The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1607: an enemy too strong to defeat

The latest website: "It seems that we guessed wrong."

Instead of panicking at the sudden attack, Linda turned her head calmly to talk to Diana.

"So we thought that their target was the father." Linda sneered, "I didn't expect it to be me."

The city lord's mansion was ready last night. The magic shield was fully activated at the first time to stop the flying fireball. The guards and knights in the mansion immediately entered their posts, and the military camps nearby and outside the city were also in a state of preparation. , Soldiers and Gryphon Knights can be dispatched in five minutes.

Linda had a reason to be confident. As long as there was less than half an hour, the army would be able to encircle the incoming enemy.

Sneak attacks and assassinations are the first to be concealed, and it is impossible for the enemy to send a large number of people. In general operations, there are only a dozen or so teams at most.

Even with the participation of the Juggernaut, he will be injured a little when facing the encirclement and suppression of the army.

The battle between the masters of this level will inevitably lead to defeat as long as one side has a flaw. If the enemy's juggernaut is injured here, there is only one way to die when facing the same level of the Bischberg kingdom.

Linda didn't think that the enemy would block the life and death of a swordsman on her body, so as long as she aggressively pushed the opponent back, there would be no problem.

But what happened next made her stop laughing right away.

Two layers of black hemispherical enchantment isolate the city lord's mansion from the outside world, and the personnel who cast the enchantment are protected between the enchantments.

The city lord's mansion was suddenly dark, and the street lamps on the edge of the square in front of them thought it was dark and turned on themselves.

In the square, someone released a magic crystal cannon from the storage ring, aiming at the magic shield of the City Lord's Mansion.

The magic crystal cannon lit up with golden lines, and then the gun muzzle shot a golden light bombarding the magic shield of the City Lord's Mansion.

The golden light illuminated the entire city lord's mansion, the entire magic shield shook violently, and the hearts of the people behind it also beat violently.

Many people began to pray to the gods in the sky, and the magic shield in front of them must be strong.

In the end, the magic shield blocked the first blow of the magic crystal cannon, but the color was much dimmer.

The floor tiles on the square suddenly moved, and deep pits appeared one after another, and thirty fully-armed golem puppets emerged from them.

These golems were arranged by Diana to guard the city lord's mansion. As soon as they stepped on the ground, they rushed towards the magic crystal cannon.

As a rule, a magic crystal gun needs a cooling time of one to five minutes after firing.

But the enemy thinks the value of the target is much higher than a magic crystal cannon, and before it cools down, it fires again after a few breaths.

The second shot was aimed near the intersection of the magic shield and the ground, and by the way, the golem puppet in front of it was blasted into pieces.

The golden beam of light penetrated the ground and directly bombarded the magic circle body of the magic shield. Snowflakes instantly appeared on the entire magic shield.

At the same time, a figure flashed near the magic crystal cannon, and Dineqi walked between the golems and puppets like a stroll in the courtyard.

Diana stood behind the window and saw this scene, thinking that this is not the way to go, so she took out a controller and pressed the self-destruct button.

The body of the golem who was attacking Dinezzi and the golem that fell to the ground exploded violently at the same time, and countless metal structures swept across the square like a storm.

Just as Diana pressed the self-destruct button, the magic crystal gun fired the third shot.

The golden beam of light bombarded the lingering magic shield again. This time, the magic shield lasted for two seconds and finally turned into a light spot with a "bang" sound. And scrapped.

Just like a signal, more than 20 people rushed out of the house surrounded by the black barrier all around the square in an instant, forming a formation and rushing towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Diana regretted it a little, if only the golem puppet exploded at this time.

The City Lord's Mansion also started a counterattack. A team of heavy knights stood guard at the door, archers shot arrows behind the window, and the magician also began to prepare large-scale magic.

At this moment, arrows like raindrops shot out from the smoke and dust of the golem's self-destruction. Several magicians and a dozen or so archers were caught off guard by Ding Nei's volley.

Uncle Rhine roared and jumped out of the window, like an angry lion rushing towards Dinez in the square.

As soon as the two met, it was a reckless fight, and the shock wave that exploded blew away the surrounding smoke and puppet wreckage.

Rhine's strength was a little worse than the strength shown by the Juggernaut, and he couldn't help but take two steps back.

Dinezzi did not miss this opportunity, and swung his sword towards the flaw that Rhine had exposed.

Rhine could only raise his sword to block, and then fell into a hard fight.

The city lord's mansion had already fallen into a hard battle. Although the guards were all elites, the enemy was even the most elite of the elites. When they attacked the key points, several guards would bleed as soon as they fought.

At this time, another group of magicians rushed out from the side of the City Lord's Mansion, and they attacked the archers upstairs.

A flaming dragon suddenly flew out of the window, and Diana held the Dragon's Penance - Fafna's Soul Sending Staff to release the dragon soul energy at the top.

