The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 742: The boss who cheated mustard to eat

Although the moon has risen, the commercial street is still full of people, and young students are enjoying the nightlife.

Charles arrived in the Knowledge City this time without telling anyone beforehand. He wanted to surprise everyone, but in the end, except for Artoria and Mordred, no one else was there.

Mila is making the final preparations for next year's New Year's selection ceremony for the Holy Maiden. Gawain and the others have gone out to make waves. Diana went to Abyss City to solve some technical problems encountered by the company, and Meliti went to Abyss City to play. .

So these days, Charles is hanging out with Enrico and Alvin, and at the moment they are handing out flyers to the students who come and go.

Where there are students, there will be a student economy. Especially in the context of a large number of candidates who need to take exams for admission, remedial classes are naturally indispensable.

Arturia held a training class in swordsmanship, which she learned from other people. It is said that there is a very long history of training classes in this place, and she saw it when she first came here.

Alvin started looking for a remedial class to sign up for the second day he came to Knowledge City. He used to study by himself, and he didn't systematically straighten out his knowledge. He didn't know if he had any knowledge blind spots.

It's just that he can't afford the tuition for the high-level remedial class, and the teacher's level in the cheap remedial class is not as high as that of Mordred.

In the end, Charles quietly found Mordred, and spent a lot of snack shop vouchers to ask her which remedial class had a moderate level of teaching and tuition.

In the end, Mordred recommended a one-on-one home tutoring teacher. The teacher's level is good, but her business has just started, so the price is not high.

Seeing this, Enrico decided to partner with Alvin and ask the tutor to share the money equally.

In the past two days, he has brushed several sets of real exams over the years, and the results have fluctuated greatly.

Mordred contacted the tutor, and the teacher responded that one-to-two tutoring is no problem as long as you add some money.

On this day, the tutor is coming. Alvin and Enrico cleaned up and tried to make a good impression on the teacher.

Charles was also there, and he was a little curious about the teacher Mordred hired.

There was a knock on the door, the teacher came, and Alvin ran over to open the door.

Then he came back with the teacher in shock.

The teacher is quite old, dressed in low-key and simple clothes, wearing a pair of glasses, and carrying a handbag on her mobile phone, but her height of more than two meters and a solid figure are too oppressive.

Enrico asked dumbfounded, "Murloc?"

The teacher glanced at Enrico and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"No, no!" Enrico hurriedly shook his head, he could feel that the fish was different from the soldiers he encountered on the battlefield, and he could only deliver food when he met her.

Charles was also taken aback when he saw the fish-man teacher. The two of them had a grudge, and the grudge was very big.

Back then, in Chapter 252, Gu Mingdi Sanxian once kicked the fish-man teacher off the cliff.

So Charles made an excuse to slip away.

He remembered that this murloc named Karen was a high-ranking member of the Osm army. He was captured and sold to the Rurik Kingdom as a labor force. And she is also a relative of Diana's murloc bestie, Meliti. After she was captured, Meliti asked Charles to find her.

It's just that Charles didn't expect that after Karen was redeemed by Meliti from the prisoner of war camp, she came to the Knowledge City and became a tutor. The contrast was even greater than when Arturia went to dig ditches.

But with Karen's level as a general, it's no problem to tutor those young people.

Everything seems to be on the right track, but Alvin underestimated the consumption level of the knowledge city. Although he lived in Enrico without money, he still paid for the meals himself. In addition to the tuition fees, he found that he had saved money for the past few years. The money that comes down doesn't seem to be enough.

So Charles went to Mordred again, and exchanged a stack of vouchers from the dessert shop for her promise to help with the job.

So the three of them lived a life of part-time jobs one day and night. Coincidentally, this job tonight is to help the sushi restaurant opened by White Grouper, a traveler who is determined to challenge the pinnacle of sushi, to deliver new dishes. flyer.

The white grouper is not bad. After the three of them handed out the flyers, they would have sushi for supper, but they were all cheap sushi.

