The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 762: not just attract

A gold-plated seagull model with a wingspan of more than one meter hangs on the door of the Golden Seagull Bar, which is easy to recognize.

Today, there is a sign on the door of the bar that someone has reserved the venue, and many old customers are depressed to switch to another place to drink.

The decoration in the bar is good, the lights are bright, clean and tidy, there are several nice ocean landscape paintings on the wall, and the seagulls on them are all golden.

The layout of the bar has been changed. Several long tables are put together in the middle of the hall. On the white lace tablecloth are plates of grilled shrimp, boiled crab, steamed scallops, fried steak, cakes, breads, biscuits, fresh fruits, fruit juice, tea and wine.

Everyone took their favorite food on the long table, and gathered in twos and threes at the round table by the wall to eat and chat.

The most lively was Enrico's side. Many male and female students surrounded him, listening to him brag about his experience fighting murlocs on the southern battlefield.

His stories are all about himself as the protagonist, and his father has not appeared in the supporting roles, perhaps because he is afraid of being called a father, but there are occasional episodes of his elder sister Kaif Nordahl.

It's unintentional to brag, but it sounds intentional. Who doesn't know that Earl McGarden has a big sister...

So Enrico found that everyone's persuasion was more enthusiastic.

Charles took a large plate of food and sat down alone in the inconspicuous corner, and then ate.

Compared with other people's drooling while eating, he prefers to talk after eating.

The dishes prepared by Hayden tasted good, especially the grilled shrimp brought from the college cafeteria. Charles took a few and ate them slowly.

It's just that he didn't look for someone, but someone took the initiative to look for him.

A girl sat down opposite him with a plate and asked, "Is there no one here?"

Charles shook his head and continued eating the grilled shrimp.

When eating shrimp, it is most convenient to have Diana there. After a "separation of shell and meat" spell, the shrimp shell and shrimp meat are immediately separated, which is very convenient.

The girl sitting across from him was named Lang Sha. She was not short, with long messy hair, large glasses with thick frames, and a large gray scholar's robe. She looked ordinary.

However, Charles' eyes were very poisonous, and he saw through this girl at a glance. If she dressed up well, her appearance would not be inferior to Linda's.

The two ate in silence for a few minutes, and no one raised the topic, just like passers-by who happened to join a table in a roadside restaurant.

In the end, it was Langsha who started the conversation first, and she asked, "Why are you sitting here by yourself?"

Charles replied: "I don't like being disturbed while I'm eating."

Langsha gave an "oh", and then asked, "I heard that Enrico went to the principal because you and Alvin were in trouble, and the principal asked the law enforcement team to arrest the person from the second class, Did you warn the twin princesses?"

Charles raised his head and glanced at Langsha, and still replied, "I don't like being disturbed when I'm eating."

The night he went to eat at Professor Erbach's house, the boy from the second shift who tried to pimp while Sharon didn't have the money to dry-clean Hayden's coat was caught, and then a gang of pimps hiding in the shadows of the Knowledge City was wiped out. .

This gang specifically looks for good-looking students who are in financial difficulties, tricks them into providing special services to some gentlemen who come to the island because of their fame, and then uses this as a pretext to threaten these students from jumping out of the fire pit.

In recent years, this gang has smeared the reputation of Knowledge City a lot, giving the principals a headache.

What happened later made Charles understand what Professor Erbach said before dinner that night, "then you can enjoy campus life".

This time, not only was the pimp gang caught and the breach was wiped out, but in the eyes of the principal, Erbach, there were no more people who were looking for trouble with the big golden pig Charles.

In Charles' view, none of this matters.

But in the eyes of those students, this is a powerful person who uses his strength to settle those annoying ants after a fight.

Combined with those students in the class who had their brains crooked to the bottom of the sea for a while, a certain earl who did not want to reveal his identity seemed to be found by everyone.

It's just that everyone didn't want to disturb the boss, so they all pretended not to know anything, making the parties still in the dark.

