The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1762: 1 new pirate king

The latest website: "The big slobs got up!"

In the castle's bedroom, the dragon lifted one side of the bed, and a wheat-colored elf and a blond princess rolled down the bed.



The princess fell on the carpet and the genie fell on her.

"Meigen!" Daisy, who was pinned down, shouted angrily, "Can't you lift it on the other side?!"

At this time, Cuilan hugged Dai Xi and rubbed her arms, and said, "Well, little Dai Xi is getting taller and taller."

Daisy pushed her away in disgust, pouted and said, "If you want to hug, just hug your husband who is hiding tightly."

"Yes." Meigen agreed, "Daisy, you said we locked her in the castle, will her husband come to rescue her?"

Daisy said immediately, "Okay, okay, let's start today!"

Cuilan tapped Daisy on the head and brought her to the dresser to comb her hair.

"Meigen," Cuilan asked, "what's the new news this time?"

The materials in the castle were all purchased by Meigen, and by the way, I asked about what happened on the mainland recently.

"There is indeed news," she said. "You make breakfast, and I will tell you when it is."

Cuilan glared at her fiercely, because according to the schedule, Meigen should be cooking today.

Their breakfast is quite simple, oatmeal, fruit and fried eggs.

While Cuilan was making breakfast, Meigen was waiting for something in the corridor outside the kitchen.

Daisy found that there was a problem, and thought that she must be playing tricks on Cuilan again, so she also waited there to watch the fun.

But it seems that Meigen didn't wait for the opportunity, and waited until Cuilan greeted him before going to the restaurant to have breakfast.

"Huh?" Daisy found something new on the table, and immediately went over to watch carefully.

There is a "flower" in the saucer, and the "petal" is black and looks like an egg, but the outermost layer is as crystal clear as crystal.

Princess Daixi had also seen and eaten it in the palace before she was six years old. After she came here, Meigen, a local tyrant dragon, was also a good food. In addition, Cuilan would bring good things every year, but the preserved egg in front of her was still the same. Seen for the first time.

Meigen sat at the dining table with her arms folded in front of her chest, and hummed triumphantly, waiting for Dai Xi to ask herself.

This kind of "black crystal egg" was sold here recently, and it is very popular in the market. If she is not familiar with the owner of the chamber of commerce, they will not leave it to her at all.

Daisy knew that she was going to chatter again, so she turned to ask Cuilan.

Meigen glanced at Cuilan, thinking that she must not know.

Who knows, Cuilan smiled and said to Daisy, "This is a black crystal egg. It is made of ordinary eggs or duck eggs. It can be enlarged for half a year without opening it."

Then she looked at Meigen with a wicked smile on her face, and Elder Sister Julong felt a sudden tension in her heart.

"Maybe dragon eggs can do it too!" Cui Lan said.

"Really?" Daisy looked at Meigen immediately, "Let's have an egg and try it!"

Meigen glared at her and said, "Fuck off!"

If Cuilan said this, it was just a joke, but Daisy, who has a history of eating dragon eggs, said it was hard to tell whether it was a joke or just doing it.

Cuilan was eating breakfast and asked Meigen, "Are these black crystal eggs sold recently?"

Because Cuilan has been running all over the continent for thousands of years, it is not surprising that Meigen knows this kind of thing about her.

"This kind of black crystal egg, there is a story behind it." Meigen said while eating.

Daixi ate a piece of preserved egg with a fork. While cooking, Cuilan used hot oil to fry ginger, garlic and minced chili, and then poured some vinegar on it. The taste was not bad.

She immediately said, "Tell me what the story is!"

Hearing this, Meigen felt comfortable, so she asked, "Do you know the four major pirates in the East China Sea?"

Daisy shook his head, the pattern of pirates was different when he was a child, and he didn't hear much about things so far away when he came here.

Gu Xing

Cui Lan thought about it and said, "It's the four pirate groups of blood sharks, swordfish, octopuses, and turtles. They should be wiped out by now."

Meigen looked at her suspiciously, and asked inexplicably, "How did you know?"

"They were wiped out two months ago. At that time, you came here and didn't go out again. How did you know?"

The flow of information in this era is very slow, and Cuilan has lived here for so long and hasn't left, so Meigen wonders how she knew about it.

Daisy said impatiently: "Speak quickly, don't care how she knows it, just think it's her husband who eats mushrooms."

Cuilan was too lazy to care about her, Meigen slowly picked up a piece of fruit and ate it, and waited until Daisy was about to take it any longer before continuing.

"I heard," Meigen said slowly, "two months ago, the swordfish pirate group went to a fishing village to grab soap. This soap is really fragrant. I bought it back, you can try it."

"However, the Swordfish Pirate Group was killed by one person outside the fishing village, and that person even went to the island where the pirates lived and killed the rest of the pirates."

"It is said that the man found a part of a treasure in the pirate's lair, and then found out that the remaining parts of the treasure were in the hands of other pirates, so he killed island by island, and finally collected the treasure. More than half."

"It's just the last part of the treasure that even if the four major pirate groups are killed, the other little pirates will not be able to find it."

"Although that person no longer kills pirates, those pirates caught a lot of people on the island. Now that the pirates have been killed, they have all been rescued."

"But some people are homeless and end up starving to death when they return to shore."

"So that person taught them the ability to make black crystal eggs, so that they could have a living."

"Later, those pirate groups who survived invited him over and respected him as the pirate king. All the pirates in this sea listened to him!"

Having said this, Daisy's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly, "So is he the pirate king?"

Meigen nodded and replied, "Yes."

Daisy asked again, "Then did he take the pirates to rob which city?"

At this time, Cuilan also looked at Meigen.

"No." Meigen said, "The pirate king said that the past is not up to him, even if your hands are stained with blood, it will be judged by other kingdoms. From now on, everyone has to listen to themselves and stop Killing people and stealing money, let's do business!"

"So, in the past month, no merchant ship has been robbed in the East China Sea."

When the story was over, Daisy pouted, said "boring" and continued to eat breakfast.

There was a warm smile on Cuilan's face, which made Meigen and Daisy feel goosebumps.

"As expected of him." Cui Lan said proudly, "What a kind person."

"Who is it?" Meigen asked.

"My husband Charles." Cui Lan replied immediately, "I knew it was him when this black crystal egg appeared, and he told me how to do this kind of egg."

Meigen and Daisy looked at each other to see how powerful her husband was.

A day passed like that.

At night, in the bathroom, Meigen was rubbing Daisy's back with the soap she just bought.

"You don't look happy?" Meigen asked Daisy suddenly.

Daisy just shook her Meigen hugged Daisy's waist from behind, put her chin on her shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "Actually, you really want to see who Charles is. What kind of person?"

Daisy was taken aback for a moment, just nodded twice, then shook his head violently dozens of times.

"Forget it." She lowered her head and said, "Just listen to the story."

"What if he sees me and falls in love with me at first sight, I don't have so much time to spend with him."

Saying that, her fingers brushed lightly on her left chest, where there was a small scar.

Meigen held Daixi's hands tightly, and then said solemnly: "Hold on, wait until the barrier collapses, and Cuilan and I go to the foggy forest, there should be residual spring water underground."

Daisy just smiled and said "um".

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