The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1747: Plan to change it again

The latest website: Recently, the spirit of Reichhard II has been extremely poor.

After the death of Earl Petrieji (posthumously titled) for unknown reasons, four other nobles in the capital suddenly suffered severe pain, and three of them died in the end.

The only one who survived, the price was to tear off his own balls.

What caught the attention of Reyshard II the most was the appearance of a handwritten letter from his youngest daughter in the safe where Count Petrieji (postponed) kept his will.

Among the nobles who subsequently died, similar letters were found in their safes or study rooms.

In addition, according to the reports of the secret agents arranged in each family, several families have quietly burned something recently.

It is not surprising that the daughters win over the nobles, but what exactly is the "plan" mentioned in those letters, His Majesty the King is very alert, but he does not understand.

Maybe he could guess it, but deep down he didn't want to guess in that direction.

His Majesty the King felt in his heart that the eldest daughter was well-behaved and smart, and the second daughter was quiet and sensible, so she should not attack her old father. Someone must have broken them, and they must be strictly investigated.

Right now, Leichard II is most concerned about the information of his eldest daughter and grandson. After calculating the time, the grandson has come out, but the ships that have gone to sea recently have not returned.

Reichard II had a headache here, and Charles had a headache over there.

In the golden autumn of October, a document made all the heads of the Western Front Army Headquarters hurt badly.

The content of the document is very simple, and the condolence team is coming from the rear.

Organizing a condolence group to condolences to the front-line officers and soldiers is an old tradition that has been passed down from Philip's meeting to the present. In addition, they have just won a big victory, the enemy is unable to counterattack, and the participating troops are resting and rehabilitating, just when the condolence group debuts.

The condolence group was led by Her Royal Highness The Queen's Empress Ifta in person. It was formed according to the "Three Going to the Countryside" model proposed by Charles back then. It consisted of literary and art groups, doctors and chefs from all over the country.

The headquarters is very troubled. The army has just completed the devastating blow to the special forces of the Cuyavia army's assassination tactics. Charles ran to the capital to poison people, and now he is fully prepared for the other party's retaliation. At this time, the condolence group came.

"Let's do it." Yashin said, "The other side of the capital has to be on alert for a long time. We don't have any tasks recently. Let's also participate in the protection of the condolence team."

As Commander Yi's bodyguard, Yasin's military rank is Admiral, and other strongmen at the level of Sword Saint Law God are major generals in the military system. It's just because of the division of powers, he and the Commander attend many meetings together. In the past, he had always been silent, and today was the first time he took the initiative to speak up.

Charles discussed it with everyone, and finally said to Yashin: "Then it's hard for you."

Then he said to Chief of Staff Vasilev: "The staff should strengthen the anti-infiltration operation and ensure the safety of the condolences."

Vasilev naturally agreed, rubbing his temples.

The matter was over, and then the discussion was about the battlefield behind the enemy.

At present, the reconnaissance area of ​​the Western Front has been drawn to the gates of the major cities in Storm Canyon. If the enemy has any large-scale mobilization, they can quickly obtain information.

After studying the summary of the previous campaign, Charles has been thinking about a new battle plan.

Because the previous war was very smooth, some people in the National Military Commission now think that the previous plan may be too conservative, and the Western Front should take more proactive and bold actions.

A similar view came with the fog in the canyon inside the Western Front.

In the summary of the battle, many troops believed that the tactics of waiting for the enemy to attack and then retreating and then counterattacking may not be suitable for the current situation. You can refer to this battle. After the enemy has assembled, take the initiative to attack and destroy the enemy, and then establish a new The line of defense waits for the enemy to gather again.

Previously, the tactic of rolling forward was not adopted, mainly because the demons took advantage of their own flying maneuverability and the disadvantage that the Sad Mountains in the west of the canyon were not suitable for their own troops to deploy.

Gu Xiu

Charles didn't want a battle like the Inchon landing to fall on his head.

Tactics and weapons and equipment complement each other. New weapons make new tactics appear, and new tactics promote the development of new weapons.

Now, two newly formed armies are about to join the Western Front and will soon be deployed to the front.

