The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1627: 1 paw patted

The projection of the Necromancer contains supreme divine power, and the bone shelf dozens of meters high just stood there quietly, and people in the entire Knowledge City felt an unprecedented pressure.

Although the strength of those undead skeletons is weaker, the space gate is much stronger than two years ago, and the undead **** is enough to project more energy.

In an instant, the island was plunged into chaos.

Under the coercion, everyone felt that their whole body seemed to be drained, and they suddenly became in a trance, and their bodies lost their strength.

Several serious crashes occurred simultaneously on the island within seconds.

At the dock, many workers who were carrying goods had accidents and were overwhelmed by their heavy loads.

Many people with weak resistance fainted directly, and many children were bloodless and twitching in coma.

There are also the rats in the sewers and sewers, as well as the stray cats and dogs on the island, who were so frightened that they jumped into the sea and tried to get out of here.

But before they fluttered a few times, they exhausted their energy and drowned in the sea.

The biggest problem is still on the defensive line.

The soldiers on the stone wall also felt weak and weak, the weapons in their hands were about to be unstable, and the entire line of defense instantly became crumbling.

Mr. Wolf and the others were also affected, and the shrinking fire ring in the sky showed signs of collapse.


Beside the distant volcanic lake, a Duo Mao was folded at 90° and pointed in the direction of Knowledge City to the east, but the Duo Mao carrier thought it was a withdrawal reaction, so he ignored it.

He Dou Dagger, Ximan, Arnold and several other popes were well prepared for the appearance of the Necromancer projection, but they did not expect that the power of the enemy was far beyond their imagination.

What's more serious is that as soon as He appeared, he began to absorb the vitality of all the life around him.

Several sacred songs suddenly sounded, and red, white, golden and other divine powers descended from the sky. After expanding, they were instantly connected to each other to form a divine power barrier.

The projection of the necromancer was temporarily isolated, and the loss of vitality stopped, allowing everyone to breathe a little.

The popes were extremely anxious. According to the original plan, their mission was to destroy the projection, but now they can only defend on the defense line. If they leave the defense line, they will be attacked by the undead skeletons that are piled up and ready to climb over the stone wall.

At this moment, a figure rushed into the barrier of divine power.

Charles used his domain, and a large space of turbulence appeared around him, and all the undead skeletons turned into powder.

He didn't use any magic to attack the projection of the necromancer. This was the experience he gained while fighting the Tilbi house. Magic was useless to them, so it wouldn't be a waste of energy.

"It's you again." The projection of the necromancer found a little mouse that looked like a little mouse to him.

While speaking, He raised his foot and stepped down toward Charles at a speed that exceeded the speed of sound.

A dull loud noise could be heard several kilometers away, and some soldiers on the space gate defense line were directly stunned by the sound waves.

With this classmate, the huge shock wave shook the undead skeleton to pieces, and the offensive stopped for a moment.

The air was filled with gray-white bone meal, and only a few strong people saw what had happened before.

Their hearts tightened, and those who knew Charles didn't know what happened to him.

Under the cloud-like bone meal, there was a roar, and everyone felt that their hearts had been stabbed into briquettes by countless knives.

The coercion released by the projection of the necromancer in anger caused Charles to be slightly affected, and the second attack was a little slower.

The bone meal was blown away by a shock wave, and everyone saw that the sole of the right foot of the projection of the necromancer was gone, and Charles's hands grew huge white claws, which were slamming heavily on the projection's knees at the moment.

Only divinity can deal with divinity. Just now, Charles released his claws and slammed the soles of the projected feet.

Charles' claws are the relics of the gods, and with the blessing of the godhead fragments of the same **** in his soul, the purity of the divine nature is far more than a projection.

This fight was like a piece of wood hitting a nail.

The projection of the necromancer did not expect the other party to have such a move, and suffered a loss due to carelessness.

Charles was not safe either. The huge shock wave blasted his clothes to the point of only a pair of trousers that would never be damaged. His ears were a little tinnitus, and his arms were a little overloaded.

His second blow slammed toward the projection's knee, and the opponent concentrated part of his strength on his knee and slammed into him. The two sides ushered in a head-on collision without any tricks.

This time, purity triumphed over quantity again, and the knee of the projection of the Necromancer was shattered from the side by the claws that suddenly became as large as the door panel.

Seeing that he had a bit of an advantage, Charles immediately lit up the golden battle pattern on his body, and his strength and speed were greatly increased in an instant, and then he launched another round of attacks.

The Necronomicon projection shrinks the body and concentrates the power to reduce the negative effects of divine purity.

His body also changed. His left hand became a long sword made of bones, his right hand became a bone mace, and two hands grew out of his shoulder blades: a meteor hammer and a bone whip, and even the pelvis. A pair of hands holding a bone axe and a bone shield also grew.

The powerhouses who could still watch on the defensive line were shocked. This kind of enemy beyond human form was difficult to deal with when the force was evenly matched, let alone the projection of the undead god.

But Charles didn't panic at all. He only had six hands, and he only had eight legs. How could it be difficult to deal with when Tilby House became a tentacle slime.

Charles could feel that the white fire ring in the sky was getting smaller and smaller, and was about to shrink above the space door. He had to destroy the projection within a few minutes, otherwise he would just block there and make the blow useless.

The white claws instantly became a little bigger, the left claws swung towards the God of Death with a sonic boom, and the right claws grabbed the side of the bone axe.

The arm of the projection holding the bone mace was shot flying, and the bone axe was But the bone sword and the bone meteor hammer also hit Charles at the same time.

However, Charles' body was partially slimmed, and he used extremely perfect restraint. Not only did the two weapons cause no damage, but they were bounced back in the end.

The projection of the necromancer soon launched an attack again, and the bone shield full of bone spurs slammed into Charles' face. on the shield.

Charles's claws clasped into fists and slammed into the bone shield, the bone shield shattered instantly, and he flew backwards by the reaction force.

But the bone whip is very flexible and extremely fast, not only catching up with Charles, but also avoiding his claws trying to grab his own.

The next moment, the bone whip avoided Charles's hands and was about to tie his body.

Just looking at the small thorns on the whip's body, you can know that it will definitely not feel good when it is tightened, even the slime will be pierced with stars.

At this moment, Charles opened his arms, and his two claws suddenly became as big as the door panel, and then with all his strength, he slapped the projection of the **** of death like a fly.

The projection of the necromancer was obviously taken aback, and immediately broke the arm of the bone whip and wanted to run.

But those huge claws suddenly became bigger, almost half the size of a basketball court.

There was a loud bang, and a pair of claws slapped the Necromancer projection straight.

Charles could feel the projection shrink to the size of a ping-pong ball in an instant, and he took the blow.

Without the slightest hesitation, he rubbed his hands together vigorously, and after a while, only a piece of bone meal remained.

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