The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1708: fires of war

May 6, 1934 in the divine calendar, this is a day that will be remembered by future generations.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or if there is God's will in the dark, wars were ignited all over the continent at the same time on this day.

At 0:50, the Kingdom of Hohen asked to send troops into the Slime Basin on the grounds that the two fugitives had escaped into the Slime Basin. After being refused, they opened fire on the Slime Basin defenders. The founding war begins.

At 0:30, the army of the Redkin Kingdom entered the Delta State, the neutral undefended territory of Earl McGarden, without warning, bypassing the defense area of ​​the southern border garrison of the Kingdom of Lerick and directly attacked the hinterland.

At 1:10, Abner, the prince of Bischberg Kingdom, was found dead in his bedroom with his three lovers, and another lover was missing. The kingdom of Villingen declares war.

At 1:50, the residence of Queen Victoria and Princess Elizabeth, who were inspecting the front line of the southern theater, was surrounded by 50,000 elites of the Osm Kingdom and four Dharma gods.

At 00:00 local time, hundreds of bombers, steel islands, airships and dozens of missiles crossed the Blanc Mountains, carrying out aerial strikes on important targets inside Storm Canyon and west of the Heartbreak Mountains.

Charles received a briefing from the Dongdi area ten minutes after the war began, and after thinking about it, there was no other order except for the sisters-in-law of Magic Fairy Castle to open up all the Gundams to protect the Fenglin Territory.

At this time, Commander Yi was no longer in the Bouguer Fortress, but at the No. 1 Advance Command located in the Southern Army.

This is a military base built on the side of the Rurik Kingdom at the pass of the Blanc Mountains. There are countless tombstones on the mountains on both sides. Here lies the soldiers who gave their lives to guard this land.

Tonight, an ever-bright candle was lit in front of each tombstone, shining brighter than the stars in the sky.

The 1st Battalion of the 211th Regiment of the 985th Division, which was the spearhead of the attack, rumbled to the west under the watchful eye of the martyrs and entered the battle that had been waiting for more than 300 years.

Behind them, is a galaxy-like headlights.

Commanding from the front was the tradition of the Rurik army, Vaskov as battalion commander went to the vanguard company, Georgy went to the 1st battalion, and so on.

Charles prepared himself an anti-gravity transport helicopter, which was equipped with communication equipment and night vision equipment, and could be commanded directly in the air.

On the command plane, you can see that this steel team is like a luminous river, rushing forward unstoppably like a flood in the mountain pass, and the anti-gravity attack helicopter whizzes through the air, sticking to the top of the mountain to destroy the enemy's stronghold.

Another mountain pass, dozens of kilometers north, was simultaneously attacked by Army Group North commanded by Suvorov's No. 2 Forward Command.

At the other two mountain passes, feint attacks also began at this time.

"Turn on the full channel." Charles turned to the communication system technician beside him and said, "Why are you?"

Heidi was wearing a military uniform and a steel helmet, making it unrecognizable at once.

She smiled, patted the communication device and replied, "If this child breaks down, only I can fix it right away."

While speaking, her slender but calloused fingers quickly flipped a row of switches to connect the microphone in Charles' hand to every pair of headphones and speakers on the battlefield.

"Warriors, commanders," Charles said in a calm and provocative voice, "We have been waiting for this battle for more than three hundred years!"

"The distant homeland is calling us, and the enslaved and bullied compatriots are looking forward to us."

"Waiting for you in front of you are the executioners who killed countless of our relatives, and a group of idiots who wantonly kill us just because they can fly!"

"go ahead!"

"Bury the enemy with steel and fire, and the final victory will be ours!"

In an instant, the response signal made the lights of the communication equipment flash.

On the other side of Charles sat a middle-aged man in a black coat and a black cap. He was one of the Sword Saints of the Rurik Kingdom and was sent to protect the commander.

"His Excellency Yashin," Charles asked him, "how do you think future history books will record this day?"

Yashin replied: "Whether it is a new beginning or the beginning of destruction, it is up to you, Your Highness."

Charles smiled and said to the pilot, "Come on, go ahead."

It didn't take long for the Blanc Mountains to burst into flames in the dark night. The airship with a large mouth of blood was pouring bombs taller than people at the city of Orsha at the other end of the mountain pass at an altitude of 6,000 meters. The enemy strongholds on the mountaintops on both sides of the mountain pass were pouring firepower. From time to time in the mountain pass, the flames of explosions and the trajectory left by the tracer bullets could be seen.

Charles hung several earphones around his neck and asked Heidi to connect them to the rear staff, the 211th regiment and 1st battalion on the front, and the air group level channel.

Countless voices came out of the earphones for a while, he listened carefully, and constructed a picture of the entire battlefield in his mind.

The first stage of air strikes and special operations was extremely successful. Although the Cuyavian army detected the gathering of troops on the opposite side, everyone thought that they would advance in the mountain pass as before, and at most the dragon would cooperate from the air.

Therefore, the army in Storm Canyon was only slightly raised the alert level and brought everyone back so that they could go immediately if reinforcements were needed.

It's just that no one in the Kingdom of Cuyavia could have imagined that there was a scorpion that engaged in a deep assault and a real three-dimensional war on the opposite side.

