The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 835: swallowed?

"You wait for me, and I'll be back!"

After leaving a villain's famous words, the devil flew away at a very high speed.

He lost a move, and his subordinates did not know where they were teleported. After being injured, the remaining strength was not enough to deal with the remaining enemies. If he did not turn in in time, he would be sealed again.

For him, the only way out now is to escape to the sea to the east, find a place to absorb the power of the soul of the body currently occupied, and then regroup.

"There's something wrong with that sword!" the fleeing Demon God thought.

Although the Slime Sword only chopped off a strand of hair and struck again, its impact on the Demon God was far greater than it seemed.

"Restraining divine power?" The Demon God continued to think, "If so, for what purpose was it created? Is it to guard against us? Are they not afraid of backlash?"

He attaches great importance to this sword, and after turning it in for so long, the feeling of "comparing attributes" still has lingering fears.

At this time, He felt a pain in the lungs of this body, which was the wound left by Frostmourne.

If he hadn't run fast just now, this specific body would have been pierced in the opposite direction.

"There is also a problem with the second sword." The unfortunate Demon God continued to think, "The wound is healed, but there is a strange power left there, is that the power of that one?"

Gradually, the sunset appeared in the sky, and a star-studded archipelago appeared on the sea in the sky.

The demon **** in the air saw some murlocs in action on the westernmost island. In order to avoid extraneous problems, he continued to fly east.

It's just that at this time, his power is nearly exhausted, and he has no sensing ability when he was in his prime, so he did not find anyone following him all the way a few kilometers above him.

Although the popes can fly, it is only a tactical level flight, and it is not possible to travel long distances.

But Diana can fly, and when she transforms into a veela, she can fly long distances. When she first met Charles, after she devoured the ability of the Naes Golden Eagle in Corn City, not only did the long silver-white hair turn golden, but also the ability of the golden eagle to fly at high altitude and high speed.

At this time, Diana in Veel form was following the Demon God at a high altitude. She was also wearing Charles' storage ring. Not only was the Slime Sword there, but the artifacts were also inside, ready to come out to fight at any time.

It was something Charles did not expect when he made the plan. At first, he just wanted to use his body in exchange for Diana's salvation, and then Diana took the Slime Sword and the Popes and trapped him by himself. The devil is called out.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Now that the devil ran away with Charles' body, Diana could only catch up.

The sky gradually turned dark, and the devil chose an island with a radius of two or three kilometers to land.

His strength is limited, and Charles' body can't support it for too long. He must devour someone's soul as soon as possible to restore his strength.

Charles has always maintained consciousness. He relied on powerful soul energy to stabilize his mind and block the tentative attack of the devil.

Suddenly, the devil said to him: "I didn't expect to see an old friend as soon as I came out. We told you at the time that a three-legged confrontation is the safest."

"Sure enough, the two of you joined forces to seal me and Lange, and they will attack you soon after."

Charles just hummed, unmoved. If he reveals a little flaw, the Demon God's tentative attack will immediately turn into a formal attack.

The Demon God obviously took him as the **** of the merged godhead.

The devil continued: "Where did you send Lange, as long as you tell me, I'll let you go for the sake of us being able to stand on the same front."

Charles said: "He is so weak, and should have been completely annihilated in the fire now."

He didn't even know that there was another Demon God in the water at that time, and he could only guess that the Demon God was so weak that he couldn't detect it.

In the end, the devil did not get angry like Charles thought, giving him a chance to fight back, but said calmly: "He is free. Since you killed my husband, then you will become my tool for breeding the next generation. and nourishment."

Charles just sneered twice, kept calm, and didn't give the other party any chance to shake his mind.

Then he found that the pressure on his soul suddenly increased. Obviously, the other party stopped talking nonsense and began to devour himself with all his strength.

Charles is no stranger to this kind of soul offensive and defensive battle, and he used the power that was left when he converted his spiritual power with the power of faith to launch a counterattack.

At this moment, by chance, Diana plunged straight down from the air with the Slime Sword in hand, piercing Charles, who seemed to be standing on the shore of the island, with a sword.

Diana's stab was very skillful, but it only pierced the muscles in his thigh and avoided the large blood vessels.

A burst of colorful light suddenly appeared from the Slime Sword, and a pink shadow flew out from Charles' body.

