The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1529: before the war

"Whether it's a gust of wind or a blizzard,"

"Or the blazing sun,"

"The sun is scorching hot during the day,"

"The night drips into ice,"

"Even if the wind blows,"

"We're still in a good mood."

"Our muskets are roaring,"

"Through a raging storm."


Amidst the singing of the soldiers, the girls in the village danced cheerfully by the bonfire.

At the end of the battle with the goblins during the day, an advance party of an army happened to pass by and hacked to death the goblins who were trying to escape back to the forest.

Subsequently, a force of more than 600 people was stationed outside the village.

The villagers quickly recognized the name of the unit, the Dragoons, from their red uniforms, muskets in their hands, and the dragon's head on the flag.

After Charles began to throw out various kinds of knowledge, they were quickly digested, absorbed and promoted because of the pressure and demand of the war. In the end, the preconditions for the emergence of steam engines were available in less than ten years.

A few years later, the flintlock rifle using Mignet was finally introduced under the kind care of Charles.

Ten years ago, the barracks of a thousand musketeers trained by Charles were attacked by local dragons.

That day was the day when the Musketeer Army reported the training results in front of the big bosses.

As a result, when the dragon stopped to brew magic and confront Charles in the air dozens of meters high, Liu De commanded the musketeers to break the fire decisively.

Long was hit by a flintlock gun and a 3-pounder cannon that increased the elevation angle through the soil **** to form a shower. In the end, he died due to excessive blood loss. When he fell, he broke the pigsty.

Fortunately, in order to welcome the inspection of the bigwigs that day, all the pigs in the pigsty were pulled and slaughtered, and no pigs were killed by smashing.

From this day on, the mounted musketeers were given the designation "Dragons".

In the next ten years, the Dragoons made great achievements in the battle to eliminate the Demon King's subordinates, and the number of them expanded to more than 10,000.

At dawn the next day, this dragoon troop set off early after having breakfast, and came to a huge barracks area in the afternoon.

From the air, the square camps formed a huge chessboard, and countless troops and convoys transporting supplies from all over the place flowed into the ocean of this army like a stream.

More than 20 kilometers away from the barracks, Charles and a group of people were barbecuing in the garden, holding a three- or four-year-old child in his arms.

It has been more than 20 years since they came to this world. During this time, the world is slowly changing, and the people they knew before have gradually changed a lot in the passage of time.

Charles cut up a small piece of roast chicken thigh and fed it to the child he was holding with a fork.

As a result, this baby didn't want chicken, but had to eat crispy chicken skin.

"Teacher!" A big girl in her twenties came over and took the child away, "Don't give him so much food!"

Charles replied with a smile: "It's okay, children eat more and grow faster."

The eldest girl glared at him and carried her son to the circle of young people next to her, leaving behind the middle-aged men.

Charles said to the uncle brother who was roasting chicken legs next to him: "your daughter has the same character as her mother, and is too strict with her children."

Brother Killed Uncle and didn't talk, because everyone has been familiar with it for so many years, and this guy will definitely turn the topic to his wife.

Uncle Gun, who was roasting chicken wings across from him, said to Charles deliberately and viciously: "If you want to tease the child, tease yourself, don't always play with my grandson!"

Uncle Dajian Meng next to him also interjected: "I remember, this time, the hero is also on the front line."

Charles pouted, these three guys used this place as a boarding kindergarten and a school when they were young, and they all brought their children here. As a result, a group of little kids were childhood sweethearts, and these three are now mutual. relatives by marriage.

Especially the elder brother killed the uncle. No one would have thought that he had the most children more than 20 years ago. Who made him a good woman?

As for Xie, there are quite a few people in his scandal, from the Sword Maiden to the Brave Squad to the Lord's daughter, but none of them have been confirmed by him.

Especially the brave girl and her teammates, who lived here from their teens to their twenties back then, so that a group of people were betting on whether their child was a boy or a girl.

At that time, the output of the steel plant under the guidance of Charles increased significantly, and the Demon King sent his subordinates to try to assassinate him.

The assassination naturally failed, but the local lord reported it to the king, so the king invited the brave squad to keep Charles safe.

The result was that the energetic but somewhat stubborn brave girl was a little too much at first, not only became Charles' little tail, but even when someone went to the pub to eat with friends, she had to taste whether she was poisoned.

Charles couldn't say anything, so he started teaching them math in his spare time.

Everyone ate barbecue and chatted about the interesting things from the past, but there was a little dullness behind the laughter.

Recently, Charles has distributed his property to the younger generation.

Many people think that he has a lot of gold, but in fact the currency he has now is enough for daily expenses. The most valuable is the collection of books in the small building that was originally built on the training ground on the other side of the river.

Now that the building was empty, Charles gave all the books in it to his students and the people who had come to him to ask questions.

Everyone understands that the Demon King's army of 300,000 is slowly approaching here, and armies from all over the kingdom are gathering here, and Charles is preparing for the worst.

As first-class adventurers, Uncle Brother and the others also have the task of assisting the army in defending this rear city.

After today's barbecue, the old and weak women and children in the city will be evacuated tomorrow to the cities in the rear to the nearby villages. They will also be evacuated after the autumn harvest.

Now all the juniors who eat barbecue in the garden have been trained by Charles to become experts or professional technical talents in a certain field. The king personally ordered to ensure their safety and let his sister be responsible for this.

Charles helped the king optimize the logistical support work and improve the battle plan of the strategic reserve team some time ago. The day after tomorrow, he will go to the front line to assist in the battle like the first-class adventurers recruited from all over the country. Investigated.

When the moon rises, today's barbecue meeting is over.

Charles sat alone on the swing, listening to the last autumn bugs in the garden.

He and Liu De could see that the war was for them.

They did a statistic two years ago, and the power of the Demon King in the kingdom was almost swept away, and the survivability of adventurers was greatly improved after the popularization of steel armor.

Goblins, who originally posed a serious threat to the grassroots, are no longer a problem. First, the defense of the village has become incomparable. Second, with the acquiescence of the king, the caves where the goblins live are not humanely obliterated. , No matter whether there are any captured women or not, once the cave is discovered, it will set fire to the cave and pour poisonous smoke into it. After the goblins are suffocated and the entrance of the cave is blocked, it will not penetrate into the interior at all.

Up to now, after discovering a cave with goblins, adventurer guilds will organize people to carry two buckets of asphalt and firewood to go there, ignite the asphalt in the entrance of the cave, and then seal the cave with canvas or the like~www.mtlnovel. com~ Once a large group of goblins began to smelt steel and forge weapons in the northern region under the blessing of a local god, and finally assembled two or three thousand heavily armed goblins.

In the end, the local garrison, militia, and adventurers surrounded them several times. First, the catapults threw explosive packs, then the pine cannons fired shotguns, and then the army marched steadily forward to compress their space, and finally wiped them out.

The leading goblin paladin was miserable, and was beaten into briquettes by the adventurers with flintlock pistols.

The other villains were also quite miserable. Some labyrinths were simply transported into barrels of black gunpowder, then ignited, and then the collapsed entrance was sealed with concrete depending on the situation.

In this case, the strength of the Demon King's side is greatly reduced, and the balance of victory is constantly tilted towards humans and other lawful races.

This is not allowed for the local gods who maintain the balance of the world, and they cannot directly attack Charles, so there is this attack of the Demon King's army.