The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1665: Xinyi took office as the first fire

Remember [New] for a second,! Arranging stalls, parking vehicles, throwing garbage, posting advertisements, building buildings...

A photo taken by His Royal Highness Mayor Zhang was projected on the screen through a projector, and the expressions of the officials under the stage were unprecedentedly solemn.

Except for the director of the Bureau of Industry, Christenko, because at the beginning of the meeting, His Royal Highness the Mayor distributed a glass to every participant.

The quality of these glasses is really not very good. All the glasses are different in height, short, fat and thin, and the walls of the glasses are also uneven.

But what is most special about them is that each cup has a line on it: "The glass factory in Yekaterinburg cannot pay wages, so this cup is sent to workers to offset wages." - Kalashnikov, Divine Calendar Purchased in Yekaterinburg on March 21, 1933"

Now everyone knows that His Royal Highness is called "Charles McGarden" in the East, and his name on the domestic ID card and household registration book is "Kalashnikov". Now, "Charles" is usually used because the number of words is small, so that no one will Say water.

Most importantly, His Highness the Mayor said that he sent some of these cups to the Demon Palace by plane, and the Demon King would also get one.

Although he did not continue to say anything, everyone knew that His Highness was very angry and the consequences were serious.

The one with the most serious consequences is naturally Kristenko. He feels that his position cannot be kept, and maybe he will go to the Children's Palace tomorrow to explain to the children how ore turns into steel.

Just when Kristenko was thinking about it, the photos on the curtain were finished.

Charles said with a sullen face: "Who would like to live in such a place, please raise your hand."

For a full five minutes, no one raised their hands on and off the stage.

Anyone who can sit here for a meeting is not an idiot. Everyone knows that this is the first fire that His Royal Highness the Mayor set on fire. One by one, they began to think about what to do next.

Charles sighed in his heart. When Philip built the framework of a modern city, he didn't have time to inject his soul into it.

He continued to say in a tone of anger: "What is the job of all of us here, is to be a master, if you want a good meal, you can visit the cafeteria of the subordinate unit at meal time, and you want to order something and keep suggesting it? ?"

"If anyone thinks this way, you can report to me, and I can arrange for him to go to the East to become a nobleman. At that time, there were seven or eight girls without clothes dancing next to him at dinner every day. Question. It can even help other nobles, heroes, etc. to fight back. It is not impossible to occupy Yekaterinburg and Abyss City. At that time, whoever wants to dance with his wife and daughter will let whoever wear skirts and naked My wife and daughter dance together. When eating, delicious food is not served on a plate, it is too low-grade, and it is important to choose an eleven- or twelve-year-old girl to put it on the table, and put whatever food is on the chest and stomach. Be careful. When you start eating, you can sit there without moving your hands, one feeding you the food with your mouth, the other feeding you wine with your mouth to your mouth, and the other wiping your mouth with your chest, and you only need to move your mouth. When you are full and want to play something, you can let the girls compete with real knives and real guns naked. When you go down with a sword, Bai Huahua's body is dripping with blood, and her intestines and brains are all over the ground. It's really exciting. When you are old, The skin is wrinkled, the teeth are loose, and the eyes are blurry, so you can find some unskilled girls, cut the throat like killing a chicken every day and bleed blood in the bathtub, you can soak in it to ensure that your body returns to the appearance of seventeen or eighteen years old."

"Don't think I'm talking nonsense. If there is a word that is false, the **** of harvest and forging will slap me to death immediately, and the level of enjoying everyone is too low."

"If it's not for happiness, I think you and I think that everyone is sitting in this position to better serve the people."

"Now the country is developing rapidly and its face is changing with each passing day. In the context of rapid urban and rural development, how to further improve the scientific and refined level of management has become a new and realistic issue."

"The more the city develops and the bigger the city, the more it needs to be refined, scientific, and intelligent."

"The level of construction, development and governance of a city is related to residents' sense of gain, happiness and security. The current chaos brings inconvenience to people and even poses a potential safety hazard."

"To grasp urban and rural work, we must grasp the key point of urban management and service, continuously improve management and service, and completely change the extensive management method, so that the people's life will be more convenient, more comfortable and better."

"I said when I first met you, we're going to transform the government."

"Our government has always focused on management, focusing only on various economic indicators, and treating it as nothing that has nothing to do with it."

"Now, times have changed."

"The development of productive forces will definitely change the economic and political structure of the city."

"More and more active economic activities will inevitably conflict with the original government system."

