The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1720: 1 good news for everyone

Hunting naturally requires a banquet to share the prey.

Under the light of the circles of fire, the kings and nobles of the Kingdom of Cuyavia sat in a large circle on the carpet, and the low table in front of each person was filled with barbecued meat and fine wine.

A team of dancers danced in the open space in the middle, and everyone kept toasting to Reyshard II in laughter and laughter, wishing the king good health and stepping down the Abyss City as soon as possible.

Reyshard II raised his glass and stood up, suddenly shouting: "Today, I take this opportunity to tell you an important news!"

The audience fell silent in an instant, all the dancers were crawling on the ground, and there was only the sound of "crackling" in the brazier in the entire venue.

"This matter is very important to us!"

"How important is it, just how important you think it is!"

Reyshard II seemed to be in a good mood, and he sold off, hanging the hearts of all the demons present.

His Majesty the King said this, which proves that what he is going to say next is really extremely important, and maybe it has something to do with the country.

But tonight, His Majesty the King didn't know if he was in a good mood, he was drinking too much, or both, and he was chatting for ten minutes about how important the next thing was.

Just when everyone was starting to get a little impatient, Reichard II suddenly announced: "I have good news for everyone, Lena is pregnant, a boy, and the due date is this fall!"

The scene was silent, many young people didn't seem to know who "Lena" was for a while, and the older people were stunned.

Levensky's body first trembled slightly, and then made a ecstatic look of "Yeah" and called out.

"Sister is she pregnant?"

She jumped for joy, almost knocking over the low table in front of her with the barbecue.

In the eyes of others, Levensky looked very excited, just like an ordinary sister hearing about her sister's happy event.

Only someone Yi understood that her acting skills had improved rapidly in the recent period, and if she hadn't heard her voice when she was really excited, she would have been deceived.

Soon, everyone remembered that there was also an eldest princess who traveled for a long time in China.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Although the two sisters are compatriots, who can explain the affairs of the emperor's family.

Jefferson was sitting right behind Levinsky, cutting the roasted pheasant without any seasoning on the plate in front of him into small strips and feeding it to Jonah in his arms.

Jona obviously likes to eat this kind of roasted pheasant, and every time she eats it, she will stick out her paw and point at the plate containing the roasted meat with a "meow".

As a new **** shoveling officer, the sincere congratulations at the banquet have nothing to do with him. His only task now is to keep the new Jona full and well fed.

As for the old Jona, when someone heard the news that night, she had already been thrown into the river next to her.

It just so happened that the Demon King was checking the inventory that night, otherwise there would be one less "Big Ivan" in the warehouse.

In the end, the one who finally calmed down searched downstream along the river for a whole night, but couldn't find Jona's body.

"I think the one with the cat is nice."

A voice in the field made someone come back to his senses. At this time, in the middle of the space stood a handsome young man, about twenty years old. He was gorgeously dressed, and the horns on his head were inlaid with gold wire decorations.

Now that the banquet has entered the stage of competition, the benefits of being able to show off in front of the king are great, not to mention that the king is still very happy today, the benefits are even greater.

The long-established and well-known nobles generally do not participate in this matter, and those who play are young demons who want to fight for their future.

For some reason, a young boy who played tonight was facing Levensky's side. Naturally, it was impossible for him to fight with His Royal Highness the Second Princess, so he found someone from the Second Princess' entourage to replace him.

There are some knights under Levinsky, and they are not bad, but the demon on the field chose the **** shovel officer for some reason.

"Jefferson," Levinsky said calmly, turning back, "you go up and play."

Jefferson made an "oh", handed the shorthair cat to her, then adjusted his clothes, with a cold and charming smile on his face, and walked into the venue with contemptuous steps.

This appearance, the momentum shocked everyone's hearts, and the hearts of many big daughters-in-law and little girls jumped wildly.

It's just that he saluted Reyshard II and said in horror: "Your Majesty, I'm just a rough man, I just have a little strength. If I accidentally kill this knight, it doesn't matter, right?"

Jefferson's outfit tonight was pretty good, the standard overbearing president template, so many demons thought that the Second Princess had gotten a master from where.

But he said it like an old farmer, and the contrast made everyone laugh out loud.

At the same time, the demon standing on the field is a rising star in the Kingdom of Kuyavia, and his strength is not weak, and no one can guarantee that they can kill him.

At this time, in the laughing crowd, I don't know who asked in a yin and yang: "How rough are you?"

Then another voice replied: "I have to ask Her Royal Highness the princess."

Now everyone laughed even more cheerfully. UU reading

Reichard II was really happy today, and said to Jefferson with a smile: "If you can defeat him, you can take whatever he has."

Jefferson's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked, "Can I ask him for some money to buy a car that can run without feeding grass and boiling water?"

Reyshard II was taken aback for a moment, this was unexpected, and he asked him curiously, "What do you want a steam car for?"

"Pull things!" Jefferson said very seriously. "This big guy is much better than a horse-drawn carriage, and he can make a lot of money quickly and without rest!"

The others stopped laughing at this time, but Reichard II laughed, and everyone laughed too.

"Okay!" said His Majesty the King. "How about I give you money to buy twenty steam cars if you win?"

Jefferson immediately bowed and thanked: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The challenger standing next to him was speechless to the extreme. He thought that the person beside Her Royal Highness the Second Princess was an expert bodyguard, and his family belonged to the eldest princess, so he used it as a stepping stone.

But no one thought that this product was actually a living treasure.

The competition started soon, and the long sword in the hands of the young demon knight shook and took a stance.

Jefferson picked up the weapon he had just borrowed and tried it out, and was equally prepared.

As the saying goes, an expert will know if he has it as soon as he makes a move. An experienced demon can see the fame in his posture at a glance - this posture can't be made without cutting wood for more than ten years.

Reyshard II suddenly threw the wine glass in his hand high, and at the moment when the wine glass fell, the two sides moved. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!