The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1672: Big news and big news and big news

Remember [New] for a second,! The time entered June, and the weather began to heat up. The girls put on dresses made of floral fabrics and tight-fitting stockings, adding a beautiful landscape to the street.

In the recent period of time, various major events have emerged one after another, and the newspapers are also arguing.

The hottest news is the case of collapsing corruption in the agricultural business system.

On the second day of the incident, Yekaterinburg imposed martial law on the grounds that spies attacked the two directors. The militia cooperated with the police to carry out a comprehensive search and investigation in the city. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs controlled a number of officials from the Agriculture Bureau and the Commerce Bureau on the grounds of strictly investigating the traitors.

In the early morning of the third day, the chairman of the NKVD personally led the elite troops to Yebao to investigate the corruption case in the agricultural and commercial systems.

On the morning of the fifth day, the Supreme Council of the Rurik Kingdom, the Council of Ministers and the NKVD jointly decided to establish the "Extraordinary Committee for the Elimination of Corruption and Sabotage in Rurik", referred to as the "Corruption Elimination Committee", chaired by the legendary Artoria. Pendragon is in charge, and the day-to-day work is in charge of Felix Edmondovich, vice-chairman and director of the Second Security Division of the "Yi Office".

The investigation and trial of the whole case progressed rapidly with the blessing of two "Pendragon polygraphs" and ended in early May.

The amount of money involved, the number of people involved and the scope of the case are the highest since Philip's reform in the Rurik Kingdom.

On May 10th, the public trial meeting of the case was held at the Yebao Football Stadium. The first offender, the deputy mayor in charge of commerce and agriculture, Pat, Reescher and others were shot on the spot after the sentence was pronounced. Tens of thousands of Yebao local and national organizations organized the case. Officials and people from all walks of life were present to watch. Yebao Film Studio recorded the whole case and edited it into a documentary for broadcast nationwide.

However, no one knew the source of the two reporting materials, even Charles guessed wrong one after another, and there were different opinions for a while, and none of the answers were agreed by everyone.

The big news that followed was related to the ongoing restructuring of state-owned enterprises.

The restructuring was officially implemented on the first day of May, and the SASAC issued the first trial plan after extensive research and discussions.

With a history of more than 300 years, the Yekaterinburg Glass Products Factory, which was once brilliant before, was confirmed to be insolvent and unable to repay its debts after conducting an asset inventory.

At 10:00 am on May 14, 1933, in the presence of officials at all levels of the city government, representatives of citizens and the media, the Mayor of Yeburg, Kalashnikov, personally placed the first place in the Rurik Kingdom in the mayor's office. Zhang's state-owned enterprise bankruptcy certificate was handed over to Duhanino, the director of the glass factory.

Subsequently, the city government of Yeburg announced that the entire glass factory will be auctioned and sold on June 5.

On the first day of June, the temperature was a little warmer than the same period in previous years, the blackened river gave off a distressing stench, and there were more and more flies and mosquitoes.

The proprietress of the breakfast shop was spraying insect repellant at the door and in the shop, and a tricycle stopped in front of the shop.

"Miss, business is going well."

A middle-aged man got on and off the tricycle. He was wearing a uniform and picked up a backpack that was in the car.

The proprietress looked at him, she was a little familiar at first, and then recognized the person who came to sell the cups before and was bought by His Royal Highness the Mayor.

"Long time no see," the proprietress looked him up and down, "Looking at you, have you found a new job?"

The middle-aged man said a little embarrassedly: "Yeah, our factory went bankrupt. I went to the labor service company to hang up like everyone else."

"The company introduced us to new jobs, some went to the south to open up wasteland to plant sugar cane, and some went to the Sanitation Bureau."

"Some people are waiting to see who buys the factory and goes back to their old jobs. I know that my skills are not good, and I don't want to go to the mountains to feed mosquitoes, so I went to the Sanitation Bureau."

"The sanitation bureau needs to know how to drive. It's a lot of hard work if you don't know how to drive. I don't know how to drive, and I don't want to work so hard. I can only work hard in its tertiary production."

After he finished speaking, he took out a few flyers from his backpack and handed them to the proprietress, and then endorsed: "Our resource recycling company's business is to recycle waste and tattered metal, paper, glass and slime glue. By the pound, it's all on the price list."

"If you have it here, save it first, save more and sell it to us when we come over."

The proprietress gave an "oh" and asked incredulously, "You mean those junk can be sold here for money?"

"Yeah." The middle-aged man replied, "His Royal Highness said, sometimes junk is a misplaced resource, and it can be processed and reused like iron ore after being recovered."

The proprietress thought for a while, said "Wait a minute", and then brought out a large pot from the back of the store. There was a hole the size of a palm in the bottom of the pot.

