The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 763: boring person

Charles did not expect that someone would make trouble at the first class dinner. He turned his head to look at the door of the bar, and found that there were three people who looked like students standing there, arguing with Hayden about something.

It sounds like the girls in the class went out to buy snacks and stained someone's clothes.

Sometimes, the opportunity for the two to become friends is unexpected.

There are two girls in Charles and their class, one is Grace Augustine, the lady of the knight's family, and the other is the daughter of a merchant, Neytini. They have become good friends because of their light blue hair color. .

The two girls looked good. Grace was born in a knightly family and had a heroic spirit on her body.

It is impossible for Hayden to prepare all kinds of snacks. Grace and Neytini went out to buy snacks just now, but something happened.

Among the three students blocking the door, a boy pointed to his silk coat and yelled for the two girls to lose money.

Neytini was shrinking behind Grace, who was scolding the boy with Hayden.

Grace pointed at the boy's nose and roared, "It's clear that you molested Neytini, and Neytini splashed you with sugar water!"

The boy shouted angrily: "I am the Viscount of the Lucarelli family, the heir of the Lucarelli family, and I will molest women on the roadside?"

A boy on Charles' side said, "Which hill are you Viscount?"

The Viscount Lucarelli looked down on the boy and said proudly: "My father, the Marquis Lucarelli, is the lord of the city of Messina in the Kingdom of Bischberg, you think we have a pig like you southern country bumpkins. How dare you say that it is your own territory that calls itself a noble?"

Charles frowned. He had seen that Marquis Lucarelli. Marquis Lucarelli held a banquet to celebrate after he killed the water pirates in Messina.

It's just that he didn't see this old man at that time, and Marquis Lucarelli is not too young. Maybe this old man is an old son of His Excellency the Marquis?

Charles stopped thinking about gossip. No one would be able to eat at ease until this matter was resolved sooner.

Now Charles' classmates suffer a little, that is, although there are many noble children in the class and there are heirs, they themselves only have the title of knight or baron.

Even Hayden, whose family is an earl, is only a knight now, and his family said that he will be given the title of viscount after he graduates.

Although it is said that who cares about your title during the war, you should do it first, but now it is a quarrel, and the voice of the person with the higher title will be louder.

But that Viscount Lucarelli was from the north, and the group of students the three of them faced were from the south, so the classmates kept their guard up for the time being because of the crowd and the conflicts between the north and the south.

But if it continues, everyone is still a little guilty.

At this time, Enrico stood up, and he showed something in his hand to Viscount Lucarelli, who was stunned when he saw what he was holding in his hand.

Then Enrico said according to what Charles taught him: "You swear like a god, if you really didn't molest our classmates, I'll pay you the money for the clothes, but if you molest our classmates, I'll pay you back. If something is spilled and you make trouble unreasonably, go with Chloe."

As soon as the name "Chloe" came out, Viscount Lucarelli's face suddenly became ugly.

He whispered to Enrico: "How do you know this man?"

Enrico pretended to look at him deeply, but did not speak.

Others do not know who this "Chloe" is, but Viscount Lucarelli from Messina remembered the name from a letter from his father.

Chloe offended Charles that year, so that not a single wool entered the Messina area that year, and almost killed the wool textile industry in the Messina area by herself. She is still mining with those slaves in the mine. Woolen cloth.

Viscount Lucarelli's expression changed. The person in front of him was holding the "Friend of Messina" medal. In the past ten years, only Earl McGarden has been awarded for killing water pirates. The name "Luoai" means that...

"I don't have the same knowledge as you guys!" Viscount Lucarelli left with these words and left with the other two.

Earl McGarden is someone who kills even the prince. Viscount Lucarelli is worried that he will provoke Earl McGarden and cause another wool embargo in his hometown. It is normal for him to be arrested for mining. But things.

Enrico was standing in front of everyone just now, so the classmates didn't see what he took to show the people who came to the trouble before he ran away with a word, but this didn't prevent everyone from making up their minds.

Enrico put the medal that Charles had put into his pocket back into his pocket, and was surrounded by his classmates to the middle of the hall.

Hayden poured Enrico a glass of wine, and then said to everyone: "Salute to our Enrico classmates!"

Many people smiled knowingly and raised their glasses excitedly. Charles and Langsha also raised their glasses to pay tribute to Enrico like everyone else.

Enrico smirked and cheered with everyone.

Then Grace took a bottle of wine in Cenrico's hand and said, "Nietini can't drink, I'll take her to thank you."

"I did it, you are free!"

After the girl finished speaking, she drained the bottle of wine in the roar of the crowd.

Enrico didn't show weakness, and he drank the bottle of wine one step ahead of Grace.

Amid the roar of the crowd, the atmosphere in the bar suddenly became warm.

It was different from the chat that everyone had just been talking about in twos and threes. After going through some things together, the estrangement between everyone quickly melted away.

No one touched the juice cake or something, and everyone picked up wine glasses, bottles, and even barrels, and used alcohol to water the flower of friendship.

Charles was still drinking the glass of juice, and he asked Langsha, "Aren't you going to have a fun with everyone?"

Langsha shook her head and said, "I don't drink, and I don't like noisy occasions."

"You can go play with them and leave me alone."

Charles said, "Forget it, I don't want to drink tonight."

Langsha, who was eating the fruit, looked at Charles with a smile, making him feel a little hairy.

Langsha stretched out her finger and poked Charles' hand, and said in a shy tone, "How about me being your girlfriend?"

Charles glanced at her and reluctantly replied: "You should wash up and put on makeup before you tell me something like this."

"Hey..." A pair of white eyes appeared under the thick lenses of Langsha's flat mirror, "I didn't expect you to be such a vulgar person."

She glared at Charles again and said, "I'm dressed up and you can be my boyfriend. I can go shopping with you for odd numbers, and I can accompany you to buy things with double numbers."

Charles rolled her eyes back at her, "As long as you pay for it."

"Tsk... The richer you are, the more stingy you are." After speaking, Lang Sha left the table, went to the long table in the middle to get some drinks and snacks, and then walked to the table in the other corner to eat by herself. stand up.

This girl is interesting, and Charles doesn't care about her.

Charles looked inside the bar and saw that there was a performance space for bards in the middle of the hall by the wall, and a concertina hung on the wall next to it.

So Charles walked over, took down the concertina from his seat, and after tuning it, he played blindly in the warm atmosphere of the scene.