The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1691: This labor output is very profitable.

The night before the debriefing, the Demon King Nicholas II hosted a banquet and invited local officials who came to debrief.

At the banquet, the cups were staggered, and there were endless laughter and laughter.

After the banquet was over, someone began to ask when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince rebelled and seized the throne of the bird.

For nothing else, just because the Demon King suddenly announced the reform of this year's debriefing, five leaders from other regions who were randomly selected during the debriefing in one region were picked on, and the reply of the debriefing party was related to the final score.

And this time, the score is no longer just a number line to evaluate the good and bad, but is divided according to the ranking.

Even if you get good grades this year, if you finish last, it will definitely be bad this year.

So, don't expect a peaceful atmosphere in this year's debriefing.

On the surface, Charles was complaining like everyone else, but he was vigilant in his heart. The action of the Supreme Council of the Kingdom is a bit unreasonable. There must be something wrong.

He didn't know much about official affairs in the Rurik Kingdom, so he could only inquire from well-informed people.

Although Beelzebub is an official old fritter, he has been at the grassroots level for a long time and does not know much about high-level affairs.

To inquire about high-level news, it is undoubtedly the best choice to find Artoria, who has retired and returned to employment.

This matter has to be clarified as soon as possible, because the order of debriefing is arranged in the order of the initial strokes of the various places, and Yekaterinburg is on the first day.

"Don't make trouble!" Charles caught the whip leg with the sound of breaking wind, "I have serious business looking for you tonight."

As a result, Mordred, who came out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth, said, "Oh, then other nights are not serious business."

Charles subconsciously took out two hangers and handed one to Artoria.

The book does not go into details.

After listening to Arturia say something about the factions within the Rurik Kingdom, Charles has a bottom line.

Now that the country is big, it is not surprising to form gangs. Now the devil thinks that this gang should be reshuffled, so he has made such a drama to make everyone offend each other.

Next, there are a series of policies to implement the rotation system of cadres and teachers.

Because we are going to reclaim the Western homeland, we need officials to govern at that time, but the manpower is definitely insufficient, we must cultivate a generalist who can be multi-faceted. Familiarize yourself with it, and you're already on the fast-track to career advancement.

In this way, the national interests plus personal interests will inevitably create a rift with the interests of small groups, and the small groups at this time have been kneaded into small rice **** like glutinous rice dough and thrown into different pots. How to hug together for warmth.

From the perspective of the country, it is enough to have glutinous rice **** in the pot. It doesn't matter if you have sesame stuffing or taro, and this year's national conference will introduce the latest cadre assessment and general appointment standards. The original faction maintenance model is not applicable. .

Charles figured it out. At the same time, he was rubbing the dumplings until his hands became soft, and Mordred, who had already brushed his teeth and was about to sleep, also came to make trouble. He even ate three bowls, and was so busy that he almost turned into a slime and used his tentacles. twist.

Sure enough, in the second day's debriefing, the five local officials who were removed did not give Charles face, and caught the corruption case between Yebao Agricultural Bureau and Commerce Bureau. matter.

There are not many "poor" places, as long as Yebao is kicked in, he can relax a little.

Fortunately, Charles did not intend to confuse these matters from the beginning. He conducted an in-depth analysis and review of these issues, and made proper remedial measures, so that he was not asked by the other party.

In the end, Yebao won a lot of extra points for projects such as the economic reform without major problems, the urban and rural cleaning project and the military camp open day, and got a "good-".

Then came the budget meeting, and Charles fought on both the Navy and Yeburg fronts.

The first item of the budget meeting is the military spending meeting. The Demon King in armor sits on the throne. The positions of the various military branches are surrounded by a large open space. All the tables and chairs are firmly fixed on the floor, and the cups are all soft. The disposable slime glue cup does not have much lethality, and the water provided is naturally cold boiled water, so forget about hot water.

The order of speeches was decided by lottery. The seniors asked Marshal Yi to draw first, so he won the first place at once.

Then, the navy threw out 50 037 Yellow Water battleships, 10 2,000-ton frigates, 100 landing craft, 10 supply ships, 5 medical ships, 20 5,000-ton transport ships, and 10 100-meter-class transport ships. A draft budget based on empty islands, 200 aircraft of various types, a large amount of marine corps technical equipment and a large amount of precious tea.

Among them, precious tea is a reserved item of the Navy Nursing Home.

Without waiting for the Demon King to express, the four marshals of the Army, Air Force, Rocket Force, and the newly formed strategic support force during the military reform at the beginning of the year jumped out and rolled up their sleeves to go head-to-head with the Admiral of the Navy.