"Do you want this pot?" she asked.

The middle-aged man replied immediately: "Yes, if you want to sell it, I will weigh it for you immediately."

It must be sold if it can be sold.

So the middle-aged man took a spring scale from the car, weighed it and calculated the money, and finally paid the money and put the pot on the tricycle.

"This is my first business." He sighed.

"Big brother..." The proprietress just wanted to subconsciously say that since it is a development and market launch, it would be cheaper, but she immediately thought that it was herself who was at a disadvantage, so she immediately changed the topic.

"I heard that the steel factory really wants to buy your factory?"

The proprietress asked one of the most popular topics at the moment.

At that time, in the morning, Mayor Yi announced that the whole glass factory would be auctioned off. In the afternoon, the steel factory said that the glass factory was bought by our steel factory, and the starting price was calculated based on the money they owed.

At that time, the reporters who came to Yeburg to cover the corruption case from all over the country had not yet left. After hearing the news, they blocked the gate of the steel plant the next day. Magni had to let the reporters go to the auditorium to hold a meeting. A press conference.

Magni said at the meeting: "The steel factory and the glass factory are brothers like the city's factories. These years, the brothers of the glass factory have had a hard time, and our other brothers have extended a helping hand to help them through the difficulties. Urge them to pay it back."

"Now my brother has fallen because of his failure to live up to his expectations, and their inheritance will be recovered by our own people, and there is no reason for it to fall into the hands of outsiders."

At this time, a reporter asked: "As far as I know, many factories have a lot of opinions on the matter of not repaying the money borrowed by the glass products factory."

Magni replied, "Oh, you must have resentment when there is an incompetent brother at home who asks you to borrow money all day long if you don't pay it back."

Then the reporter asked: "Is it true that the financial status of the factory before the restructuring has nothing to do with the responsibility, rewards and punishments of the managers, so the factory does not consider whether it complies with the rules and regulations and benefits when it comes to capital expenditures?"

"Are the steel mills confident that they will be able to give it a new lease of life after the acquisition of the glass factory under the pressure of still fierce competition, instead of becoming a bottomless pit of subsidized money?"

This reporter came from out of town, so he didn't give any face to the steel mill, and directly pointed out the problems that Magni had mentioned.

Magni has also experienced strong winds and waves, and these two problems cannot be difficult for him.

"As to the first question," Magni replied, "I can't deny that something like this happened, but it's not objective to say that we all do things this way."

After skipping this question, he continued: "After the incident in the glass factory, our steel factory had an in-depth discussion on it, and reflected on whether we would be the next one and how to avoid ourselves becoming the next one."

"His Royal Highness once said that technology is the primary productive force. After this incident, we have deepened our understanding of this important theory."

"The story between the glass factory and the Marzov glass factory shows that technology is the vitality of a factory in today's rapid technological development."

"A factory with backward technology and out of touch with the times has no vitality. Even if it relies on external forces to survive, it only absorbs the vitality of others. In severe cases, everyone will die together."

"We really didn't have much research on how to make glass before, but the words of several workers reminded us at that time that we could also make a difference in this field."

"After many experiments, our related technology has been verified and perfected, filling the gap in the field of glass manufacturing."

"So we are confident that after acquiring the glass products factory, we will upgrade their technology and bring new hope to the new factory with new products."

"At the same time, the factory committee decided that in the future, the steel factory and the glass product factory will use 20% of the annual income as a special fund for technical research, so as to maintain our leading position in technology."

On the second day of the press conference, a reporter interviewed Mayor Yi and asked him what he thought of the behavior of the steel plant.

Charles was first surprised that Magni suddenly jumped out, UU reading www.uukanshu. com then is happy.

He smiled and replied to the reporters: "One tree alone is not spring, a hundred flowers bloom in spring and the garden is full of spring."

Then the pressure came on Martsov's side.

He finally decided to buy the glass factory under the persuasion of Nasr al-Din. No one expected that he would jump out of a giant in the industrial world. Whether it is in terms of economic strength or political influence, it will be crushed. Bureau, he is the crushed party.

From a technical point of view, Marzov is not afraid of the new technology mentioned by the steel plant, because he has more leading technologies.

The problem lies in the capital. The steel plant has the leeway to greatly increase the capital, but if he invests too much capital, it will cause a devastating blow to the current glass plant capital chain, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Thinking of this, Marzov felt very unwilling. He was only one step away from making great strides in his career, and he ended up being a big boss.

Just when the protagonist was in trouble, his plug-in grandfather appeared again.

Nasr al-Din said to him as soon as he entered the office, "Come with me right away and take you to meet some people."