"Under the new situation, government functions need to be transformed into a service-oriented government."

"This transformation has two key points. One is to form a government governance system with clear responsibilities and administration according to law, and the other is to strengthen and improve the government's functions such as economic regulation, market supervision, social management, public services, and ecological and environmental protection."

"Public Security Bureau, how many fights and fights occur in the market every day on average because of the frequent conflicts between inside and outside vegetable vendors."

Charles used to call each department or position by name at meetings. This was a habit he developed in meetings on site projects. He was called the rebar class, carpentry class, and budget officer, and never said names.

The Chief of Public Security also serves as the Deputy Mayor. He was scolded by His Royal Highness the Mayor at yesterday's small meeting, and knows what to say today.

No way, who made His Royal Highness the Mayor see a dozen crowd fights up close, and was almost hit by a flying radish, he himself felt that he was scolded without complaint.

He immediately reported: "According to statistics, an average of 1.05 such cases have occurred every day in our city since last year. The data shows that no such cases occurred five years ago, and the number of cases has increased year by year in the past three years."

Charles gave a "um", and then asked, "Agriculture Bureau, what do you think about this year?"

The director of the Agriculture Bureau quickly reacted and immediately replied: "Six years ago, our city began to promote the use of chemical fertilizers on a large scale, and three years ago, vegetable production began to increase significantly. new highs."

Charles nodded and said, "I have seen these data in Abyss City. The agricultural development achievements of our city in the past few years are worthy of recognition and praise."

"However," his voice became colder, "what follows is that our government departments are out of touch with social development."

"In the past few days, I went to the nearby village to chat with the vegetable farmers a lot. Everyone said that although the output of grain and vegetables is higher than before, it is not a problem to have enough food, but there is not much money in my pocket."

"In the past, the price was high when the harvest was small, and now the price is low when the harvest is large. The difference in the result of this multiplication is not big."

"There are only so many people in the city, and you can't eat so many vegetables if you try hard enough. Therefore, the scale and market capacity of the vegetable market are so large. The vegetable farmers can't sell their vegetables in the vegetable market. Carrying a load of hundreds of pounds all the way from the village to the city to sell on the roadside.”

"I don't think everyone needs me to teach a class on supply and demand here."

"The underlying reason for the fights between vegetable vendors inside and outside the market is the imbalance between supply and demand."

"Anyone of us who has gone into this problem in depth?"


"I checked, and the relevant departments have always been treating headaches and feet pains, and prescribing some painkillers is no longer painful!"

"I saw with my own eyes that some people went to the hospital to pay for medicines with a shoulder of vegetables!!"

"I'm just asking if these things are not reflected in the report to Abyss City, and if they don't affect their promotion, they are considered non-existent?!"

"Since supply and demand are out of balance, why don't you want to expand demand?"

"Agricultural Bureau, I think you can guide farmers to adjust the planting structure, reduce vegetable planting, increase the scale of fodder crops, and increase the number of livestock at the same time. Now there is still a lot of room for per capita meat consumption."

"Bureau of Industry, have you ever thought of opening a dehydrated vegetable processing plant? With such a plant, it can be like a reservoir, and it can balance supply and demand in the market through its own purchases."

"And I don't need to tell you what the market demand for dehydrated vegetables is. Even if our city and the surrounding area can't consume it, they can still be sold to the elves through the advantages of the railway, or even OEM and sold to humans on the elves' side, which is more profitable!"

"This is why we need to transform government functions. We don't need a government with beautiful reports, but a government that satisfies the people. We should not only manage, but also serve and serve the people. Services, serve for economic construction, so that people can enjoy the benefits of development from their lives."

"How to satisfy the people, then first ask the people what they are not satisfied with, and then we will improve and improve."

"This is a brand new topic, and everyone, including me, has to think seriously."

"Rather than sitting and thinking, look for answers in action."

"After discussion by the city's leading group, it was decided that our city will carry out the 'urban and rural cleaning project' to comprehensively control urban chaos, strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization, optimize the development environment, improve the quality of life of the people, and restore a clean and comfortable environment for the citizens."

"This is not a gust-style movement. It must be persevering and persevering for a long time. It is necessary to explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism from the perspective of laws, regulations and systems, and make it on the track of institutionalization, legalization, standardization and regularization."

Having said that, Charles was free to take a cup and drink some tea, and hand over the next time to the deputy mayors.

Then Executive Deputy Mayor Porunov and others made speeches one after another.