The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 805: beach landing

Latest URL: (*??????): "What's wrong?"

(T_T): "I was beaten."

(??Д??*): "Who beat up?"

(p′︵‵.): "Reimu."

(??'*)? : "Why did you provoke him?"

(??ε??????): "He added a pinch tool to the function of summoning zombies."

Σ(??????*): "Did you squeeze an 18× Reimu?"

(-ι_-): "No, I squeezed a white silk Marisa, and then I was beaten by him. He said that me and that dead fat man are both conscienceless things."

(*¬_¬): "...Your supper is gone tonight."

Diana didn't expect that when she slipped back to Nanhai Farm to pick up a pot of fried noodles, Charles was beaten by God.

Charles watched Diana eat fried noodles by herself there, and asked at the same time, "By the way, why are there so many amphibious monsters in the sea."

"You don't know?" Diana was a little surprised. "There is a large archipelago far, far to the east, where various amphibious monsters occupy the island as kings."

"It turned out that the murlocs wanted to occupy the place, but they were quickly beaten back by the monsters."

"Now the murlocs can only defend a few islands with metal mines. I don't know if they can expand their territory after this time."

"If these amphibious monsters are scared away from their homes, I guess they will start here in the next two days."

"They can't live in the sea for a long time, and it is necessary to take a land to live."

Diana was familiar with murlocs, and she knew a lot about the sea.


A scream suddenly came from the distant sea.

The kryptonite for Reimu is worth the money. The entangled water plants will discharge after the kryptonite is upgraded. An unknown creature is entangled and then electrocuted.







It didn't take long for the shooting sound of the sea mushrooms to disappear, just enough time for Diana to put down the fried noodles and wipe her mouth.

The trunk of the leaf umbrella, which was the roof of the pumpkin house, quickly grew taller, and the leaves rolled up to form a lookout. Charles had already jumped on it, opening the vision of the soul.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was startled when I saw it, I saw a large red dot in the sea swimming towards this side.

As soon as Charles raised his hand, five red fireballs shot straight into the sky, and then exploded.


"Bang bang bang bang!!!"

Potato mines on the ground exploded one after another, and black shadows were blasted into the sky.

Diana soon came to the observation deck and said solemnly, "It's the sea hag."

Charles looked at the ugly humanoid monsters who kept climbing on the beach and said, "Will those gangs be scouts the night before yesterday? The ones who escaped brought the large army with them."

Diana nodded and said, "According to the plan."

More and more sea hags climbed onto the beach, and it was the first time that Charles could see this monster that would be mistaken for a monkey from a distance.

They have long kelp-like hair, a lot of scales on their bodies, webbed hands and feet, sharp claws on their hands, and big round eyes on their faces, which are so ugly that people shudder.

There were people at the seaside who were scared to death by the sea hag.

Judging from the stature, most of these monsters are female, and males account for one-seventh or eighth. It is guessed that their social structure is similar to that of lions.

The sea ghosts seem to be very interested in the lantern grass, they did not destroy the lantern grass, but poked their claws and studied it.

Soon, these sea hag started to become confused. In addition to being blown up by potato mines, many others were stabbed by the King of Earth Thorn and fell to the ground and rolled in pain.

In addition to lighting, the lantern grass on the beach also marks the location.

The corn cannons in front of Charles slowly rose, and then fired huge corn cobs toward the most densely populated areas.


The corn cobs that fell from the sky exploded among several groups of sea ghosts, and in a series of violent explosions, these beasts were blown up and flew in all directions.

Although the start is good, the corn cannon is also half empty, and then it can only wait for it to absorb magic power from the surrounding and generate corn cobs.

Although it can be recharged through magic crystals and magic cores when necessary, it seems that it has not reached that point yet.

The sea hag who was suddenly attacked was running around on the beach for a while. At this time, there was a sound of music not far away, and several figures in red clothes suddenly appeared in front of a row of flaming tree stumps, dancing strangely. .

Diana was confused when she saw the appearance of Dance King Zombie Kai, and asked Charles, "Why did you pinch Ji Shijun's face for him."

Charles said with a dark face: "I recently received news that the Slime Basin rescued a group of orc slaves from the south. These orcs are not very gregarious, so he asked the orc senate for help to provide psychological counseling for those orcs."

Diana asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Charles's face became darker and darker, and he said, "He implied that he was familiar with Hongye, so he asked Hongye to lead the team there."

While they were talking, the sea hag thought that the dance king, Ji Shijun and the zombie were the enemy, so they rushed over.

"Puff puff puff!!!"

The machine gun pea shooter began to shoot, and the football-sized flame peas immediately beat those sea hags and dance king Ji Shijun and zombies to their knees.

Diana leaned on the sea hag who was beaten by the flame peas and said, "You peas are stronger than Hogwarts."

Charles was startled, "Is there still this thing in Hogwarts?"

Diana nodded.

More and more sea hag came ashore from the sea, and then rushed to the defense line spraying flaming peas.

Charles was a little puzzled. He said, "These sea hags are very strange. They just keep rushing to the defense line. Are they mentally ill?"

Diana thought about it and said, "It seems that the sea hag is not cunning. They like to slam and slam while staring with fear."

Charles nodded, the fear staring skill and their ugly faces can really make the opponent's morale plummet, just like the Enrico team the night before, the enemy is scared and rushes directly, without too many tricks .

However, this kind of attack on the soul is ineffective against Charles. Reimu is the **** of souls. How could the people under his cover be afraid of this.

Charles blocked the attack without even using the corn and watermelon pitchers.

There were four groups of sea ghosts attacking tonight, a group of five or six hundred. In addition to most of the ones in front of Charles, there were also a group of them swimming towards Enrico and their defense area.

Charles frowned, he summoned several dance kings, Ji Shijun, and zombies to dance in front of the high nuts to attract the enemy in front, and then directed three corn cannons to shoot at the sea on Enrico's side, reminding them of the group. The sea hag is already close to the shore.

Enrico, Grace, and Netini had long left the beach, and they formed a line of defense 50 meters away from the beach with the reinforcements who arrived by motorcycle after seeing the signal.

The beautiful girls from Guangming Seminary on the defense line are working hard to protect everyone, which can increase everyone's mental resistance and physical defense.

Soon, a group of more than 600 sea ghosts rushed to the beach and rushed to the defense line formed by the These sea ghosts were baptized by the magician as soon as they landed. There is not much in this place. There are many students who know magic, and those murlocs have already fallen by 30% when they come into contact with the defense line.

The hand-to-hand battle began, and the magic searchlight suddenly turned on, blinding the hag.

Enrico roared and slashed the head of a sea hag in front of him with a long sword.

Grace was beside him with a shield in one hand and a rapier in the other to help him block the monsters attacking from the side.

There was a sound of a motor, and Charles looked curiously at the battlefield over there.

I saw a dozen or so four-wheeled beach motorcycles lined up in an array of arrows rushing past under the umbrella of leaves.

Charles clearly saw that on the beach motorcycle in the lead, his neighbor Cynthia was steering the car in one hand and wielding a long-handled tomahawk in the other, leading the motorcycle cavalry into the rear of the group of sea hags.
