The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 826: come on, throw a dice

The two transport planes returned, and Charles breathed a sigh of relief.

This cafe has become the front-line headquarters of the air movement. The third floor will become the place where the headquarters works. The box on the second floor has been transformed into the staff quarters. The transport aircraft can still be heard in the communicator that is being debugged. The lead plane was talking with the Bosnia and Herzegovina airport to prepare for positioning.

The distance from Nanhai Farm to the communication station on the top of Montenegro was just outside the maximum working range of the "Diana III" communicator, and the received signal was very weak and intermittent.

Fortunately, the communicator and the equipment of the Magic Communication Bureau on the island do not interfere with each other, otherwise their heads will hurt to death.

"Your Highness, can you take a step to speak?" Novikov whispered to Charles, who was listening to the pilot's conversation by the communicator.

Charles nodded slightly, then took him to the dormitory downstairs.

The tables and chairs in the box were piled up in the corner, and a simple bed was placed against the wall.

Charles closed the doors and windows and silenced the sound, and Novikov pulled a chair and sat down at the table. This time, it can be said that the demons led the troops to sneak into the knowledge city. If they said that they had made great contributions before.

Novikov mysteriously took out a dice and placed it in front of Charles, and said, "Please throw it away, His Royal Highness, to see how many points it is."

Charles suddenly became alert. He picked up the dice and checked it carefully. At the same time, he asked with a dark face, "How are you going to trick me this time?"

He has been sacrificed to the sky many times by these people in various ways, and he has to be careful.

Novikov looked very honest, he said: "How do I know the decision of the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers, I just follow orders by the way, and send the results back."

Charles put the dice on the table and said solemnly, "If you don't make it clear what's going on, I won't..."

Novikov ignored what His Highness the Prince was saying. He immediately closed his eyes after seeing three dots on the top of the dice Charles put on the table, and passed the news back through the dream platform on the Demon Race side.

Charles found Novikov's movements halfway through his speech, and then froze there.

He blinked, not expecting this uncle to act so decisively, without any hesitation.

Novikov said with a smile: "Don't worry, although I don't know what it is, I know it must be a good thing."

Charles lost his temper, he could only ask: "What's the latest internal news in China?"

"There is too much news." Novikov said, "China has been promoting the reform of government institutions in the past few years, and there are constantly news of the establishment of new departments and the merger and cancellation of old departments. I heard that even two intelligence agencies were merged. National Security Council."

Charles frowned slightly and asked again, "Do you think letting me throw the dice has anything to do with these things?"

Novikov's expression became serious, and he said: "His Royal Highness has not been in the country for a long time, so he does not understand some of our traditions."

"According to the rules set by Queen Catherine, all members of the royal family must work at the grassroots level when they reach adulthood."

"For example, His Majesty Nicholas started as a recruit in the army when he was young, and His Majesty Alexei was a traveling monk in the mountains."

"Your Highness, you are sixteen years old, you can go to get your ID card, so your work has to be arranged."

Charles nodded, he had heard Elizabeth say this before, and Nicholas II wanted him to build the road out of this consideration. Qiyan reading

He asked: "So, how many jobs are in front of me, and I go to work where I roll the dice?"

Novikov nodded and said: "I think yes, because you have shown enough wisdom and strength, so it is very popular."

"Not long ago, I heard that our army and the industrial port almost fought over where you were working. Later, the agricultural port also stepped in, and finally even the economic port joined the battle. Otherwise, this matter was arranged last year. "

Charles pouted and asked again, "Do you know where this '3' represents?"

Novikov thought for a while, and finally shrugged and said: "This is no clue, how can I know what His Majesty the Demon King and the others arranged."

Charles thought about it after listening to it.

He is not afraid of work or anything. Now is the time for all things to change, and it is easy to achieve results, which makes people feel very fulfilled.

He finally asked: "Are there any new units and departments established by the military recently?"

"That's a lot." Novikov replied, "The Army has been studying the Panzer Corps and Army Aviation and so on. The Air Force is forming a new air transport force, this time I brought a transport regiment to the whole, and also There are also strategic bombing units and airborne troops under preparation. That is, the nursing home in the Navy has not moved."

Charles said "oh", the industrial production capacity of Rurik Kingdom has grown to a good level in recent years, and many plans on paper have begun to be implemented.

It's just that the Rurik Kingdom still has a long way to go, especially in terms of software construction.

Some time ago, the Army conducted a mechanized long-distance raid exercise. As a result, problems such as vehicle failure, insufficient road and bridge support capabilities, and logistical disconnection emerged one after another. In the end, less than one-fifth of the vehicles climbed to the destination. The time spent is the plan three times.

That failed exercise has already alarmed the Demon King, and now various meetings to sum up experience are held every three days. Charles stated in a meeting of the Elf army many years ago that "weapons are an important factor in war, but not a decisive factor. The deciding factor is the user of the weapon, not the weapon itself" was again repeated.

Compared with the replacement of weapons, the construction of a new military system is the most important task at present. If you follow the old practice, you can kill yourself.

For Charles, this matter is a little far away from him, and it is better to take care of what is in front of him.

He explained to Novikov what difficulties he encountered here, and then he went to find the artifact or Arturia and left. He had to go back to the beach to be on duty. The double made by the transformed eggplant is still not small. .

There is a spot in the pumpkin house by the sea that cannot be seen from the outside. It is for Charles to teleport.

When he just returned to the Pumpkin House, he saw the transformed eggplant disguised as himself sitting in a chair like a model in the mall, while Diana was sitting opposite, frowning a little.

Transformed into eggplant and Charles sat in the position just now, and then asked Diana: "What's the matter, what's the trouble?"

Diana gave Charles a sideways glance and asked seriously, "Will you do weird things with transformed eggplants?"

Charles put a question mark on his head and said, "What are you talking about?"

Diana said: "For example, when you are alone in the dormitory, let the transformed eggplant look like someone else."

Charles put Diana into a squatting state with a knife in his hand, and said angrily, "As for me using an inflatable doll."

"Who knows you." Diana said, rubbing her head and pouting. "Except math, you can't do anything when you are wild."

Charles rolled his eyes at her and said, "I'm so animalistic that I won't use eggplant to solve the problem."

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