The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 692: Sign a contract with the girl from the s

It is easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down. If you are a little careless when going down the mountain, it is easy to roll straight to the foot of the mountain, and then completely integrate into the food chain of the mountains.

In order to save the energy and stamina for going down the mountain, Xiao Huihui went to bed early after eating the carrot and stewed mutton for dinner.

He had been fighting with those seven swords all afternoon, but he was defeated, and none of them recognized him.

Half of the sunset sank under the mountain peaks to the west, and the sunset glow dyed the entire sky and the surrounding mountains red.

Skadi stood on the edge of the cliff, watching the sunset in the distance.

The wind picked up, the wind was not strong, and it blew her long hair.

Charles came over and draped a cloak made of snow bear skin over her body.

"I'm not afraid of the cold," Skadi said, shaking her shoulders at the same time.

Charles still put the cloak on for her, and then said, "I heard that you will get sick too."

"But I'm sure I won't catch a cold," said Skadi.

"Be careful." Mrs. Yi said, "I don't know how many people have fallen into 'impossible' things. There is a lack of doctors and medicines here. If the cold wind blows, they will have a headache, a cramp in the calf, and a stomachache. All right."

"It's fine." Skadi said, "I'll just drink some wine when I'm sick."

Charles was speechless.

The sky soon became dark, and it didn't take long for the stars to appear in the sky.

It is now the end of January in 1924 of the divine calendar, the last quarter moon hangs in the sky, and the anger of the full moon is gone.

Charles took out an astronomical telescope, found a place on the top of the mountain to set it up, and pointed it at the shining gems in the sky.

"What is this?" Skadi asked.

"The astronomical telescope allows people to see the stars in the sky more clearly." Charles replied.

He found the target to observe this time - a white planet in the local solar system, this planet has the same ring as Jupiter in Charles' hometown.

The weather tonight is very good, and there is no dust and other pollution in the air. The appearance of the planets can be seen more clearly in the astronomical telescope.

Dragons who have been observing and studying the sky for a long time speculate that this planet is extremely cold, and white dry ice covers the entire planet.

While adjusting the astronomical telescope, Charles said, "I have long wanted to come here to see the stars. The higher the place, the clearer it is. Do you want to see it?"

He gave up his seat, and Skadi hesitated for a while, then walked to the astronomical telescope and observed it from the eyepiece under the instruction of Charles.

The giant dragons who made the first astronomical observations found ten planets in the solar system, and their planets were ranked fourth from the inside to the outside.

At the same time, the dragons believe that there may be an eleventh or even a twelfth planet in a farther place, and they are now working hard to discover new planets.

Charles looked at the bright starry sky and said to Skadi next to the astronomical telescope, "Actually, the primary purpose of my coming here is to look at the stars here. If you are here, I will invite you to join us."

Skadi just said "um", it seems that she is now attracted to the white planet.

She looked at it for a long time, and then said, "There... it can be said to be my hometown."

"What?!" Charles looked at Skadi in surprise.

After Skadi threw a bombshell, she stopped talking and continued to watch silently there.

Charles didn't bother her, but went back to the house to prepare some hot drinks.

Little Huihui slept by the fire. He took some medicine before going to bed, and his spirit was relaxed. Now he slept so soundly that even if Charles stewed his tail, he would not be able to wake up.

For orcs, stewing their tails is sometimes a joke, but sometimes it is a last resort when life and death are at stake.

Charles dissolved the condensed milk in the pot with the snow water boiled in the pressure cooker, then added some chocolate, and finally poured a little wine.

He took two cups of hot chocolate milk and walked to the astronomical telescope, and saw that Skadi was still half-squatting there to look at the stars.

Charles was thinking of a prank, he silently walked to Skadi's side, and quietly put two cups of hot drinks on Skadi's face.

Skadi didn't have any special reaction, she stood up and looked at Charles blankly.

Charles put a glass in her hand and said, "Drink something warm."

Skadi picked up the glass and took a sip, and said, "Let's put less wine."

Charles twitched the corners of his mouth, then found a stone next to him and sat down. He patted the seat next to him and motioned for Skadi to come and sit down too.

Skadi hesitated for a moment, then walked over.

Charles released a layer of wind shield to block the wind from the top of the mountain.

He asked Skadi, "What planet did you live on before?"

Skadi shook his head and said, "The gods forged me there."

"The gun body material is only there."

Charles asked curiously, "Can you tell me about your hometown?"

Skadi took a sip of the drink and said, "The whole world is white and cold."

She doesn't speak much, and her face has no expression, giving people the feeling of an iceberg beauty. If Charles hadn't taken the initiative to talk to her, she could stay there quietly as a background board.

But she also wouldn't regard Charles as a stone to the side. Whenever Charles asked her, she would always answer. The two of them had a question-and-answer dialogue under the starlight.

"How long have you lived on that planet?"

"I didn't have a sense of time at that time."

"How long did it take you to get here from there?"

"It's there in the blink of an eye."

"What are the gods like?"


"What about your sisters, were they also born on other planets?"

"did not ask."

"Is there anything you want to do?"

"drink wine."

"What's your wish?"

"There is wine to drink every day."

"Want some more wine?"


"How's this wine?"


"Have you ever thought about making money from your own labor?"

"If it's not about having **** or having an ambiguous contact with you, you can consider it."

"Then take a look at this labor contract."

The expression on Skadi's face finally changed. When Charles handed a roll of parchment in front of her, he didn't regain his senses for a long time.

Charles placed a small beam of light on top of their heads to illuminate the surroundings of the two of them.

Skadi carefully read the first labor contract she received since she was born. Party A of this contract is the McGarden family. Party A employs Party B to complete the work arranged by Party A that does not violate public order and good customs. The treatment is very generous. The term of the contract is ten years, after which it will be automatically extended if neither party raises any objection.

Charles kept an eye on the contract, he did not specify the details of the specific work At that time, he asked Skadi to work for the Intel company on the Mozu side, which also met the contract requirements.

It's just that Skadi's expression suddenly changed when she saw it halfway through. She said to Charles angrily, "I said I wouldn't have **** with you..."

"Wait!" Charles said hurriedly, "Is there no such clause in the contract?"

Skadi held up the parchment in front of Charles and pointed out with one hand, "Party A shall not dismiss Party B during pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation," and "Party B shall not be arranged to engage in high-intensity labor during pregnancy and during pregnancy." Prohibited labor", "When Party B is more than seven months pregnant, Party A shall not arrange extended working hours and night shift labor" to Charles.

Charles asked suspiciously, "Is there any problem with this? Are these clauses protecting the rights and interests of Party B?"

"It doesn't say that you only have such rights when you are pregnant with my child."

Skadi stared at Charles for five minutes and saw that Charles didn't seem to be lying.

In the end, Skadi said, "I hope you can remember what you said."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and hung it above the contract. After a while, a signature composed of magic elements appeared on the contract.

Charles took back the contract that Skadi handed over, and then signed his name on the contract in the same way.


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