The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1749: force multiplier

Latest website: In late October, frequent northerly winds dropped the temperature in the storm canyon a lot, but the hottest part of the day still exceeded 20°C.

The only advantage is that the weather is sunny for more time, only occasionally rains, the air is no longer so humid, and people and equipment can bask in the sun.

This morning, after eating breakfast, Georgie got into his division commander's command car and opened the battlefield command system.

On the black screen, a white gear is rotating clockwise, and the progress bar below shows the progress of the boot.

"Your Highness!"

"You're busy with your work, I'll take a look."

Charles also got into the command car and sat down in the position of the guard next to him.

For more than half a month, he stayed in the 985th Division when he was free, caring about every detail of their informatization transformation.


In about 30 seconds, the system boots up.

An aerial map appeared on the monitor, and the center point was the military camp south of the forward city where it was currently located.

This aerial map took half a year of work by the surveying and mapping troops of the Rurik Kingdom, covering the entire Storm Canyon and the surrounding area. It has not been completed yet, but it is generally ready for use.

At present, there is no unified longitude and latitude coordinates on this planet. The prime meridian of the Rurik Kingdom passes through the Mule Island Observatory. The surveying and mapping troops in the Western Front Army have been measuring the coordinates of various landmarks in the storm canyon through sextants.

At present, this aerial map is combined with the coordinates, and the newly built theater radio positioning system is barely enough to be used on the battlefield.

"It's so convenient." Georgie sighed a few times, "I don't think there's even a need to open the cab window with it."

"Then you drive into the river." Charles said with a smile.

While he was joking, Georgie had already used the trackball to call for a roll call.

All the equipment of the 985th Division, from the Apocalypse tank to the cooking car, and the information system on the vehicle were all awakened, and in less than a minute, all the signs appeared on the monitor in front of Georgi.

He randomly selected a self-propelled artillery, and the information panel of the self-propelled artillery immediately appeared in front of him.

The first line of the information panel is the name of the equipment, the second line is the number starting with "985", the third and fourth lines are the number of artillery shells and the amount of remaining magic elements in the magic pool, and the fifth line "Remarks" is now empty.

The information terminal on each equipment now transmits its own signal every 30 seconds through the radio, and these signals contain the real-time position coordinates and the content of the information panel.

After each terminal system receives the signal, it is first transmitted to a magic brain computer the size of a personal computer case for processing. The computer wrapped with thick steel plate processes all the information and calculates the relative position coordinates of itself and outputs it to the display.

The computer on the division commander's command vehicle is larger, and an immersion cooling system is also installed. The refrigerant inside is a slime oil with high magic resistance and specific heat capacity.

Then Georgie began to practice querying the information of a certain company at the fastest speed. When the map is zoomed out, the selected company will appear in the form of a graph, and at the same time, it will display information such as how much equipment and ammunition it has.

He then started practicing how to order "I need you to attack this target", "I need you to protect this target", "Please note that supplies have arrived and are ready to be delivered".

Charles watched silently from the side, feeling full of emotion. The guiding ideology of this command system was obtained from other worlds when he was working for the God of Space. The large frame design came from the Rhode Island Engineering Department. Many places were even made with the help of Kelu Xier himself, and now they have finally been put into use with the efforts of Nasr al-Din and the others.

Thinking of this, Charles stretched out his right hand, his palm turned into a white claw with a spatial coordinate attached to it.

" can go back and have a look."

It didn't take long for the signs of each vehicle to change from stopped gray to yellow in standby, and other officers and soldiers of the 985th Division also came to the vehicle after breakfast to familiarize themselves with the new system.

"Discover the enemy army!"

Gu Wei

"Detected enemy vehicles!"

"Found enemy artillery!"

"Detected enemy tanks!"

"Discover the enemy cavalry!"

"Need supplies!"

"Medical soldiers!"

"Vehicle needs repair!"


In the command system in front of Georgie, reports from various units sounded one after another. The voice of the system was a nice female voice, from the current famous movie actress Miss Iya.

Charles met Miss Iya when he welcomed the condolence group half a month ago. She is a beautiful, quiet and wise lady. Compared with the warm and cheerful red leaves, which are loved by young people and soldiers, She is more popular with intellectuals.

Therefore, when a group of programmers at Intel Corporation voted for a voice, she was elected by an absolute majority.

As Georgie began a system drill with the entire division, the immersion cooling system in the car began to work, making a "humming" sound.

He praised this system. Under the condition that it can intuitively obtain the position and equipment of the subordinate troops, quickly detect the enemy, and display the surrounding terrain, the command can be faster, and the communication can also be directly linked to each information terminal. Makes the power of the 985th Division turn up like a bucket.

It's just that the number of this system is too small, and Georgie feels that it is the first priority to implement this system while the Western Front is resting.

Charles watched in the division commander's command car for a morning and found the imperfections in this command system.

The most common problem is marking the location and number of enemies.

For example, there are 100 enemies on the river bank in front. At this time, the 1st company in the front on the left found them and marked them on the system, and then the 2nd company on the right flank also found them and marked them on the system, and then the 3rd company in the middle was pinned down. They were also marked. In the end, Georgie saw on the command system that there were 200 enemies by the river, and 100 enemies in the river. Because the road was bumpy, the 2nd company commander shook his hands when he entered.

Georgie said: "At least we know that there is an enemy there, right? This requires our scouts to confirm the enemy's situation."

"So we must strengthen the reconnaissance force, Your Highness, give us two more reconnaissance companies."

Charles thought about it and said, "Have you considered using aerial reconnaissance?"

"The deployment width of an armored division is now far more than 10 It takes too long to detect the target by the previous technical means."

"I'm thinking about delegating the army aviation brigade in the army to the division level during combat."

With the development of weapons and equipment, the formation of troops is also changing.

At the beginning, there were still corps-level units in the Western Front Army, and the command level was Front Army-Group Army-Army-Division-Regiment-Company.

Now all the army levels have been withdrawn, and the military headquarters of each army have returned to the rear and upgraded to the group army that forms the army.

At present, the division is the basic tactical corps of the campaign, and the group army directly commands the division, which is much more flexible in command.

Georgie let all the regiments and direct troops conduct autonomous training, and then asked Charles: "What new ideas does Your Highness have?"

Charles nodded and said, "After reading your report, I have a new idea."

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