But that was enough to keep Alvin and Enrico motivated.

The three people in the sushi restaurant's overalls divided the flyers in their hands equally, and then distributed them on the street near the door of the sushi restaurant.

It's just that before Enrico and Alvin sent out half of them, Charles finished sending out the flyers in his hand.

"Why did you send it so fast?" Alvin asked Charles in surprise.

Charles said to him, "You just choose those couples who are wearing expensive clothes. Pay attention and pass them to the girls."

"Is that enough?" Alvin asked in surprise.

Charles nodded and said, "You'll know when you have a girlfriend in the future."

"Yo Xi..." The white grouper didn't know when it appeared behind Charles and the others, "Your method is very good."

Before Charles could answer, a small exclamation suddenly came from the other side of the street.

White Grouper looked over, his eyes suddenly lit up, and said, "The two most beautiful girls from Wisteria College are here."

Charles moved in his heart and looked towards the street.

The first thing he saw was Meliti, the murloc girl is almost two meters tall now, standing there very conspicuous.

Today, Meliti scattered her silver-white hair like a waterfall behind her, and simply clipped it with a pearl-decorated hairpin above her ears. From time to time, she turned her head to talk to her best friend. It then slid behind her light blue dress.

Next to Mei Liti is Diana. In the past three years, her height has suddenly started to soar year by year. Now she has changed from the loli figure of the year to a beautiful figure with a hint of imperial sister style.

Charles once asked her when she came back last year if she had taken any hormones during the two years of her classified research in the Rurik Kingdom, and why she suddenly grew so fast. As a result, Diana shouted, "My mother is just a Adolescence is here" while beating him with a rolling pin.

In fact, everyone has this kind of problem, especially Mordred. In the past year, she has been trying to find out what Diana ate to make her grow so fast.

The white grouper held his chin in his right hand to think about Conan, and then whispered to Charles: "Charles, if you can invite the two of them to come to my restaurant to eat sushi, they will be free of charge, and I will pay you ten times more. ."

Other restaurants on the street also have the same idea as the white grouper. It is undoubtedly a good gimmick to invite beautiful women who are famous in the knowledge city to come from their stores.

It's just that the people sent by these stores failed, and Diana and Meliti were joking and ignoring them.

Charles pretended to think for a moment, then gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said, "Then I'll give it up!"

"Hey... it's a waste of effort." It was the owner of the cake shop next to the sushi restaurant who suddenly jumped out and demolished the platform.

The boss pointed to the flyer in Alvin's hand and said to Charles, "If you can invite the two of them, I'll eat these flyers dipped in mustard!"

The white grouper didn't even look at his rival next door. Since he opened the shop, there have been no good words between the two.

Charles gave the owner of the cake shop a thumbs up and said, "This is the first time I've seen someone lie to the mustard like After he finished speaking, he ignored the cake shop owner and started from Alvin. He took a flyer in his hand and walked towards Diana and Meliti.

At first, the two girls didn't notice Charles wearing the overalls of the sushi restaurant in the distance, until Charles' voice sounded in their ears through sound transmission magic.

"Don't get excited when you see me, there's a play to watch later, money to take, and something to eat!"

Before Diana could react, Charles appeared in front of her with a flyer.

Charles said to her, "The boss asked me to bring you a message. As long as you go to his store to eat, it will be free of charge and give me ten times the wages, which we will share equally."

"The owner of the cake shop next door said that as long as you go to the sushi restaurant, he will eat all our flyers with wasabi."

His voice was not small, and many people around heard it. The messengers of the store who came up to wait for Charles to be rejected looked at this new guy in disbelief.

Before Diana could answer, Meliti said, "Go, lead the way ahead."

Charles smiled, turned around and walked towards the sushi restaurant, with Meliti pulling Diana's hand and following behind.

When she walked to the door of the store, Meliti raised her thumb and said to the stunned bakery owner, "Your appetite is this."

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