It would be fine if Langsha asked Charles other questions, but Charles was confused when he heard her question, so he fooled it.

Charles didn't want to talk, and Langsha didn't care either. After so many days of school, there were not many classmates willing to talk to her.

So the two of them went into a situation where they ate and didn't speak.

When Charles finished the last little cake with no cream and only a little maple syrup from his home, he said: "Whoever does bad things will definitely be punished."

Langsha looked at Charles with interest. She didn't answer the half-hour interval and asked, "I'm going to get a glass of juice, what would you like to drink?"

"Have a glass of juice," Charles said.

So Langsha looked at the long table in the middle of the hall, waved her hand, and brought two glasses of juice and a fruit platter in the hands of the wizard.

Those who can come to the Shield Bridge Academy are all young people with strong strength. There are many people who can master the skill of the hand of the mage, and there will be a few shrimps flying in the air.

However, the mage's hand has no tactile feedback, and the strength of holding something depends on individual practice. Otherwise, it is like a classmate who wants to take a small cake, and when it reaches the front, the cake will become a lump.

Langsha put a glass of juice in front of Charles and said, "You are very interesting, you hide yourself."

Charles rolled his eyes when he heard it, and said, "You are no exception. Dressing up is a class flower."

Unexpectedly, Langsha's face darkened and soon returned to normal. She said, "Appearance is a burden to women."

Charles gave her a contemptuous look, which was as bad as he told someone that having too much money was a burden.

Langsha continued, "The college will start accepting applications for research projects next month. Are you interested in cooperating with me?"

Charles raised his brows, not expecting that Langsha would find herself for this matter.

The college supports students to do their own research, and starts to accept applications in the second month of the new semester every year, and then reviews the projects submitted by students.

After the approval, the college will provide laboratories and certain funds for these projects.

The circle of students discussing magic active substances that night was such a research group.

Charles asked curiously, "Why are you looking for me?"

Langsha said as a matter of course: "I have observed all the students in the class, and you are the most special."

Charles smiled and said, "Because I'm the most handsome in the class?"

Langsha nodded and said seriously: "This is one of the reasons, because the director of the student research management department is a menopausal woman with a bad temper. If you negotiate with her, her temper will become better."

Charles pouted and said, "Let's talk about the second reason."

Langsha said, "Because you are the only one in the class who works the hardest, and you are the only one who reads books between classes."

Charles thought about it for a while, and the reason made sense. He asked, "What project do you want to work on?"

Langsha said mysteriously: "A kind of silk made of slime."

Charles asked without changing his face: "What are the characteristics of this kind of silk?"

Langsha said with her snow-white slender fingers: "When I was a child, I added things randomly when I was cooking slime glue and played with it, and then I accidentally came up with a kind of silk. This slime silk has high strength, good elasticity, corrosion resistance, and no It's easy to burn, and I think it's very profitable."

Charles' expression suddenly became serious, and he subconsciously stretched out his right hand and tapped the dining table with the three middle fingers in turn.

Materials science research is not is extremely expensive, Langsha seems to have come up with a direction and is ready to conduct in-depth research.

But this is not a problem. Langsha studies slimes instead of metals, and slimes are only worth a few dollars.

Charles took a sip of the juice, and then said to Langsha, whose eyes were shining, "It's no problem, but I may have other research projects at that time, and I may not be able to do my best to help you."

"It's okay!" Lang Sha said excitedly, "You come to help me open up the situation in the early stage, and then help me deal with the old witch from the Student Research Management Department."

Charles thought about it, maybe the main purpose of her pulling her was to get people together, so she agreed.

During the meal that day, Professor Erbach hinted to Charles that he would arrange several research projects for him to join.

Senior students will also let freshmen join their own project groups, and they will not let go of such convenient and cheap labor.

Langsha still wanted to chat with Charles, when there was a loud noise outside the bar.