The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 968: tasks assigned by the master

"The hero who troubles the heroes (

Mothra is extremely nervous now, flying in the sky for the first time, and there is only a man next to her who has to obey whatever she asks her to do. The red hair on her tail is about to explode.

"Let's chat," Charles said to her. "This flight will take a long time, so you won't be so nervous if you divert your attention."

"Talk...what?" Mothra replied cautiously.

Charles looked at her hands, clutching the thick skirt, her knuckles turning white.

He said, "I'll talk about the arrangements for you first."

"You tried to kill us that day, and then tried to use a pet contract on me, that's your sin."

"You should be glad that I am the kindest nobleman among human beings, otherwise you would even want to die now."

"You have to remember, don't take my kindness as a reason for you to gain an inch, otherwise it will be easy for me to make your life worse than death, including but not limited to hanging you out of the plane."

Mothra, who is afraid of heights, bit her lip and was about to bleed.

Charles continued: "For the rest of the time, you must wash away your sins with labor."

"During your labor, I will guarantee your most basic living needs."

"And while you are being punished, if you can achieve great success in the field I designated, I will let you leave early as appropriate."

Mothra asked nervously, "What do you want me to do?"

Charles took a deep breath, and Mothra couldn't help but feel even more nervous.

The snowfield is not a paradise, and all kinds of brutal gameplay are no less than the human side.

"I want you to help me study the methods of raising several animals on a large scale." Charles said seriously.

Mothra's cold sweat became more and more, and the scene in her mind that the owner wanted to raise a large group of ferocious monsters by herself, and if she couldn't raise it, she stripped herself and threw it as fodder.

Charles ignored her reaction and continued to say solemnly, "At the moment I want you to raise chickens and ducks."

Although Philip advocated raising chickens and ducks to increase meat supply back then, there has not been much development in the past three hundred years. The key is the word "industry" of industrial farming, which has only been shadowed in recent years.

Without cheap air conditioning systems, disinfection equipment, water purification equipment, manure treatment systems and other supporting facilities, large-scale high-density chicken farming would be a disaster.

Charles often read "The Book of Getting Rich" and "Nongguangtiandi" in his previous life, and had some understanding of the construction and operation of chicken farms.

Air conditioning and disinfection, water supply disinfection and wastewater treatment are not difficult for him, who has studied water supply and drainage and has worked in hospital air conditioning projects.

Other equipment such as three-dimensional chicken cages, automatic chicken manure cleaning systems, automatic egg recycling systems, and automatic feeding systems are not difficult. As long as you put forward demands and spend money, it is not a problem for the students of Shield Bridge to design them.

Another basis for industrial farming is to have enough food. If the fertilizer plant built by Ji Shijun in Charleston could not be put into operation next year, Charles would not have done so, and at most let Mothra raise ducks by the sea.

What needs to be solved now is chicken breeds, feed ratios and disease prevention, which require a lot of experiments and statistical analysis to get results. These are Mothra's work.

It's just that Mothra didn't react for a long time, thinking about what kind of beasts "chicken" and "duck" are in places other than the snowfield.

Charles didn't know that she hadn't reacted yet, so he handed her a pamphlet about industrial farming that had been written in the past few days.

This booklet is a summary and arrangement of chicken raising knowledge in a certain person's mind, and it has certain guiding significance.

Mothra silently read the booklet twice, and then determined that the task the master gave him was to raise the chickens that occasionally appeared on the dining table.

"That's it?" She looked at Charles in surprise.

Charles rolled her eyes at her and said, "Isn't that enough, if you can find a cheap way to breed broilers, so that half of the world's people can eat chicken every day, your name will be rubbed against my name for a lifetime. already."

"This business is constantly developing, and I hope that in the future you will be free, and you should continue it."

"I won't let you do anything, you can rest assured."

"After a while, the army of the tribal senate on the prairie will arrive in the knowledge city. You can go and ask about it. My relationship with the orcs is very good. It's not your turn to find a lover or something."

Mothra's face changed after hearing this, and then he said, "Do I have any other choice besides trusting you?"

Charles just smiled. Some things can't be reassured by just talking about them. Let's figure it out in the future.

Then he talked about his own affairs, especially his hidden identity and cabbage.

Mothra listened quietly, complaining in his heart that you nobles are too busy.

When Charles said everything, it was completely dark outside.

Today, the giant dragon pulling the glider is very powerful. You don't need to stop in the middle. You can fly directly to the Knowledge City by the north wind.

Charles took out two cans of "Aishie Rice" and had a simple dinner with Mothra.

While eating, Charles suddenly remembered something, and he asked, "Well, there is a question I want to ask, why is your sister's face round and yours pointed?"

Mothra, who was eating shiitake mushrooms, shook his hand with the spoon, and then said nonchalantly, "She looks like her father, and I look like my mother."

Charles gave an "oh", which is not surprising. Hongye's face was inherited from his father, and Mila's face was more inclined to his mother, and he had long since given up on the genetics of this world.

After dinner, Mothra used the light to study the pamphlet given to her again by the master.

Charles fiddled with the storage ring to find a few summer clothes that he was wearing. After opening his pants, he put them on for her later, and then fell asleep on the other side.

Early the next morning, Charles stretched and saw Mothra, who had changed into his clothes, in a chair with a chicken pamphlet in his hand.

I have to say that with Mothra's figure, wearing trousers and a white shirt has a very special mature beauty, which Diana does not have.

Mothra was awakened by the smell of instant noodles. After a night, she didn't seem so nervous.

Charles said while sucking the instant noodles, "By the way, someone on the island may be unfriendly to you. If anyone offends you, you can beat it back. I'll help you if you have something."

"I don't think you're weak, do you have any other skills besides the animal trainer?"

Mothra was so depressed that she didn't even eat the noodles. She said, "I'm still a summoner. If you weren't frightened that night, you wouldn't have been able to catch me."

Charles suddenly became He hasn't seen the summoner yet.

"How do I become a summoner?" he asked.

Mothra replied: "First of all, the summoner has to go to the animal world and sign a contract with the animals there."

Charles' face darkened immediately, and he asked, "If you want to sign a contract with them, don't you have to become a beast trainer first, or how to communicate with them."

Mothra replied: "There are many animals in the animal world whose intelligence is not inferior to ours. They have their own language. There are also animals who want to go out and meet the world to learn our language, and it is enough to communicate with them directly."

"When the summoner and the animal have reached an agreement, the two parties will go to a canyon to practice together. During the experience, they will understand each other's strength and character. If the two parties feel it is suitable, they will sign a contract at the end of the canyon."

Charles nodded, which was basically the same as the book said.

He was just curious. At that time, Elizabeth said that he did not have the talent of a summoner, so he had no idea in this regard. Although it is very cool to summon a bunch of ferocious beasts, it has to have that technology.

And becoming a summoner is also risky. You can only come back if you go there and sign a contract with an animal, otherwise just stay there.

Can't become a summoner, but it's good to hear the story. Charles asked Mothra to tell the story of her signing there.

As a result, Mothra's face suddenly darkened, and he said, "Boss, can I not say it?"

Charles was startled, it seemed that it was not a good memory, so he didn't force it.

Just when the two started discussing how to raise chickens and ducks, the atmosphere in the top command in Knowledge City was a bit tense.

In the conference room, He Dou Dagger, Arnold and other bigwigs focused their attention on Queen Victoria, and everyone was waiting for her to speak.