The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1780: the fundamentals of the country

In late February, the footsteps of spring are approaching, and the weather is starting to warm up.

Early in the morning, the streets of Abyss City ushered in the morning rush hour for work, and Charles' car was blocked on the street as soon as he entered the city.

Diana looked at the various official cars, buses and trucks on the road, turned to Charles and said, "It seems necessary to build a subway."

Charles replied reluctantly: "There is something underground in Abyss City, and you can't dig it. Now I'm considering a suspended monorail system, and it's already being planned."

Diana thought for a moment and said, "The passenger capacity of the suspension rails is not very large, and there are many iron shelves along the way."

Charles shrugged and replied, "It's better to have less passenger capacity than nothing. As for those iron racks, everyone is fine with them. They look mighty and domineering."

Diana has nothing to say. She has already decided not to give any opinion on the industrial aesthetics here, and everyone should be happy.

Finally, the two of them came to the Red Star Cathedral in Abyss City.

The Red Star Cathedral, as the headquarters of the Harvest and Forging Temple, has a lot of people coming in and out. Because of the late traffic jam, the parking lot is full of cars. Fortunately, Charles, as the penultimate deputy head of the machine bishops group, belongs to No need to look around for your own parking space.

"This is your parking space." Charles said to Diana after getting out of the car, pointing to the vacant seat not far away, "Next time you come by yourself, you can park the car there."

Diana still has another identity, that is, the saintess of the Harvest and Forging Temple, but she came to the church for the second time today, and the parking lot was the first time.

Today, they are all wearing the standard work clothes of the temple, that is, the black tunic suit with four pockets, five buttons, eight buttons on the left and right cuffs, and a three-finger pen in the pen pocket.

As soon as he entered the Red Star Cathedral, Charles' face changed slightly, suppressing the Slime Sword that wanted to come out and destroy it.

In the end, the two came to Diana's office. The space here is not small. The desks, chairs, bookshelves, cabinets, etc. are all complete, but there are no things such as documents. Charles has to take a thermos by himself. Go to the water room to turn on the water.

In the Temple of Harvest and Forging, the Holy Maiden's job is to be responsible for external publicity and internal inspections, but this position is not always filled by someone. Currently, it is handled by the corresponding department. Previously, the Holy Maiden's office did not even have a team. Troops are being dispatched all over the place now.

This time Charles wants to make a big move, and it is most suitable for Diana to initiate the promotion of the core value system in the temple system.

Charles made two cups of tea on Diana's desk, and said at the same time, "I still don't understand why he made you a saint."

Diana was preparing paper and stationery for later use. After listening, she also said, "Actually, I didn't understand it myself."

"It's very simple." At this moment, a voice sounded, "You are the best friend of my descendants."

Philip appeared, made himself a cup of tea at the bottle cage, and then pulled a chair and sat down beside the desk.

Diana pointed at Charles, who was also surprised, and said, "Don't you think this guy is my best friend?"

"Of course it's not him." Philip said with a smile, "I think the person who gave you the storage bag should be the descendant of my grandson from the previous life."

Diana was taken aback, took out the storage bag she brought from her hometown and put it on the table, asking uncertainly, "This is what you're talking about?"

The storage bag is placed on the table, with a few leaves embroidered on the upward side.

"That's right." Philip nodded and said, "You also know that my surname was Ye in my last life. The pattern of leaves on this bag is my family's monogram."

The "monogram" he said is the "press" in the "signature drawing", which is an anti-counterfeiting signature with deformed characters or patterns as the main body.

"It makes sense," Charles said, pinching his chin.

He used to inquire about Mrs. Zhang's affairs with Diana, and naturally he also heard about the deeds of many other people, and it was easy to find the turning point in history.

"I reckon," he said to Philip, "I'm afraid that the old friend of Diana's father was the grandson you said before his death, who died many years ago but the family kept it from you."

Philip nodded and said, "I think so too."

Diana was stunned, this kind of development she did not expect.

Philip said again: "Let's talk about this later, now let's talk about what you are going to do next."

After speaking, he looked at Charles.

Charles put down the teacup in his hand and said seriously: "You should know that the calls for racial destruction of demons in China are getting louder recently."

Philip nodded slightly.

Charles asked him very solemnly: "Do you think there is a place for racial destruction in the direction of advancement of advanced culture?"

