legs one after another, and the hot flames burned the clothes he had stolen from him.

The torch-like goblin leader ran to the side in a panic, and was finally stabbed in the throat by a long spear.

The remaining ten or so goblins lost their morale and turned around and fled towards the woods outside the village.

At this moment, there was the sound of horses' hooves and the sound of a saber being unsheathed from outside the village.