The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1779: Let's talk about core values

In early February, after Charles arranged the defense of the Western Front and the road construction in Storm Canyon, he led the team back to Abyss City to report on the work.

They returned to Abyss City this time without much fanfare, but quietly came to a Guards barracks outside the city, and the next work was not just a work report.

On the first day of the meeting, Chief of Staff Vasilev, on behalf of the Western Front, reported to the leaders and the commanders of various units on a series of content such as the combat process, results, losses, and lessons learned. In the next few days, the Western Front consisted of Commanders and fighters at all levels made reports with different contents, summarizing the experience and lessons learned in the battle.

On the other side, Charles, who is the last vice-chairman of the Supreme Council of the Kingdom and the last vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers, is also the last-last vice-chairman of a military council.

At the same time, the Rurik Kingdom established the headquarters of the Supreme Presidential Headquarters, the highest strategic leadership agency during the war, led by the Demon King Nicholas II. Charles was transferred from the Western Front to serve as the commander of the forward headquarters of the headquarters and the representative of the headquarters, responsible for commanding the front-line troops, Implement the strategic intention of the base camp, listen to the opinions and suggestions of various units on strategic issues, and directly contact the base camp, and immediately implement and solve any problems.

The first order after the establishment of the base camp of the Supreme Presidential Headquarters was to establish the Eastern Front, Southern Front, Northern Front and Chinese Front. As the main field army of Rurik Kingdom.

Today, the Rurik army has formed a battle command system of base camp-front army-group army-division, which centralizes power and reduces the command hierarchy, making it easier to command during large-scale operations.

This series of decisions is a bit rushed, and the forward command team on Charles' side will not be ready until early next month.

The reason for this is that the top military officials underestimated their combat effectiveness and wanted to use Storm Canyon to bleed the Kingdom of Kuyavia, but they couldn’t help but fight, and they completely recovered Storm Canyon in nine months. reason.

The next task is to slow down and repair the roads in the recovered areas, otherwise the transportation will not keep up, which will lead to unnecessary losses in the follow-up operations.

It was mid-February, the weather was fine, and Charles invited the Devil to go fishing in a nearby lake.

Nicholas II felt that someone should discuss something with him, so he took his golden fishing rod and followed him to the lake.

After taking the hook, Charles' first sentence surprised the Demon King: "Your Majesty, what are the core values ​​of the Rurik Kingdom?"

Nicholas II frowned slightly. Since Philip's reform, the country has mentioned various long-term goals and phased goals the most, but civilization construction such as values ​​has rarely been mentioned.

This is what Philip didn't have time to complete back then. There was not enough time, only enough to build a framework, and many spiritual things could not be injected.

Later, the demon betrayed and then the long-term war, the powerful foreign enemy covered up many domestic problems.

In Chapter 1643, Charles wanted to write an article on core values, but Tilbie suggested that he should write it later to spare the candidates, and then he forgot about it.

Right now, the victory of the war is only a matter of time. After winning the victory, many people have not considered how to build the country. He or someone can just bring the power of recovering Storm Canyon to implement this matter.

The Demon King is good at listening to other people's opinions, and this time is no exception, so he said, "If you have any ideas, let me know."

Charles nodded slightly, and then said seriously: "We need to vigorously build our country's core value system and consolidate the common ideological foundation for the unity and struggle of the people across the country."

"I think the core value system should include four basic contents, namely guiding ideology, common ideal, national spirit and the spirit of the times, and social concept of honor and disgrace."

"To establish a core value system, we must understand the guiding ideology of our country, understand our lofty ideals, and at the same time promote the creative transformation and innovative development of our historically excellent traditional culture, inherit the culture of fighting against the brave men sent by the gods, and develop Philip The advanced culture since the reform never forgets its origin, absorbs the outside world, faces the future, better builds our spirit, our value, and our strength, and provides spiritual guidance for the people.”

"Core values ​​are the core of the core value system, reflect the fundamental nature and basic characteristics of the core value system, reflect the rich connotation and practical requirements of the core value system, and are a highly condensed and concentrated expression of the core value system."

"At the same time, a country's core values ​​are the concentrated expression of the country's spirit, and embody the common value pursuit of all people."

"To cultivate and practice core values, we must focus on cultivating newcomers of the era who are responsible for the rejuvenation of the kingdom, strengthen education guidance, practice development, and institutional guarantee, and give full play to core values ​​for national education, spiritual civilization creation, and spiritual and cultural products. The leading role of communication is to integrate core values ​​into all aspects of social development and transform them into people's emotional identity and behavioral habits."


The Demon King has been listening silently, without expressing his specific position, but nodding his head occasionally, during which he caught 24 fish.

What Charles said involved areas that he seldom thought about, the ears were listening, the brain was constantly thinking about the feasibility of it.

"Are you preparing for the post-war period?" asked Nicholas II.

Charles said affirmatively: "Yes, after so many years of fighting, everyone should take a good rest."

"Only if we develop ourselves well can we be invincible when new threats come."

Nicholas II nodded and thought about it for a while. He felt that this was just a general propaganda of spiritual civilization. After someone wrote an article and published it, the major newspapers followed up and reported it. Finally, each unit organized a study, so it was almost the same. Said: "Then you can do it. You have been busy with the war recently. Doing some other work before the formation of the fore finger is also considered a kind of rest."

"Tomorrow there will be a meeting between the Kingdom's Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers. After passing this matter, you can let it go."

Charles immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll go back and prepare the materials for the meeting."

When the Demon King went to bed that night, he was suddenly stunned. Today, he thought that Charles was going to discuss with him about dealing with demons. How did it become the study of core values?

The second day's meeting mainly focused on the transportation construction in Storm Canyon. Charles' proposal on the construction of the core value system was passed unanimously because everyone thought it looked good.

That night, the prince returned to the Yekaterina Palace, where Diana had been waiting for a long time.