The "Dandelion" Army is affiliated to the Air Force and is formed by the integration and expansion of the original Airborne Forces of the Air Force. It has 7 airborne divisions and 14 independent air assault regiments or battalions, with about 110,000 people.

In this army, the airborne divisions use transport-type steel islands as vehicles to perform strategic-level combat missions; the air assault regiments or battalions use helicopters as vehicles to perform operational-level combat missions.

The "Firs" army is a new type of mountain troops specially formed on the basis of the original mountain troops. It is mainly a mountain infantry regiment with a number of about 150,000. It is mainly used for operations in mountainous areas such as the Sad Mountains.

Therefore, the staff gave a new combat plan, Vasilev said: "In the next operation, 'Firs' can set up defense lines in the mountains, and after encountering a large-scale enemy raid, 'Dandelion' can use the advantages of maneuvering to quickly reinforce, This allows for the establishment of a defense system in the mountains to the west."

Suvorov said immediately: "The rapid reinforcement of 'Dandelion' is based on good weather."

His implication is very clear, the biggest problem that everyone is facing since the war started is the weather.

Just like now, it was still foggy this morning. The north wind that started to blow before lunch blew the fog away. Now the north wind outside has reached a speed of 15 meters per second. Seeing that I have to challenge the speed of 20 meters per second, those who do not eat lunch are in a hurry. The one who was basking in the sun and the blanket was chasing after the blanket.

In this weather in the mountains, let alone helicopters, the demons will be blown into the mountains, and the dragons can fly.

Vasilev took out a drawing and spread it on the table, and then introduced to everyone: "This is a tunnel-type defensive position planned to be built in the mountains."

Charles glanced at it from the perspective of a civil servant, and felt that it was okay, but he did not express his position immediately, and quietly listened to Vasilev and Suvorov discussing this kind of defensive position that can be lived, hidden, and played.

The result of the discussion is to continue the discussion after building a nearby one.

However, everyone tends to build such a line of defense in the mountains to the west to cover the frontal battlefields on both sides of the north and south.

After solving the flank security problem, Vasilev continued: "Although 'Dandelion' and 'Fir' will join us, the Army will send 300,000 people back to the rear to strengthen the construction of new troops and replenish new recruits. The troops will have combat effectiveness in the short term. will go down."

Charles frowned, and now the National Military Commission is full of impatience. The original plan was to transfer 50,000 officers and soldiers with combat experience to enrich the new force, but the current plan is to carry out a new army of 300,000 people. Replacement of veterans.

In the next month, more officers and soldiers will be taken from each unit of the Western Front, and the original reorganized and trained troops will be scattered and filled with this as the backbone, and trained recruits will be recruited to fill the gaps in the Western Front. .

When Huaxilev talked about this, his brain hurt badly. How to run in between the old and new officers and soldiers made the staff crazy.

And their staff will also be taken away? They will also face the same problem.

After listening to Charles, he said the battle plan he thought about: "When the recruits are replenished, each department will start training with war."

"Take the battalion company as a to take advantage of the next opportunity that the rain will decrease and the enemy will be difficult to fly in strong winds, and with sufficient reconnaissance and logistical support, go deep into the enemy-occupied area to eliminate small-scale enemies, and focus on eliminating small-scale enemies according to the situation. larger enemy."

"In this way, against the enemy, we can dampen morale, shake the morale of the army, and consume strength; for me, we can gain experience, train our troops, improve our tactics, technical level, and command level, and continuously enhance the combat effectiveness of our troops, laying a good foundation for the next big annihilation war. Base."

"The air force can take advantage of the short-term good weather to fly out. The battlefield is not limited to the Storm Canyon. It can fly over the Sad Mountains and move towards the west. Air strikes are carried out on all teams that transport supplies and troops to the canyon. When necessary, the 'Dandelion' Air assault troops can go to ambush, fight fast and retreat."

It was said that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. In the less than half a year since the war started, he couldn't remember how many times the plan was changed.

Fortunately, the principle of consuming the enemy's living strength has not changed. At present, there is no goal of occupying the city for the Western Front Army, otherwise the head will hurt more.

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