This is a reserved show every year. Whoever has the strongest fist is enough. In previous years, they couldn't beat Zibaicai and Leokexington, but this year they should beat His Royal Highness the Prince.

Charles solved the four of them in a few seconds, with no mess of hair, and resumed the meeting.

Not to mention the sky-high prices of the navy, the same goes for the other military branches. Then Charles realized that he was still too tender.

The army said it very lightly, but it just threw out a million army reorganization plan, all mechanized troops.

The Rocket Army said that this year is similar to previous years, that is, hundreds of more "Ivan" warheads.

The newly established strategic support force said that we are still less than one year old, and the fields of intelligence reconnaissance, strategic communication, logistics support, field medical treatment, material transportation, equipment maintenance, engineering arms and other fields still need a lot of personnel and equipment, which will take a lot of money. money.

Finally, the air force came on stage, and then almost fought again, because they smashed a plan for an air carrier fleet. The plan was centered on thirteen giant air islands carrying one or two hundred fighter jets, supplemented by more than 30 medium-sized airborne troops. Use sky islands, and hundreds of **** and fire support sky islands.

These are all funding projects of various military branches, and they are not considered daily expenses.

"That's all?" The Demon King calmly asked the scumbags.

Charles was about to nod his head when the other seniors said in unison, "If you have enough money, it's not impossible to add more."

Marshal Yi understood that he must not be kind at this time. He also said: "If there is room for it, the Navy's 10,000-ton warship plan and aircraft carrier plan can be put on the agenda."

The Demon King was very distressed, why did this kid fail so quickly? I thought he would say enough, and then he stopped like that.

"It's not impossible for your nonsense plans to come true."

The Demon King's words shocked everyone present.

Charles is also, the Navy's money-grabbing plan cannot be fully realized. The key is that there are not so many shipyards, and there is no place to spend the money.

How will the Demon King make it so that Philip can appear?

Sure enough, this matter is indeed related to Philip.

The Demon King said very solemnly: "A few days ago, my **** descended into the realm of the gods, and there is a planet where demons are rampant. If we can send someone to destroy them, my **** will have a supreme reward."

Then everyone's eyes turned to Charles, and everyone seemed to be saying that you are not the biggest fist, so it is you.

Charles figured it out after thinking for two seconds. Since the ancestors wanted to do this, it means that the problem is not very big.

If it is possible to achieve the rapid development of the Rurik Kingdom's army by completing the task, it will not be a problem to export labor services.

So he turned his head and said a few words to Lexington next to him, and his wife immediately took out a thick document.

The development of the navy is not simply stacking warships, it is a system engineering that complements each other.

For example, if you have dozens of warships, but not one large transport supply ship, then these warships will be watchdogs and lose the ability to fight in the ocean.

Charles put the illustrated 50-year long-term plan of the Navy on the table, and then said to the devil: "The Navy has taken over this matter, but our budget needs to be changed."

He was going to take it one step at a time.

The next second, Philip appeared and gave him a slap on the back of the head.

Charles second counseled immediately asked his wife to come up with the Navy's mid-30-year plan.

As a result, Philip appeared again and gave him a punch from Tianlinggai.

In the end, Charles reluctantly put the near-term plan for the Navy's decade on the table.

Yi someone held his head in his hands for a minute, but this time he was not beaten.

The cold sweat on the backs of the other marshals broke out. This is a real punishment from God. If you suffer such a blow and record it in the file, your whole life will be over.

Apparently, they wanted to do the same thing as Charles in the first place.

The matter was settled, an hourglass appeared in front of Charles, giving him three days to prepare.

After the meeting, Charles originally wanted to find the Yebao team, but was pulled back by Lexington to his room in the naval headquarters in Abyss City.

This is equivalent to the "Beijing Office" of the Navy. Usually, Leo Kexing Dun presides over the work here, and most of the time it is clerical exchanges and the like.

Lexington made a pot of coffee, poured a cup for Charles and asked him, "Do you remember before they wanted you to fix the seal?"

Charles took a sip of coffee, nodded, and then said, "So, they're asking such a high price this time to let me repair the seal?"

"Yes." Lexington sat next to Charles, "Although we don't want you to go, I am afraid that only you can handle individual seals."

Charles's body softened against Lexington's shoulder, which calmed his heart.

Lexington took him over, put him on his lap, and asked softly, "Are you afraid?"

"It's a little bit." Charles said, "I don't even know the existence that you can't deal with."

"Don't worry," said Lexington. "We've seen it, and you'll be fine."