The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1719: how to pay you

"Master, it's time to get up!"

At dawn, Jona climbed onto the bed to wake Levinski.

"Um..." Levensky opened her eyes, reached out and hugged the little girl for a while before she got up from the bed.

In the dressing room, there were maids dressing up for Her Royal Highness the Second Princess, and then Levensky personally helped Jonah put on the hunting clothes and dressed her up beautifully.

By the time they got to the dining room, the table was ready with creamed cakes studded with candied cherries, biscuits half-soaked in jam, oily sausages and barley soup, and so on.

Levensky sat in a chair with Jona sitting next to her, and hand-feeding her whatever she ate.

"You, why do you eat your mouth full?"

After breakfast, Levinski saw a lot of cream on Jona's mouth.

Jona showed a lovely smile, her eyes curved like the moon, and she let the master carefully wipe herself clean with a handkerchief.

Today is the day that Reyshard II held a hunting day, and it was also a swearing-in meeting, which was naturally for the army to go to Storm Canyon.

The hunting grounds were far from the city of Vistula, and Levensky took Jona to the steam engine car driven by Jefferson.

With a whistle, the car drove out of the palace gates, followed by a great line of knights and a long line of carriages.

Jefferson held the steering wheel intently, which is not as easy to use as a modern car, and it takes a lot of effort to make sure the car is going in a straight line.

Fortunately, his character is a guy who is full of strength, otherwise his hands will be sore after not running too far.

There was music in the car, there was no stereo in the car, and it was Jonah who sang.

She has a great voice, and she has recently learned a few new ballads, much to the delight of Levinski.

When Jonah finished singing, she suddenly said to Jefferson, "Hey, can you sing?"

Now Levensky is in high spirits, and she also said, "You can sing and watch too."

Hearing that the master agreed with her, Jona was very happy and said excitedly, "If you can't sing, I'll teach you!"

Jefferson had no choice but to sing the local folk songs he had learned earlier.

"The little cuckoo is called Cuckoo"

"The Teenager Picks the Bride"

"Look at his nostrils up"

"Never pick"

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"

After he finished singing, Levinsky said, "Oh, our boy wants to pick a bride?"

Jefferson hurriedly shook his head and said, "No no!"

Levensky asked, "Who are you looking for, is it our little Jona?"

Jona was startled, and immediately acted coquettishly in her arms, "No, I don't want to be with him, I want to be with Her Royal Highness forever."

Levensky laughed and whispered a few words in her ear, but Jona's face instantly flushed, and she was even more effortless.

"Okay," said Levinski at last, "don't give it to him, don't give it to him, my little Jona will not give it to anyone!"

"Your Highness is the best!" Jona immediately got up and kissed Levensky's face a few times.

Jefferson was so focused on the car that he ignored what was happening in the back seat.

In the afternoon, the second princess and her party finally arrived outside the hunting camp.

The banners and banners are already in the air, and the noble nobles in the Cuyavia Kingdom have all come.

The car stopped some distance outside the camp, and Levensky got out of the car with Jonah.

After so long in the car, I was very tired, and I needed to get down and take two steps to breathe.

At this time, the management of the camp came over and guided Jefferson and the carriage team behind to set up camp at the second princess' camp, and a small group of knights stayed behind.

Although demons can fly, their heavy cavalry cannot be ignored, because the armor of these cavalry is very heavy, but they can lighten the burden and speed up the warhorse by flapping their wings. At the same time, the carefully cultivated warhorse is very fast, and the final sprint speed exceeds that of the demon flying. Speed ​​and lethality to infantry.

Yi someone attaches great importance to these heavy cavalry, and it will be unpleasant to face them when they are short of ammunition.

On the way to the camp, he kept looking around, analyzing the combat effectiveness of these heavy cavalry as much as possible.

No one would doubt him. After all, drivers who drive these days are basically like this. The one who holds the steering wheel in one hand and a cigarette in the other is the old driver among the drivers.

Not long after Jefferson left, Levensky led Jonah to a nearby creek.

It's summer, and the meadows by the river are full of wild flowers.

Jona tugged at Levinsky's sleeve, pointed to the grass and said, "I'll go make a wreath for His Royal Highness."

Levinsky originally wanted to go, but when she saw a distant relative coming, she said to Lena, "Go on your own, watch out for the bees."

Jona ran to the grass cheering, and Levensky went over to say hello to her cousin.

"Cousin Lewandorf!" Levensky waved, "Are you here?"

Lewandorf is in his early thirties this year, wearing a straight knight uniform. He has been educated by his grandfather Marshal Sosapov since he was a child, and his years of military experience have made his temperament like a drawn sword.

He came over and said with a smile, "Why did you come here? I've been waiting for you here for a few days, and nothing tastes good."

Levinsky blushed slightly. She couldn't say that she had recently received a batch of books. She was playing crazy at home and was reluctant to come over earlier.

But Lewandorf thought of going somewhere else, thinking it was the love words he had come up with that made his cousin blush.

If he knew what style and level of love words Levensky liked, he would probably dig a hole on the spot and bury himself deeper.

Lewandorf continued: "I've got you covered..."

"Wang! Wang Wang!" ×4


At this moment, the barking of a hound and the scream of a girl resounded by the river.

Jona, who was weaving a wreath by the river, was thrown to the ground by four hounds with golden and black fur that came out of nowhere. Her legs and right hand were instantly bitten by the hounds, and the last hound turned towards her face. Take a bite.

Jona was silent for a moment, but the hounds still did not let go, and the bright red blood instantly stained the grass.


Levensky screamed, turned around and shouted to the knights behind him, "It's not over yet!"

At this moment Lewandorf whistled, and the four hounds let out a sigh of relief and ran up to his feet, the **** head rubbing affectionately against his trouser legs.

Levensky ran to Jonah's side and saw that her hands, feet and face were turned out, blood was blurred, and she had lost her breath.

She angrily yelled at Lewandorf: "Cousin, Jona has followed me for so many years, how can you pay me!"

Lewandorf smiled embarrassingly. He knew that this demon girl was raised by his cousin, so he could only spread his hands and say, "You know I have no money, otherwise, I will give you that piece of amber that you have wanted since you were a child. The necklace will be paid to you?"

Levensky pouted and said, "Not enough!"

Lewandorf thought for a moment, and then said: "I recently got a shorthair cat with silver and white stripes on a black background. It was sent from the opposite continent with great difficulty. We only have one here."

"Really?" Levensky's eyes lit up, apparently having heard of this kind of pet before.

Lewandorf nodded and said: "It must be true, how could I lie to you, I will send it to my family."

A satisfied smile appeared on Levensky's face, "Then I'll forgive you."