It was only now that the two of them clearly saw what the enemy who had controlled them looked like today. It was a pink brain with a pair of eyes and a mouth on it, and four tentacles below it.

Diana pulled out the Slime Sword and flew up, slashing at the pink brain.

Ada and Sybil, who were hiding in the air, flew down immediately, each holding a bottle of medicine, one poured medicine into Charles' mouth, and the other poured external medicine on his wound.

Diana has been in a hard fight over there. Although this demon **** has little power left, his absolute power is still much stronger than hers.

Charles' wound has not yet healed, and the four tentacles of the devil have wrapped around Diana's limbs.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Diana's face.

Like Charles, she has a plug-in skill, which was the "devour" from that blue slime.

Unlike Charles, who used this skill several times because of her strong soul, she only used it on the Demon Slayer Sword and the Naesh Golden Eagle.

Diana took advantage of the chance that the demon god's tentacles entangled her, and "devoured" him.

Only Charles knew in this world that Diana was extremely restless in her heart. She was unwilling to be the kind of woman who shrank under the wings of a man and accepted asylum. Her determination to break out into the world was no less than that of other men.

It's just that in this world where strength is respected, she can only silently accumulate her own strength, "build walls high, store food widely, and slowly become king".

Now there was an excellent opportunity to strengthen her strength, and she knew that she could finally go home safely, so her restless heart suddenly became restless.

The skill was activated, and Diana used all her strength for this.

In an instant, amidst the screams of the demon god, a force that she was somewhat familiar with poured into her body.

A long time ago, she had experienced similar powers when she rushed into the Tornado of Life Force after Charles recovered from an accident on his nose and when she devoured the Demon-Breaking Divine Sword to obtain the Demon-Breaking Divine Power.

Different from the divine power of life and the divine power instilled in the past, this power is more active and more tyrannical.

Diana immediately concentrated her energy, trying to take this power under her control and use it for her own use, just as she did when she was a child.

This force is very disobedient, just like the car driven by a drunk driver, regardless of the rampage in her body.

Over the years, Diana has also earned a lot of belief power by releasing the "Alternative World on the Tip of the Tongue" series of dreams on the dream platform.

Flicka appeared behind Diana, holding the scepter of the original body in one hand and pressing it on her back with the other.

Diana felt a surging mental force pouring into her body, and this mental force was exactly the same as her own and could be mobilized by her.

Gradually, she gained the upper hand in this battle, and the divine power that kept entering her body began to be controlled and absorbed.

The power was swallowed up, and the screaming Demon God suddenly burst out laughing. He took the initiative to output his own divine power, which caught Diana by surprise.

At this time, Flicka shouted to Charles: "Boss, hold me! Come and help too!!"

When Charles heard the devil's laughter, he felt something was wrong and couldn't care less, so he immediately hugged Flicka's waist.

The Demon God originally wanted to blast Diana, but the divine power he unleashed was transferred to Charles by Frika, which made Diana relax.

At this time, Charles' soul underwent some changes, and the broken godhead, which was half-dead, suddenly became active, and began to absorb the divine power from Flicka.

The Demon God shouted: "Since you want it, take it all! Let's see how much you can ask for!!"

More divine power poured into Diana's body, and her expression became painful.

While controlling the obedient divine powers to flow through the meridians in a certain order, she allowed these obedient divine powers to assimilate the new divine powers.

It's just that the new supernatural power is coming in a lot and in a hurry. Even if Charles and Flicka and other artifact girls come to help her bear it, it will soon exceed the limit she can bear.

At this time, Diana's body began to ooze The magical power flowing around caused damage to her body.

With a loud voice, the whole figure suddenly turned into a pink spot of light and got into Diana's body.

At this time, what entered Diana's body was no longer divine power, but the entire divine personality of the Demon God.

The Demon Godhead began to attack and devour Diana's soul in an attempt to use her as a nourishment to restore her strength.

Diana could only devote herself to resisting the attack of the demon god, but she was inexperienced and could not support it immediately. The layer of the soul barrier composed of recipes outside her soul was rapidly melting.

Without the support of the tentacles, Diana's body fell from the air.

At this moment, a big tentacle mushroom appeared in front of her, and the four tentacles held her firmly.

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