The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1609: gift for mother

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Barnett I was very sad and locked himself in the study for three days and three nights, not letting anyone in.

He couldn't understand why the sure thing had failed so completely?

Especially Dinezzi, how could someone who can kill the Juggernaut appear in the city of Prato, and his head is still intact.

And there was Earl McGarden's team in the city at that time, but they all evacuated immediately after the war, and then Charles McGarden, Charles Medivh, and Arturia Pendragon appeared together.

Other information shows that McGarden's staff began to be scattered into the city two years ago, and they usually live like ordinary people. It was not until this incident that their true colors were revealed.

The problem behind this is complicated.

The first is the problem of Dinez, and the Bischberg Kingdom will definitely use him to make a fuss.

There are many students of Dinez, and if he is abandoned, it will definitely make people feel chills, but admitting that he is assigned by the state will have the problem of attacking other countries in violation of the war of gods.

Although the temples usually don't care about the affairs of the secular regime, once they step on the line, they will have various conspiracies to clean up you.

Especially now that the space gate has not disappeared in the knowledge city, it is easy to fall into the hat of a public enemy of mankind.

Barnett I thought about it for a long time and felt that it was a good idea to throw the pot on the demons.

On the bright side, it was announced that Dineqi had secretly joined the Demons, and was ordered by the Demon King to lead people to Prato to kidnap Linda.

At the same time, he assigned several prestigious students of Dinezzi to arrest his family, in fact, they were secretly escorted to the remote Salt Lake City in the northern wasteland to live in seclusion for a few years to avoid the limelight.

The second question is whether McGadon and Medivh are the same person.

The question is important because Diana, Medivh's woman, was badly wounded by Dinetzie, and if Medivh were McGarden, the ensuing revenge would be tricky.

If they are not the same person... It seems that with the attributes of McGarden's loving wife, it is reasonable for him to take revenge.

Barnett I felt that his head was about to explode. Now the nobles of the Villingen Kingdom are intervening in the wool industry, and the McGarden family is very good at talking in the northern wasteland. If it is not handled well, I am afraid that a single wool will not come in. It can only be cheaper than the Biberach Kingdom in the east.

The laughter of Queen Rose already appeared in his mind at this time.

And what McGarden really thinks about Linda, and why there are his people lurking in Prato, it needs to be figured out.

After much deliberation, Barnett I sent Queen Mei Mi to run as Charles's mother's best friend to find out if there was any room for manoeuvre.

Thinking of this, Barnett I suddenly felt very tired, but didn't want to rest, so he decided to go out for a walk.

There was still some time before sunrise, and he decided to go to the top of the Villingen Tower, the pride of the kingdom of Villingen, to sit.

The Villingen Tower, which was built three years ago, was finally about 310 meters high and used nearly 10,000 tons of steel. There are several elevators that allow people to reach the top floor, which is 300 meters high.

What is unknown is that there is a huge magic array under the iron tower, which can collect the lightning energy that hits the iron tower into countless magic crystals, and release it to defend against the enemy when necessary.

The cost of building the iron tower was collected from the nobles and chambers of commerce in the Villingen Kingdom. At that time, only 60% of the cost was used, and the rest is unknown.

Barnett's favorite thing to do now is to sit on the top of the tower and watch the sun rise in the east.

The door to the study opened, and the king stepped out, letting the attendants in the corridor breathe a sigh of relief.

Barnett I waved his hand and said, "Go to the iron tower."

The attendants began to make arrangements with ease, some to prepare the car, some to prepare tea and snacks, and some to call the guards to **** them.

They were skilled in their work and could be all set when the king came to the door.

Before Barnett I could reach the door, he saw Copa, the deputy commander of the Guards Cavalry Regiment, stumbling in.

In the past few days, it was Copa's turn to be in charge of the vigil in the capital. When Barnett I saw him in such a panic, he felt a shudder in his heart. Could it be that the Bischberg Kingdom sent someone to sneak in to attack Xidai City.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." Copa stammered, "No... not good!"

"Calm down!" Barnett I glared at the guy.

Kepa is one of the best among the younger generation of officers. He participated in the finals of the Knowledge City Dream Platform real-time strategy competition with Francis, the third prince.

Barnett I is very optimistic about him, but his panicked appearance is really demeaning.

"Your Majesty!" Kepa said nervously after stabilizing his mind, "The iron tower... the iron tower is gone!"


Barnett I looked at the guy blankly, wondering if he had fallen asleep in the study and was now dreaming.

"This joke is very funny." The king politely said "Haha", "You make me feel better."

"Your Majesty! I'm not joking!" Kepa shouted at the king in such a hurry that he couldn't bear to commit the crime, "The iron tower is really gone!!!"

Barnett I reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile, "Kepa, take a deep breath and calm down."

"Do you want to tell me that the pride of our Villingen Kingdom, the iron tower weighing tens of thousands of tons, was carried home by someone on his shoulders?"

"Did you lose a bet with someone, so you came to me to make a fool of yourself?"

Copa was about to cry, and he immediately said: "I swear to the **** of war, the Villingen Tower is really gone!"

A golden light fell from the sky and enveloped Kepa, and then nothing happened.

The God of War stamped a chapter on Copa's words, and Barnett I suddenly widened his eyes in shock.

Barnett I soon came to the place where the iron tower was. There was only a huge deep pit left in the original towering tower, and groundwater had already emerged from the bottom of the pit.

"Where's the iron tower?" Barnett I's beautiful beard trembled, "Where's my big iron tower? Where did it go?!"

After speaking, he jumped into the pit like crazy, bent down and pulled his hands in the knee-high water, trying to lift the three-hundred-meter-high iron tower out of the water.

After fishing a few times, Barnett I suddenly threw himself into the water with a bang.

Copa and the others who were on the side hurriedly helped the king up and sent him to the palace.

In the far east, Aunt Saint Angel, who lives in Yi Mansion, was woken Auntie saw that it was Charles, and hurriedly asked, "Is there something wrong with Diana?"

Charles shook his head and said, "No, I have a gift for Mommy."

Mammy Saint Angel said angrily, "Why, do you want to coax Mammy as a little girl?"

"As long as you are healthy and happy, Mammy will be satisfied, and you don't need any gifts."

Charles scratched his head and said, "That...mommy, I've brought this gift back, so you can take a look first."

Mammy shook her head and said, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, I'll see what it is, and let you wake up my old guy overnight."

Charles walked to the bedroom window and opened the curtains with a "swipe".

In the maple forest not far away, a golden tower looks particularly spectacular under the rising sun.