The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 869: how muscles are built

There are some unoccupied faculty buildings in the family area of ​​Shield Bridge College. The owner of one of them went to work as a consultant for a big noble at the beginning of the year, so he listed the house for rent.

Charles found the principal Erbach early in the morning and rented the house in less than half an hour.

The school rules stipulate that freshmen need to live in dormitories, but there is no rule that they cannot rent, so there is no problem in the rules.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Alvin knocked on Charles' door at about noon. When he knocked on the door of the dormitory early in the morning, the girl in the dormitory who lost the card game last night told him that Charles was here, and he hurried over, worried about what would happen later. Charles went out.

The door opened automatically, and Charles' rhythmic, heavy breathing came from the living room.

Sounding together, there was also a very nice girl's voice: "Don't be distracted, go on, work harder, don't be crooked!"

Alvin was stunned, he had never heard the sound before. He hesitated for a moment, but finally walked in.

In the living room, a girl with long black hair was sitting on a chair. She asked, "What's the matter?"

Alvin glanced at Charles, who was wearing only shorts and was lying on a fitness chair with a pair of huge dumbbells doing bench presses. Seeing that he was covered in sweat and unable to talk to himself, he said to Ohm beside him: "I took what Charles asked me to write for him."

After speaking, he took out a freshly bound booklet from the schoolbag behind him and handed it to Ohm.

Ohm looked at him after taking the booklet and asked, "Are you Alvin?"

Alvin replied in surprise: "You know me?"

Ohm smiled and said, "I heard Fot mention you, interesting little guy."

Hearing the familiar name, Alvin was pleasantly surprised, "You know Mr. Fut? I haven't seen her for several years. When she left, she said she was going to meet someone who wanted to be her father. Is she okay now?"

Charles, who was doing the last set of bench presses, almost couldn't catch up. I remember that when the fake Meazza was in the Principality of Milan, Fut found him. The two chatted for less than five minutes, mainly talking about Bi Qi can be trusted, during which she does mention that she was mentoring a little boy not long ago.

Ohm replied, "I'm her sister."

"Boom! Boom!"

Two huge dumbbells landed on the wooden floor, making a loud noise.

Sweaty Charles sat up straight, gasping for breath, he didn't even have the strength to wipe his sweat.

Ohm picked up a towel on the side and carefully wiped off the sweat on Charles' body, just like when he served him as a maid in the dream platform.

It's just that Ohm said to him in an icy tone at the same time: "Rest for ten minutes, then do a set of back squats."

Charles nodded, then continued to gasp.

Alvin looked at the two of them suspiciously, and asked after Ohm came back, "Are you training Charles?"

Ohm replied: "He felt like he was down, so I asked him to train him last night."

"I had him do some warm-ups during this time to wake up those muscles that got lazy."

Alvin looked at the single dumbbell on the ground, which probably weighed 40 kilograms.

Charles really thinks so, if Alvin is half a minute slower, he will be kindly left behind.

The ten-minute rest time came soon. He walked to the barbell on the side, raised the barbell behind his neck, raised his head and straightened his chest, straightened his waist, contracted his shoulder blades, and placed the horizontal bar on the trapezius and deltoid muscles accurately. Raise your arms sideways, hold the bar with both hands, and then do a squat.

He figured it out last night and was determined to improve his strength in the days to come.

To improve your strength, you can't bury your head and practice blindly, lest you go the wrong way without knowing it, and it's too late to find out.

There are so many masters on the island that Charles knows, and Artoria is the first to rule them out.

Her strength is very strong, but she is completely inclined to sword skills, and if she is guided by her, Charles' talent in magic will be wasted.

The second is the experts from Wudaokou College, who are inclined to fight, but Charles only knows them and is not familiar with them, so it is difficult to get sincere advice.

There is also Professor Babbage, the giant dragon, who is in mathematics class, but he loves peace and mathematics, and does not do much research on human martial arts. If you ask him for help, you may only get extra math homework in the end.

After all, the only one who is familiar with him, trustworthy, strong, and understands education methods is Ohm, who has been stationed at Zhanzheng Theological Seminary for thousands of years.

Although Charles and Queen Blanche have not seen each other for nine years, in the eyes of them who have lived for nearly two thousand years, this time is similar to Charles' half a year.

And Charles helped Blanche to find the Dragon Soul Stone, just because his power of faith was used up against the Demon God a while ago, so he planned to mention it when he had enough power to reshape the bodies of their mother and daughter.

With this relationship, Ohm can certainly be trusted in terms of educational guidance.

