The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 814: This BBQ is good

"Let's go back and talk."

After walking out of the Slime Basin, the Temple of Harvest and Forging, White Grouper said to the girls around him.

He basically figured out the cause and effect of the incident. This Ji Shijun seemed to have offended a lot of people, otherwise he would not have been hacked so badly.

The white grouper intends to take the opportunity of delivering the letter to talk to this Ji Shijun. If this person is reliable, then he can rest assured to keep these girls here.

When the girls saw that the white grouper was thinking, they stopped disturbing him, and just followed quietly.

The group walked silently towards the hotel, when suddenly the aroma of food wafted along the way.

Slime City is very lively at night, and many merchants and residents can be seen on the street passing through the night market.

A few years ago, when Ji Shijun and the others first settled here, each person only had a bowl of rice porridge for dinner, and they had to give in a piece of meat. Ji Shijun had to go all the way to find Charles for help.

After so many years of development, the residents here are now not only full, but also beginning to eat well.

Because this is a basin, and the passage is easy to be cut off, Ji Shijun has been paying close attention to food production, so that he hit the big luck and came up with hybrid rice.

With more grain and feed for livestock, plus the addition of breeding stock plants and professional breeding farms, the per capita meat intake of residents here is no worse than that of small businessmen in Milan.

All this was unimaginable for the displaced people many years ago.

"Boss, grill us six skewers of each, and three grilled eggplants. Do you have any wine?"

White Grouper took the girls to a barbecue restaurant and sat down.

This barbecue restaurant is not very big, but the white grouper is engaged in catering. After walking around the night market street, his nose can smell which restaurant on this street has the best barbecue.

"Oh, it's the head of state who is here... uh... I admit I'm wrong..."

The proprietress obviously recognized the white grouper as Ji Shijun at the beginning, and thought that the leader would come to patronize, and then she would be able to brag.

"We have ice ale here." The proprietress said, "If girls don't drink alcohol, they can try our juice."

White Grouper asked around, all the girls can drink, after all, they were trained as stars at the reception.

The wine came, and the skewers hadn't come so fast. The lady boss gave them a few plates of free fried peanuts and other snacks, including a plate of preserved eggs arranged into flowers.

"Philip's Egg" has been back in the arena for many years, and the orphanage in the Principality of Andorra has made a lot of money from it.

Naturally, Ji Shijun would not let this business go. There were many chicken farms in the basin to sell them.

Soon after, the grilled pork belly came first, and the thin slices of pork belly were skewered on bamboo skewers, and it was quickly grilled.

In this shop, the garlic is minced and marinated in honey for half a month. When grilling the meat, the garlic-flavored honey is brushed on the meat slices, and then sprinkled with a little chili powder, the taste is not bad.

White Grouper looked at the roasted pork belly, then looked at the price list hanging on the wall, and then asked the proprietress: "Madame, the honey here is very cheap."

The proprietress said proudly, "No, my son is the one who keeps bees. Now when the flowers bloom, he will go with others to the place where there are flowers."

At this time, the proprietress brought a plate of grilled chicken meatballs, which surprised the white grouper.

He asked again, "Ma'am, it took a lot of work to chop the chicken so finely."

"How could it be." The proprietress said with a smile, "We just bought a meat blending machine in the store last ten days, cut the chicken into small pieces and put it in, and the meat puree came out."

White grouper was depressed in his heart, and then this machine became popular, and his craft was not popular.

Soon, roasted eggplant, roasted mushrooms, roasted chicken legs, roasted chicken feet, roasted mutton, roasted beef, roasted worm pupae, roasted tofu skin and roasted leeks were all served, and the lady boss sent Shiraishi with an "I understand" expression. A few skewers of sea bream with grilled leeks.

The white grouper raised a wooden cup full of ale and said to the girls, "Today everyone is free, you are happy, and I am happy for you, everyone."

The girls were stunned for a moment. They had not tried this "non-aristocratic" drinking method, so they raised the glass like the white grouper.

After everyone took a sip of the ale that tasted okay, they started to eat skewers.

The girls also learned from the white grouper to pick up the skewers and eat them carefully.

White grouper said while eating: "I think this place is generally not bad, and there are many opportunities. Although you will be tired living here, you will definitely live in peace."

The girls listened to the words of the white grouper silently, and they themselves hadn't started to think about the future.

At this time, a little girl about six years old was led by her mother to the store, and after finding a seat, she asked for three skewers of grilled chicken meatballs.

The proprietress knew them, and when she brought the roasted chicken meatballs, she asked the little girl, "Have you got three perfect marks in this exam?"

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded proudly.

Then she said to her mother, "Mom, I want to eat roast chicken legs."

"No," said the mother, "it's agreed that you can only eat roast chicken legs if you get full marks in all subjects."

The little girl pouted and started to eat chicken balls.

Her mother said: "Be careful in the future, don't write '6' as '?' and then write '0', then you can get full marks."

"Oh..." The little girl obviously didn't care about her mother's preaching.

"This little friend, brother invited you to eat roast chicken legs, will you get full marks next time?" The white grouper took his share of roast chicken legs to the mother and daughter's table.

The little girl's mother looked at this uninvited guy vigilantly, and was about to shout. She immediately put her arms around her daughter and asked, "What are you trying to do? What are you going to do to my daughter?"

The white grouper said to the mother, "Please don't be afraid, lady, I'm not a bad person."

Then he pointed to the five girls over there and said, "It's like this, some of my friends just came here and want to find a job."

"I want to ask, does your daughter's school lack teachers?"

When the white grouper looked at the exhibition, they found that these girls were literate and could count.

Based on his knowledge of the farming players and the news of the world's education he heard in Knowledge City, there are nine out of ten enlightenment teachers in elementary schools here.

So after hearing what the little girls said just now, he had the idea of ​​introducing them to school as teachers, helping them find a fairly easy job, and it was worth getting acquainted with everyone.

The little girl's mother relaxed a little bit. She said, "I heard that there is a shortage of teachers. If you are interested, you can inquire at the city hall."

After the white grouper thanked him, he returned to his table. He said to the girls, "I think this job as a teacher is very suitable for you. Why don't we go and find out tomorrow."

Before the girls could respond to the white grouper, there was a sudden sound of violent fighting from the street outside, with roars, screams, screams and cries one after another.

A man with a ferocious expression rushed in, followed by a wounded woman.

These two people with weapons are obviously not good The man shouted: "Take the hostages!"

Seeing this, the woman rushed towards the mother and daughter with her sword, and the dagger in her hand stabbed towards the mother.

White Grouper didn't have time to think, he flew from his seat towards the mother and stopped between the mother and the dagger.

The sound of broken bones came into the ears of the white grouper, and he could still feel that it was a broken rib.

A sharp pain came, and his eyes went black, and he didn't know anything.

The moment before he lost consciousness, White Grouper regretted a little bit. If he had spent more time fighting monsters and upgrading, this would not have happened today.

In a burst of girlish screams, the white grouper fell to the ground.

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