The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1554: Sunrise in the East, Protestantism estab

On a seemingly ordinary day, Lord Kebowen led an army of nearly 1,000 people from Fort Abdelles in the southwest of the territory to Fort Garmic in the northeast.

On the way, Lord Kebowen suddenly felt something, and ordered the team to move due east, and soon came to the seaside.

There is no sandy coast here, only 100-meter cliffs standing in the waves.

Lord Kebowen stood alone on the edge of the cliff, facing the sea, and the surging waves below constantly bombarded the hard rocks.

It was a gloomy day, and the wind was blowing from the sea. The bodyguards wanted to persuade the lord not to stand in such a dangerous place. If he fell, his body would be lost.

It's just that when they approached Lord Kebowen, they felt an indescribable aura from the Lord's body, and everyone knelt down on one knee in unison.

Soon after, it rained heavily, the wind swept over everything, and the lightning kept breaking out of the dark clouds.

Lord Kebowen was still standing on the edge of the cliff like a nail, and the sea below was roaring more and more.

The torrential rain, gust of wind, and lightning seemed to be avoiding him. Not a single raindrop fell within a radius of more than 100 meters. The strong wind that could uproot the tree was as gentle as a spring breeze, and the lightning that ignited the tree did not dare to take a step.

Thousands of officers and soldiers kneeled reverently on the sheltered ground, calling out in their hearts that this was a miracle from God.

Time passed little by little.

When the morning sun rose from the east, the rainstorm ceased, the gale rested, and the sea became as calm as sleep.

Lord Kebowen turned, the rising sun behind him.

"I got the revelation from God."

"The only true **** in the world led me to heaven, where there is a volcano that erupts beer."

"God said he created our world by drinking a lot of beer."

"The true God is the only ruler of the world, and people should believe in the only true God."

"The ignorance and social and moral degeneration brought by the belief in false gods to this land is the root of all suffering in the world."

"After death, the soul is immortal, and the souls who believe in false gods and do many evils will enter hell, drinking horse urine and horse dung every day, and the souls who believe in the true God and human beings will enter heaven, where there is an endless supply of beer and delicious noodles. , I live in a place that is warm in winter and cool in summer, and there are steel vehicles that don’t use horses when traveling…”

"Those who believe in the true God, regardless of nationality or race, are brothers and sisters. We should unite to eliminate vendettas, eradicate underworld forces, prohibit usury and exploitation, reduce tax burdens, and do charity to help the poor and the weak, and treat everyone kindly."

"Brothers and sisters should live together in a world where old age can end, the strong can be useful, the young can be taught, and the widows, loneliness, and the sick can all be supported."


When the sun rose to the highest point of the day, the prophet Kebowen finished all the content of "God's Revelation".

At this moment, huge wine glasses suddenly appeared above everyone's heads.

This wine glass is more transparent and flawless than crystal. It can be seen that the golden liquid inside is bubbling, and a layer of white and flawless foam floats on the surface of the liquid, and there is a smell of wine.

Prophet Kebowen took down the wine glass above his head, held it high, and said loudly, "If there are brothers and sisters who are willing to join me in believing in the true God, serving the true God, and spreading the gospel of the true God, please drink the beer bestowed by the true God with me."

The soldiers and officers present were first shocked by the miracle of invincibility, and then firmly remembered the teachings that Lord Kebowen had just preached in their hearts, and they were already convinced in their hearts.

They are all civilians and even military officers. Many of them have been oppressed and exploited by the landlord class to a greater or lesser extent in the past. Many people even cannot pay taxes or owe usury, and even have been caught on the road after being arrested. Sold as slaves to Kebowen.

Right now, the true God who preaches equality for all and lightens burdens has won their approval right away.

Everyone present drank the wine they had never drank before and joined the big family of believing in the true God.

When everyone finished drinking, a book appeared in front of them.

This book is made of silver-white metal pages, and the spine is a row of rings made of stainless steel. The pages of the book are written in gold with the revelation of the true God, which is heavy in the hand.

At the moment of holding the scriptures, a white light flashed in the minds of those who were illiterate, and then they found that they were literate.

At this point, a new religion was established.

Because everyone is facing the direction of the rising sun to listen to the divine revelation, this religion is called "Eastern religion".

For the next three days, the Prophet Kebowen led the crowd to study the contents of the Divine Revelation.

After the study, these first generation believers began to spread the teachings of the true God within the realm of Kebowen.

Charles himself, so tired, slept for days in a room in Chereze.

Because he has the experience of being a magician, he has been running around in the past two years and researching both the high-level and the grass-roots level. Therefore, writing "Shenqi" according to the actual local situation is familiar to him, but in order to round out the content, he still It took him a lot of energy.

Then there is the "miracle" at the beginning, not to mention anything else, but so many glass beer mugs and metal "God's Revelation" can make him get tired, not to mention the additional people on "God's Revelation". The literate "grandfather plugged in".

Charles thought to himself, fortunately, he had an excuse to go out before, no one knew that he had slept for so many days at once, and when he got up, he had cobwebs all over his body, otherwise he would cause trouble again.

He came to the window sill, opened the curtains and pushed open the shutters made of wood, and a fresh wind blew away the dull air in the room.

In the alley downstairs, a pair of young students happened to have a meeting. The boy seemed to have just said something funny. The girl holding his hand kept laughing, and the beautiful fringe on the turban kept swaying.

With the establishment of McGarden College, more and more scholars and young students brought their families, and the town of Chelez quickly prospered.

Like the landlord of the house that Charles rented anonymously, the couple rented out the house and bought a lame workhorse with the rent, and then moved to live in the village outside the town, where they bought live chickens, Foods such as eggs, cheese, and fresh fruits and vegetables are sold to acquaintances in the town who cook.

Because they are all close relatives, those close and far relatives are willing to sell their own things to them, and the two bamboo baskets on the back of the pack horses are full every day.

And the bandits who used to be wary every time they go out don't have to worry anymore. In the past two years, those bandits who were heavily in debt have been hung on the city wall to dry, and those who were not a big deal were arrested and sent to reclaim wasteland for labor reform. Those who do not work hard and only use it as a background board to scare people have already gained freedom and have lived a normal life in the new village after a year or two of labor reform.

In the past year, I often heard that there are pirates and pirates from other places coming here, in order to have a piece of land of their own after a few years of reform through and then start a normal family.

There have been rumors recently that in order to solve the problem of gender imbalance, the lord is going to buy women from other continents. At that time, whether the bachelors can get a daughter-in-law depends on whether they like you or not.

With this kind of rumors, many prisoners of war and bandits in the re-education through labor who were captured in the Battle of Fort Gamich suddenly became motivated.

This rumor is true.

If you open the map, you can find that the newly built villages are roughly distributed in a "?" shape.

This is convenient for management. Eight to ten villages in a roughly circular arrangement can form a township, with the township office, market, church, college, medical hall, blacksmith shop, and carpenter shop all at the center of the circle.

Second, the textile workshops in the townships are also planned to be located in the center of the circle, so that workers living in the villages can commute to and from get off work.

The most important problem now is that the work level of the grass-roots staff is really sad. Some people want to do something good, but there is no good way. The end result is a mess, and they need to focus on training.