The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1618: ready for a big one

It's time to start school in Knowledge City, and Charles is back here again.

He teleported to the room under the stairs of Diana's house as before, and when he came out, he saw Diana being slammed.

"Meriti?" Charles greeted the murloc princess happily, "Long time no see!"

Since the earthquake in the open sea that year caused the animal tide in the ocean, Mei Liti has been busy at home, and it has been a few years.

After seeing Charles, Meliti said happily, "Oh, big brother, you can really jump."

"Come to my house tonight, and I'll give you a whole table for a good meal."

Charles agreed when he saw Diana nodding there.

"You two are busy," Charles waved to them, "I'll go back to the academy to do some formalities."

"Come on," Meliti said, "don't forget it tonight."

Charles left Diana's house and came to the principal's office of Shield Bridge College not long after.

There are a lot of things to do at the beginning of the school. Professor Erbach was taken back by the secretary from the branch in the Slime Basin to handle official business.

The principal was stunned when he saw Charles coming in, then heaved a deep sigh of relief.

"Just come back," said Professor Erbach.

After the greeting, Charles scratched his head and asked, "Principal, I want to ask how many credits I owe?"

Professor Erbach said: "Wait to go to the Academic Affairs Office to check, do you want to graduate?"

Charles nodded.

Professor Erbach asked him: "There are two ways to graduate, one is to pass the exam to meet the credit requirements, and the other is to publish a heavyweight research topic and get the review, which one do you plan to choose?"

Charles thought for a moment and asked, "What if my project has a breakthrough result, but it is not recognized and failed for a while?"

Professor Erbach shrugged and replied: "Then you go to the exam, and when your results are finally recognized by the world, you will be honored, and the judges will become clowns, I hope everyone is still alive at that time. "

Charles was speechless, and he asked tentatively, "So the technology of electrolysis to produce aluminum and other metals is a heavyweight subject, right?"

Professor Erbach gave him a deep look and said, "Actually, the theory of the purity of magic elements has barely met the requirements. Now a large number of experiments have proved the correctness of this theory. If you add your reputation, it can be passed the review."

"If the electrolysis of metals is only a phenomenon without the underlying principle, I am afraid that several metals need to be prepared to meet the requirements."

"We're not just after the process and the results, but the truth behind them."

Charles nodded. If we want to uncover the principle of electrolytic aluminum, we have to start with the atomic structure.

However, is the atomic structure in the magical world really exactly the same as that in the hometown? What is the change in the properties of magic metals such as mithril and fire gold at the atomic level? If there is a difference, why is there no problem with the traversers who travel through the flesh? This No one can figure it out yet.

Charles said, "Then I'll think about it."

Professor Erbach said to him: "Don't worry, you can think about it slowly and carefully, and take the test in the meantime, maybe you will finish the test after you don't think about it."

I could see that the principal was in a good mood, and it was rare for a joke to come out.

Then he continued: "By the way, Knowledge City is preparing to carry out a space gate sabotage operation next month, so you can go too."

This time Charles was startled, and he asked, "Have you found a way to destroy the space door?"

Erbach nodded and replied: "We have been working hard to destroy and interfere with the space gate, and we have achieved some results."

"Xiongfang Keren improved his magic circle after being inspired by element compression. An experiment was conducted earlier this year, and the result was that the island for overseas vacations was reduced by half."

"We can't wait for the undead **** to come and fight him, the price is too high."

Charles heard the name of a traveler that he hadn't heard before, but it didn't matter, anyone could kill that space door.

Compared with fighting, he prefers construction and research. After so many years of fighting, his heart is starting to get tired.

So he wasn't too happy about his advancement, and he couldn't rub his hands together to get out of a sea-crossing bridge connecting the knowledge city and the land.

The Qiantang River Bridge is about 1,500 meters long, and the steel girder of the main bridge weighs nearly 5,000 tons. The length of the cross-sea bridge is 34 times that of it. It requires at least 170,000 tons of steel and 50,000 to 600,000 tons of iron ore. There are 120,000 cubic meters, and 17 football fields can be covered with a height of 1 meter, which is still the data under ideal conditions.

Charles felt his paws hurt.

Then there is the problem of anti-corrosion and rust prevention of the bridge. The thought of painting such a large bridge makes his claws even more painful.

He thinks this business can be done. At that time, there will be a toll station every 100 meters. The public toilets in the service area should be charged according to the weight difference before and after entry and exit. Lose.

It has been four years since the space gate appeared. At the beginning, the eldest necromancer who was captured said that the necromancer would come over in the fifth year, so now everyone is very anxious.

Although Charles is invincible in the world, he is also among mortals. If he does not become a "swordman", other methods are basically useless against the undead god.

If you want to destroy the space door, the projection of the Necromancer is a problem.

Professor Erbach said again: "If you have nothing to do in the past few days, you can rest first... um... I think you don't need to rest, you can fight for three days and three nights."

"You can go shopping in the labyrinth by the lake, and maybe you will get unexpected results."

Charles thinks that there is something to talk about first, his own "Why Magic?" "There are a lot of content that can be found in the maze. If you don't explain it clearly, it is easy to cause So he said: "Actually, I have been there before."

"Huh?" Professor Erbach looked at him in surprise, "When did you go?"

Charles explained that in Chapter 893, before and after Gawain was possessed by the evil **** and then used the seal in the lake to seal the evil god, he stayed there.

"No wonder." Professor Erbach nodded, and he also found something strange in Charles' book.

The principal asked him again, "How much do you know about the labyrinth?"

Charles thought for a moment and said, "I saw an introduction to the place in the library. It was originally a magic book library with 13,000 magic books, and later generations continued to add books. How many books are there now? People know."

"I have seen an astronomical note, which describes the astrological phenomena at that time. From the perspective of the structure and operation of the constellation, it does not look like we are here."

Professor Erbach said thoughtfully: "Then could it come from another warp?"

Charles said, "Maybe."

"By the way!" Professor Erbach said suddenly, "Will the sealed evil **** be inside at that time?"

Charles shook his head and said, "I haven't seen him inside."

Professor Erbach's face sank. After a long time, he said: "Some people have been trying to break through to deeper areas. It seems necessary to stop them. It would be bad if the bottom layer was where the evil gods were sealed."

Charles said sternly: "I have such concerns too."

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