The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 ~: "The 700-year dream of the holy relics h

Red Star News Agency, Abyss City, August 26th, title: "The 700-year dream of the return of the sacred object is fulfilled? The new era should move forward bravely" - the documentary of the ceremony of the return of the sacred object

The red sun is rising slowly in the east, the magnificent and exciting bugle suddenly sounded, and the exciting triumphal march melded into an earth-shattering symphony—

On the morning of August 26, the pride of joy bloomed outside the east gate of Abyss City, and the Rurik Kingdom celebrated the return of the holy relic that had been away from home for more than 700 years with a grand celebration.

At this moment, next to the wide Pendragon Canal, the army is lined up, and the armor is shining! In front of the majestic Demon Palace, the flags fluttered, attracting the attention of the world!

At 8:00 a.m., all the more than 40 goblins of the Praetorian Guard "Holy Relic Retrieval Team" returned to their motherland after more than 500 years in the company of Prince Kalashnikov and His Royal Highness the Princess-to-be.

In the sound of military music, a hundred salutes fired 99 times in unison to welcome the return of the warriors.

In the roar that resounded through the sky, 9 airships escorted the double-headed eagle flag, and under the protection of 20 new war eagles, they took the lead in flying over the welcome site with thunderous momentum.

When the roar in the air was still echoing in his ears, the Great Sweet Potato Baron of the Demon Emperor's Guard was holding the holy relic, followed by His Royal Highness Kalashnikov and His Royal Highness Princess Prospectus, leading their comrades along the five hundred and twenty years. The footsteps of the previous expedition, stepping on the beat of victory, greeted by the soldiers of the three armies, marched towards Abyss City with high spirits.

In a distant era, the Jiuli ancestors were defeated by Zhuolu in another world. When the clan was exterminated, he was protected by the old man and moved the clan to the south. On the occasion of parting, the old man gave holy objects to the Virgin to protect the whole family.

With the help of the gods, the Jiuli ancestors came to this land, breathed with people of all ethnic groups, shared their destiny, and worked together to open up a new world.

Seven hundred and thirty years ago, the Eastern Turkistan countries brazenly launched a new round of war of aggression. The wind and rain are shaky, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the sacred objects are dusty.

Five hundred and forty years ago, Queen Anna worked hard to regain the territory west of Linhai, and sent her athletes to go on an expedition to the Knowledge City to regain the sacred relic.

Brave not afraid of death, blood spilled on the eastern soil, more than five hundred years, loyal as steel. The soldiers of the Praetorian Guard are worthy of the "Army of Steel".

Since the reform of Philip three hundred and sixty years ago, under the strong leadership of the demon kings of the past dynasties, the Rurik Kingdom has undergone historic changes and achieved historic achievements, and the road to special power has become wider and wider.

The double-headed eagle flutters in the wind—

Through the turbulent years of war, shouldering the sacred mission, the army, air force, navy, artillery, and strategic transport forces lined up on both sides of the towering mountains to welcome the return of comrades and accept the inspection of their predecessors. .

The infantry, known as the "steel long sword", was once the main body of the people's army. Forging ahead together with the kingdom, the people's army has developed from a single-armed army to a powerful army with various arms and arms, and an army armed with swords and shields in the past has developed into a powerful army with the goal of basically achieving mechanization.

In the passionate melody, the steel is like a forest, and the momentum is like a rainbow—

The steel equipment team received the review of the returning comrades with a new lineup.

Spider-shaped golem puppets, vehicle-mounted rocket launchers, mobile quadruple-mounted six-barrel machine guns, heavy-duty transport vehicles... The reborn development of the People's Army's main battle equipment reflects the latest achievements of the country's scientific and technological progress and technological innovation, fully demonstrating It has made great achievements in the modernization of national defense and the army.

They silently told their ancestors that the days when the country was arbitrarily bullied by foreign enemies are gone!

The team approached Abyss City, and countless petals fell from the sky.

Countless people waiting on both sides of the road sang and danced, and the enthusiastic young goblins danced their hand drums. Following the fast and cheerful drum beats, the goblin girls danced passionately and welcomed the warriors with fire-like enthusiasm for their triumphant return.

"Salute to you!" "Welcome the heroes home!" "You have worked hard!" ... Workers, farmers, businessmen and students held banners with welcome slogans and waved national flags to show the highest respect to the heroes.

Surrounded by the crowd, the heroic team passed through Abyss City and came to the red square in front of the Demon Palace.

Demon King Nicholas II, Queen Ifta, ex-Prince Alexei, officials at all levels, retired veteran cadres, etc. are here to welcome the triumphant warriors.

On the square, the Demon King saluted the heroes and thanked them for successfully completing the glorious and arduous task entrusted by the people.

The Demon King and others accompanied all the members of the "Holy Relic Retrieve Team" to the Mausoleum of Our Lady and the Son of God to return the relic.

In the mausoleum hall, UU reading was in the spotlight, and on behalf of all the team members, Baron Big Sweet Potato put the holy relic back on the altar.

Recalling the past, the country broke down and the land collapsed and the people were crying with blood.

Looking at the present, we welcome the return to the national celebration and create greater glories.

Then the Demon King delivered an important speech, in which he mentioned:

"Today will surely be an important day in history. On this day, the era of humiliation begins to pass, and a new and beautiful era is coming."

"It has been more than 300 years since Philip's reform. In the past 300 years, especially in the last ten years, with the joint efforts of people of all ethnic groups, the country's construction has achieved rapid development."

"We should continue to push forward the country's construction from a higher starting point with an indomitable striving attitude and an unstoppable mental state, without stopping reform and progress."

"Building a strong country is a relay run. We have to run one bat after another, and each generation must run a good result for the next generation."

After the ceremony, the Demon King hosted a grand state banquet to entertain the triumphant heroes, and held a grand fireworks show that night.