But this team of magicians are not mediocre, and the magic shield cast after the magic power is synchronized blocked the blow.

Before Linda could react, Diana jumped out of the window and killed the team of magicians.

Twelve cones with dark green stripes of emerald as their pointed tips and silver-white metal as their bases flew around Diana's side. These emerald floating cannons floated around her, and when she casted magic, they would launch an identical of magic.

For a time, she was like thirteen people, and she beat the enemy in a hurry and it was difficult to deal with it.

The enemy's magician also launched an attack after reacting, and the magic that killed one after another flew towards her.

But these magics disappeared in an instant by Diana's side, as if they had never existed.

She also has the power to break the magic, and the magic of the enemy does not work in front of her.

After a few breaths, Diana's left hand was attached to the fist of the magic-breaking power, smashing the stone wall cast by the opponent, and rushed into the magician team.

She waved the Dragon Soul Staff with her right hand, and the sharp metal claws at the top of the staff slashed a magician's throat. At the same time, a "Bobosha" appeared in her left hand, and after a while, it swept away several magician.

Those magicians were not to be outdone. Two magicians cast spells with their left hands, and took out self-defense revolvers with their right hands to shoot at her.

But they forgot those emerald float cannons.

A thick rock wall instantly appeared beside Diana, and the bullet propelled by the explosion of black powder had no effect in front of it.

The Emerald Floating Cannon took this opportunity to cast fire-breathing magic, and even ignited the propellant in the bullet casing.

And Diana came out of the rock wall at some point, and the Dragon Soul Staff pierced the neck of another magician from behind.

In less than two minutes, the team of magicians was wiped out by her.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the square, and Uncle Rhine, covered in blood, flew out and smashed into the window on the third floor of the City Lord's Mansion.

Dinezzi looked okay, turned and rushed towards Diana.

Diana held up Bobosa at him for a flurry of bullets, but they were all dodged.

Then Diana fired another long burst at Dinezzi, but just like before, the bullet was either dodged or blocked by the long sword and jumped aside.

Although Dinezzi doesn't like new things like firearms very much, it doesn't mean that he won't study them.

For him, just keep an eye on where the muzzle is pointing to know where the bullet is going.

And his domain is to perceive any detail in the surrounding environment.

This made Diana feel vigilant in her heart. The enemy was approaching. She threw away Bobosa, and the Dragon Soul Staff and the Emerald Floating Cannon were facing forward at the same time, ready to launch a covering shot.

Dante Nezzi's method was far beyond her imagination, throwing several shots at her heart, liver and lungs and other vital points of the body.

Diana didn't dodge or switch to defensive magic. Relying on the mithril chain armor on her body, she hard-connected the flying knife, and at the same time cast a series of white-hot fireballs.

The mithril chain armor blocked the flying knife, but the huge impact made her snort in pain.

The white fireballs used highly compressed fire elements. Dineqi suffered a small loss, but they were all flesh wounds, and he couldn't even slow down his speed.

In the blink of an eye, Dinazzi had already rushed to Diana's body, raising his sword and slashing at her head.

Diana raised the Dragon Soul Staff to block it, but the huge force she imagined did not appear. The long sword made an incredible circle around Dineqi's wrist and sent the staff flying from bottom to top. go out.

A huge pain came from her right hand, and Dinezzi chopped off her index and middle fingers wearing the storage ring.

Diana's storage ring was given to her by the twin princesses in Chapter 36 from the Villingen Kingdom back then, and Dinezzi from the Villingen Kingdom naturally recognized it.

So Dinezzi immediately cut off her finger wearing the storage ring, lest she take out any more weapons.

Ignoring the injury to her right hand, Diana immediately raised her right foot and kicked Dinezzi, preparing to use the recoil to open up the distance.

Dante Nezzi noticed that her left foot was about to jump back, and immediately turned to her behind and slashed with a sword.

The mithril chain armor blocked most of the sword's power, leaving only a few deep flesh wounds, but the whole person flew ten meters away.

Dinezzi stood there, looking down at the five bleeding wounds on his chest.

These five wounds are very similar to the claw marks of beasts, but the cut surfaces are smooth and and they also carry some kind of strange energy, which prevents him from healing the wounds.

Dinezzi was very aware of what had just happened. When he just turned around, the woman's left hand waved, and then five invisible sharp blades slashed across her chest.

His eyes suddenly turned red, and since he became a Sword Saint, he hadn't shed blood for many years.

With anger burning in his heart, Dinette turned around like lightning and threw his sword towards the woman.

Dineqi made a decision in his heart, the five wounds should be returned to the five swords, the first four swords cut off the limbs, and when everything is over, take her away and take care of it, and then finally make up for the sword from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, Dinezzi suddenly saw Diana use her left hand to draw a man-long staff from a leather bag the size of a palm.

The staff is black and has a bird on the top that looks like a fat chicken.

Dinezzi's heart was beating wildly, realizing that the great danger was imminent, so he increased his speed.