According to the feedback from the reconnaissance plane equipped with soul detection crystals, Gu Yu said that the military camp, which was the target of the first wave of attacks, was sleeping as usual at the beginning of the air raid, so it suffered heavy losses in the air raid.

Judging from the current situation, the still-moving enemies have scattered and escaped from the barracks, and the second round of air strikes is probably just a waste of bombs in the empty barracks.

"Take the staff." Charles turned to Heidi.

After the connection, Charles took the microphone and said: "The staff, if the second wave of air strikes is no longer necessary, it can be arranged to support the feint area. When the conditions are right, the feint can be turned into a real attack. The goal is to capture the other side of the mountain pass. Build a defense system."

The feinted mountain pass is only the light infantry of the horse, their task is to attack instead of defend, to prevent the enemy from playing tricks of changing homes.

Judging from the current situation, with air support, they can push it step by step.

This change was in the plan, and even Charles did not expect that the start would be so smooth, and the secondary goal could be completed while the main goal was completed.

At this time, the striker was still advancing vigorously. The gates and strongholds set up by the demons in the mountain pass were first bombarded by air strikes, and then bombed by the 80mm self-propelled electromagnetic guns from the 211 regiment, and then the Apocalypse tanks fired directly to clear the obstacles. The crawler ran over, and even the bobbin didn't have to be taken out.

Let the surviving enemies be left to other troops behind. All the officers and soldiers of the 211 regiment said that we will not monopolize the military exploits.

"I'm going back to raising pigs!" An angry voice came from the earphones, "Don't keep running around, hurry up and follow the regulations to indicate the target!"

Charles heard that the voice was Konev, the head of the 985th Division's artillery regiment. Their regiment had three light howitzer battalions equipped with 100mm electromagnetic guns and one heavy howitzer battalion equipped with 150mm electromagnetic guns. They were responsible for 13 battalions in front of the front. Fire support within kilometers.

However, since the start of the battle, the 211th regiment has been running forward in Sa Yazi, and has not called for artillery support at all.

The artillery regiment was deployed → advanced → re-deployed → advanced several times, but not a single shot was fired.

Georgie replied calmly: "I'll call you when I meet a suitable target."

At this time, Charles' command plane had already flown to the other end of the mountain pass, where the demon built a fortified town, and the surrounding fortifications were far more difficult than previous passes and strongholds.

The task of the 985th Division was to pass through the mountain pass of more than 20 kilometers before dawn, and to occupy this place the next day.

Although the town was attacked by air, it had been on a high level of alert because it was guarding against attacks from the opposite side. In order to avoid being washed by the giant dragon, many defenders were in the bunkers, and the loss of vital force was not large.

By this time the demon had recovered from its initial shock and began to fight back.

Two demons flew out of the nearby mountains and climbed on a ground-attacking attack helicopter in an attempt to knock it to the ground.

The problem was that the helicopter was flown by anti-gravity magic. The pilot stepped on the throttle and pulled the lever, and in the blink of an eye, it exceeded the limit of use and rose to an altitude of 10 kilometers above sea level.

The high-altitude lack of oxygen and the cold froze the two demons, who had been scared to wet their pants, and the attack helicopter took them down with a flick.

The helicopter is safe, but the energy is almost the same, so we can only go back to the base to change the magic pool.

A demon that fell from high altitude smashed Georgie's command car with a slap, and the magic shield was smashed Fortunately, the antenna was fine, and he could still hear Charles' latest instructions. .

Commander Yi began to leapfrog micro-manipulation in response to the current battle situation, and at the same time made a notification according to the regulations.

The 985th Division's artillery regiment was strengthened to the 211th regiment, which was under the unified command of Georgy. When encountering large-scale fortifications, it directly destroyed the fortifications and accelerated the marching speed.

At the same time, he ordered the artillery of the Southern Army to go forward to strengthen the 985th Division, to directly level the town in front, and strive to get through the mountain pass within one day.

The engineers and railway soldiers in the rear can enter the battlefield in advance until sunrise tomorrow, and strive to build the roads and railways that pass through the mountain pass as soon as possible.

The battle at this stage must be fast. In the past, the Rurik Kingdom could not be beaten, because once the demons defended the initial attack, the demons in the rear could take advantage of their ability to fly at medium and short distances and ignored the terrain obstacles and quickly supported them. Come up, and at the same time infiltrate the mountains on both sides to attack the opposite side and rear.

Although quick support demons can't carry a lot of baggage, but there is usually a stockpile in the mountain pass, so there is no problem in continuing the battle.

And the army still has a huge problem after passing the mountain pass. The vehicles need to take the winding mountain road from the western plateau with an altitude of more than 3,000 meters to the bottom of the storm canyon with an altitude of more than 300 meters. If the enemy destroys the road, the problem will be big. .

At this moment, the report of the airship brigade suddenly came from the earphone: "Report, there is a magic god-level enemy in Orsha City, and our bombing was intercepted!"

Charles frowned after hearing this, and immediately asked Heidi to pick up the channel and asked, "Is there any damage to the airship?"

The airship replied: "We have made an emergency ascent to avoid danger, and the enemy is still in the city."

Charles nodded and said, "Quickly complete the bombing and evacuate."

Then he said to Yashin, "I will meet the enemy's Dharma God."