Moreover, she has worked at the War Seminary for thousands of years, and countless clergymen have received her teaching and advice. Her teaching level is absolutely first-class.

Ohm quickly agreed to Charles' request last night and asked him to find a place where he could train with peace of mind.

Charles rented a house this morning, and Ohm brought a set of training equipment from the War Theological Seminary and made a training plan by the way.

In fact, Charles' physical development is a bit biased, but it is not obvious at the moment.

He had been trained by Elizabeth before, but the physique of elves and humans is different. Even though Elizabeth was optimized for Charles, it still failed to fully fit the physique of humans.

Now Ohm first developed a three-month muscle training plan for Charles, first let his body muscles and force-generating movements be adjusted to the optimal level of human beings.

At noon, Charles, who had been training all morning according to Ohm's request, finally completed today's training and was lying on the ground panting.

As Ohm told Alvin, doing it was just a warm-up for Charles to start getting his body back into a high-intensity workout.

Ohm gently wiped the sweat off Charles' body with a towel. It wasn't that she had a soft spot for someone, but that she always did.

At the War Seminary, the students who were exhausted by her training also enjoyed this treatment.

She is almost two thousand years old, and she is no longer a mortal. When she wipes sweat for these teenagers, she has the same mentality as when Aunt Pomegranate washed Charles in water.

"Today's training is over, how do you feel?" Ohm asked.

Charles thought about it and said, "It's like going back to childhood."

Ohm squeezed Charles' face and asked, "Be honest, do you have a bad idea about my mother and us?"

"No!" Charles hurriedly shook his head, "I just want to repay Queen Blanche's kindness, and I have absolutely no bad intentions."

"Unripe fruits are bitter when they are picked. You are all people with mature thoughts. I don't expect that this repayment of my own will make you fall in love with me. Naturally, I will not force you to mess around."

It's just that Ohm patted his cheek lightly and asked, "Really?"

"Maybe after we get the body, we will be like Artoria and the others, and there will be a few chances that we can't refuse your orders."

Charles was stunned for a moment, what was the situation.

Ohm continued to smile and said, "I heard that you helped Arturia solve the problem of those three orders, but she refused to say what orders you gave her."

"It's hard for me. If you asked us to do the same thing as she did, what would you say we should do?"

Charles said helplessly: "You didn't even know what was going on, what were you worried about, if it was really bad, she would hack me to death afterwards."

Ohm poked his face, "Then tell me what you asked her to do?"

Charles shook his head. If he told Arturia to say "meow", the extremely angry Arturia did not know what would happen to him.

Seeing that he refused to speak, Ohm threatened: "If you don't speak, the training will increase tomorrow."

Charles continued to fight to the end.

Ohm saw that his mouth was also very strict, so he stopped threatening him, let him have a good rest, and left.

Not long after she left, Donna walked in with a big basket, and the smell of meat wafted out of the basket.

Although the supplies on the island are still tight, it is no problem to exchange the fresh vegetables and fishermen from the Nanhai Farm for some fish.

You need to adjust your diet when you are exercising, but the current meat on the island is mainly bacon and white jade meat that were transported by air in addition to the fishermen's harvest.

Not long ago, a slaughterhouse was built near the airport of Bosnia and Herzegovina to slaughter livestock transported by water nearby, which led to the emergence of some fresh meat on the island.

According to Ohm's recipe for Charles, he's been eating a balanced diet of high-protein, low-fat carbohydrates these days.

This world does not have such accurate calorie counting and other means to assist, and can only be adjusted by experience.

Donna said to him: "Boss, you drink water first, I will massage you later, and then eat after the massage, and we will clean up the house in the afternoon."

Charles, who was rehydrating, nodded. The house just briefly cleaned the living room to start this morning's training, and then it still needs to be cleaned and organized.

He didn't plan to live here in the near just use it as a gym.

In Charles' copy from the library in Florence back then, "Interpretation with Muscles!" "In the book, electric stimulation massage after training can effectively relieve muscle fatigue and prevent muscle damage, so the one who is responsible for delivering meals and massages is the "Blade of Thunder".

In the following days, Charles lived a day of concentrating on class during the day and exercising hard at night.

Because he is still competing in Soul Battlegrounds, Ohm recently let him rest on game days.

It's just that he can't go to the laboratory at night to help Langsha carry out slime experiments. Under the offensive of Langsha's resentful eyes, Charles has to invest an additional investment in the experiment, which is specially used to hire some students to carry out those experiments. Repeated and heavy experimental operations allow Langsha to concentrate on data analysis and design further experiments.

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