Philip replied solemnly: "I see what you mean."

The direction that represents the advancement of advanced culture is one of the three foundations of nation-building, the foundation of governance, and the source of strength that he established when he was carrying out reforms more than 300 years ago. As long as the country is still advancing on this road, then all policies cannot It's a matter of principle.

The embankment of a thousand miles collapses in the ant's nest. As long as an opening is opened in principle, the foundation of the country will gradually deteriorate and collapse.

On another level, if the butcher knife is raised, can it be lowered easily?

Don't look at the first knife being cut outwards. Once you have the most convenient idea of ​​using a knife to solve the problem, who can guarantee that the next knife will not face inward?

The Rurik Kingdom is a country where many races live together. What if someone from the [REDACTED]gods[/REDACTED] provokes them to kill the goblins. If the goblins are gone, there will still be orcs, dwarves, elves, and giants. dragon…

The biggest advantage of these traversers is that they can use their own experience to discover some problems when they are budding, and then find ways to solve the problems as soon as possible.

Charles felt that he could live longer, and he didn't want to watch tall buildings rise or collapse.

He continued: "My idea is to start with the promotion of the core value system, and start from the combination of core values ​​with public opinion, study, life, work, and college entrance examination sites, and set off a big wave of learning *** values, so that prisoners of war and The topic of civilian captives became secondary."

"I already have some preliminary ideas on how to deal with demons in the future, roughly to put them on trial, drive them back to Gniezno Island acquitted, and then carry out demilitarization, deindustrialization and other political and educational aspects. The specific details still need to be studied.”

After listening, Philip nodded slightly. He understood this method, but there was still a problem that he couldn't get around, so he asked him, "Have you considered their beliefs?"

Charles replied earnestly: "I plan to convert them to the God of Cookery and concentrate on cooking in the future."

In fact, if it wasn't for the fear of the gods getting angry, a certain person would have wanted Tyrby to lead them.

Philip was noncommittal about this, just said: "Whatever you want to do is up to you."

Just as he was about to leave after drinking tea, Charles immediately troubled him with one thing: "Just ask, can the oil palms from the southern continent be transplanted into Storm Canyon?"

"Don't think about it." Philip shook his head, "The bugs on the continent over there are very powerful, and transplanting them will cause pests to invade."

Charles squeezed his chin and said, "If that's the case, then we can only let the prisoners go over to open up wasteland to plant oil palms. It's really inconvenient that there is no oil in this place. If you can help..."

He had seen it out of thin air, but before he finished speaking, Philip disappeared.

Charles shrugged, then said to Diana, "Let's get on with the work."

Diana picked up the pen and said with a bit of emotion: "If Mr. Zhao was transmigrated by his grandson, that would be fine too."

Charles nodded and said, "Yes, this is really unexpected."

He then asked: "Where do you think the core value system of this publicity should start?"

Diana replied: "I suggest starting from the elaboration of the four basic contents of guiding ideology, common ideal, national spirit and zeitgeist, and social concept of honor and disgrace, making the latest definitions of them, and then starting to build the entire system."

Charles took a sip of tea with a cup of tea, and after thinking for a while, he said, "This can't be solved by an article, but a book can be written."

Diana counted her fingers and said, "I'm afraid so."

"First of all, it is necessary to clarify the meaning and characteristics of values, values ​​and value systems, and then expound the proposal and development of core value systems and core values, and the internal connection between core value systems and core values."

"Next is the debate on the multiple relationships of core values, which respectively expounds the relationship between the four basic aspects of core values ​​at the national, social and individual levels."

"Then it's followed by detailing each goal of the core values."

Then Charles and her listed the outline together, and analyzed it step by step, step by step.

Afterwards, the two of them threw themselves into sleepless work, and soon the priests of the temple joined in according to the Pope's order. The content of the outline is also more in line with the local reading habits.

March is considered the first month of spring.

On March 10, Diana presided over the first prayer service of this spring as a first-time saint.

During the preaching session, she clearly put forward the major proposition and strategic task of "building a national core value system" for the first time.

On the same day, the book "National Core Value System and National Core Values" was launched nationwide. The candidates for this year's college entrance examination have already learned from previous news reports that this book is full of new test sites, crowding bookstores all over the country. Gotta be full.
