The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 986: Knights Hospitaller

"The hero who troubles the heroes (

The sun shines brightly,

The rooster sings three times.

Mira opened her eyes and found herself sleeping in the old village chief's house, still wrapped in a thin cotton blanket.

She sat up smartly. The quality of this blanket was excellent, and it also had a faint floral fragrance. It was not something that ordinary people could buy, let alone people from the village.

Not to mention that sleeping in a blanket on a hot day must have made her sweaty, but she felt the ambient temperature was more comfortable with the blanket on.

She sat up and looked around, and suddenly found that there was a small vertical cabinet air conditioner in the corner of the old wooden house, and the cold wind was blowing out.

This is even more unlikely to appear here. Mira's first reaction was that someone sent something over.

One of the basic skills of the maid is to appear when the master wakes up, and then act as a narrator explaining what happened while she slept.

"Miss, the master is here."

"Ah? Charles is here?!"

"Master heard that you haven't slept for a few days, so he came here."

"Who told him?"

"I'll prepare breakfast for you."

Charsi made an excuse and ran away. She told the master about Mila's recent situation on the dream platform, and then the master instructed her to put medicine in oatmeal and put the potion to cover up the smell so that Mila could sleep well.

Breakfast came quickly, a bowl of noodles with a few leaves and three eggs in it.

"Where did the eggs come from?" Mila frowned, and the chickens nearby were also finished because of diarrhea, so don't think about eggs.

"It was brought by the master." Charcy replied.

Mila was speechless. She had heard that Charles put a pile of food in the storage ring, and now she finally saw it.

"Where's Charles?" she asked, sitting at the table eating egg noodles.

Charsi replied: "Master left a note for you, saying that I will give it to you after you finish breakfast."

So Mila ate the noodles as fast as she could without even the soup left.

What Charles left behind were a few pieces of paper on which an organizational chart of the epidemic prevention headquarters was drawn, and the responsibilities of each department were also written.

Charsi said cautiously from the side: "Master lost his temper after he came yesterday, saying that those people are fooling you, and few people are really treating people's diseases."

"How long have I slept?!" Mira asked in amazement.

Charsi said in a low voice, "You have been sleeping since the early morning of the day before yesterday."

"Master said that you should organize a command department to coordinate the overall situation as soon as possible. You only need to focus on big problems, and let others do the small problems."

"Master also said that he will help you lobby Duke Bard and Duke Gilbert, and everyone can survive this plague by cooperating with each other."

Mila looked again at what Charles left behind, and sighed.

She didn't know that she was going to set up a headquarters, but the surrounding priests all went to support the knowledge city, and only a few apprentice Paladins could maneuver out to support her.

"By the way!" Charcy suddenly remembered something, "Master said before he left this morning that he hired some students in Knowledge City to help you. He paid for it, so you can call them hard."

Mila took a deep breath. She had nothing to say about her brother's arrangements, but she didn't know where he ran to early in the morning.

At this time, Charles was very helpless. The living room was very luxurious, the tea was expensive, the desserts were exquisite, and the maid's "slime" was very big, but the person he was waiting for had not woken up.

This is a castle in the Redkin Kingdom, where the eldest prince Gilbert currently lives.

It's just that Charles' uncle got very drunk at the cocktail party last night, and he probably won't wake up until noon.

Although waking up at noon, attending salons in the afternoon, and drinking parties all night is the basic rhythm of life for nobles, but now the flames of the corpse pit outside are endless day and night, and it is unreasonable to do so.

Charles sighed with a dark face. He wanted to come here first to coordinate some things with his uncle. For this reason, he also brought a letter from his grandmother, and he will go to the Biberach Kingdom when the matter here is settled. Look for Bud.

As a result, his displeasure frightened the maids in the parlour.

Charles took out the letter written by his grandmother and threw it on the table, then walked away angrily.

He still has a lot to do and can't waste his time here.

After leaving the castle, Charles rode his motorcycle towards the Biberach Kingdom.

After hundreds of years of competition for the land here, there is an advantage, that is, without those ferocious monsters, a large amount of land has been developed.

If in the past, a large amount of human elite power was consumed in the war with the demons, without their protection, many villages would be invaded by the re-bred beasts.

There is a village every few kilometers here, but the situation is very bad. There are already two or three villages billowing thick smoke.

Charles arrived at Bard's barracks near noon, bringing with him hundreds of troops in case of an accident.

When marching to fight, the enemy often encounters poisoning in the water source. If the station is stationed in strict accordance with the procedures, it is difficult for an outbreak to occur in the military camp.

"Why did you come here with a meal." Bud made an angry expression when he saw Charles, "Is there any delicious food here, let's eat bacon with me."

"Bacon, just bacon," Charles replied. "We'll talk while we eat."

Lunch in the tent consisted of brown bread without crumbs, sliced ​​bacon, and a big glass of bad wine.

Bud said while eating: "I know Mila guessed that you would come when she was in charge."

"I understand what you want to say, but the situation at the border of the three countries here is a bit complicated."

"If Mila's arrangement doesn't seem to be a big problem on the surface, I will let the people below cooperate, but the people who come and go must be Mila's people, at least superficially, otherwise I can't explain it to the top."

"I think my king cousin has taken this into consideration."

Charles chewed the bacon and said, "Auston I authorized me to mobilize the Janissaries within 20 kilometers of the border to deal with this matter. During this period, the soldiers wore no armor and only wore a long sword."

"The main one who needs to cross the border is Sir Hartman. He is a famous military doctor. This time he discovered the pathogen. It's just that he will have a ten-man team as assistants when he crosses the border."

After listening, Bud nodded. Everyone knew that Auston I was pursuing Mira, but it was too bold to hand over limited military power to his future brother-in-law.

He thought about it for a while and said, "I have a request, that is, soldiers crossing the border need to wear conspicuous signs, and our people will do so when they want to cross the border, which can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Charles took a sip of bad wine, put down the glass and thought.

He thought about Bud's request. This request is not excessive, and it is quite generous, otherwise the other party will not be able to release the border of this chaotic land in a limited way.

"I have an idea." Charles tapped the table with his hand on the table. "I will form a knight order, called the 'Hospital Knights', and the flag is white maple leaves on a red background."

"The members of the Knights are not loyal to me personally or to my family, but are only loyal to the main purpose of the Knights, 'Guard the people and help the suffering'."

"This knight order does not participate in any war, and only rescues the sick and wounded, as well as those injured by natural disasters."

"At the same time, the Knights recognize their dual identities. As long as their hearts and actions agree with the main purpose, those who wear the Knights' logo will obey the orders of the Knights. When they don't wear the Knights' logo, they can do what they like, but everything has to do with the Knights. The group doesn't matter."

"This time, no matter which country they are, as long as they are not from the temple, I will persuade them to join the Knights, and at the same time, I will prohibit them from doing things that have nothing to do with the theme."

Bud stopped in mid-air with his hand that was about to put a slice of bread in his mouth, and looked at Charles solemnly.

"Your idea is naive, but I like it," he said earnestly.

Charles smiled and raised his glass to greet him.

Bud is only in his twenties this year. In the past, because he didn't need to inherit the throne, he was in trouble every day with a group of noble children who did not have the right to inherit. This group of powerful children who can be casual as long as they don't rebel will inevitably bring some romance. The color of This kind of thing that looks tall is very suitable for his appetite.

"There is a problem," he asked. "How do you ensure that this knight order will not deteriorate and become a tool for power and profit?"

Charles was also thinking about patching the Knights who came up on a whim. He pondered for a while and said, "The Knights are absolutely neutral. In the future, when they rescue the wounded on the battlefield, they will treat both the enemy and us equally."

Bud nodded, the nobles in the world are a family, and sometimes treating the enemy is to treat his own relatives, and maybe he will fall into the hands of the enemy one day, so this is not a problem in his opinion.

Charles continued: "The members of the Knights have equal status, no matter what status you are outside the Knights, when you act as the Knights, there is no distinction between everyone, and they are all equal partners. Richie's name."

"Hit Warich?" Bud felt that the title was a bit awkward.

Charles explained: "This word was told to me by the **** of souls and dreams, and it means in another world a person who is striving for a common ideal."

After thinking about it, Bud thought it was acceptable. After all, this knight order is free to come and go.

At this time, Charles found that he had gone too far. This knight order to allow medical staff to travel between countries was just a stopgap measure, maybe a short-lived.

Moreover, the cost of raising a knight order is staggering, even he is difficult to maintain for a long time. If there is no money to invest, maybe it will be gone by the end of the year. Why do you spend so much brains.

If it wasn't for the first time my sister presided over a large-scale operation, Charles would be too lazy to spend so much energy on it.