The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2767: "Pure Love" Little Emperor VS "Black Bel

   Chapter 2767 "Pure Love" Little Emperor VS "Black Belly" Prime Minister (11)

   "Report to the emperor, Master Luo Xiang asks to see you."

   "What is she doing here?" Feng Lin frowned, a trace of disgust and impatience flashed across his black eyes.

   Seeing this, Leng Su was slightly surprised, but his face was not obvious.

  Looking at the appearance of the little emperor Fenglin, he doesn't seem to like Luo Xiang?

   It looks like he dislikes Luo Xiang?

   If you don't like it, why do you still make Luo Xiang Fengjun?

   Could it be that what happened last night...?

  Leng Su couldn't help but remember the scene at the gate of the palace last night, Luo Xiang suddenly appeared and suddenly knelt in front of Feng Lin.

   And what happened in Fengning Palace last night, Luo Xiang bumped into Feng Lin, and the two fell to the ground.

   Thinking of this, Leng Su's heart skipped a beat, and a guess emerged.

  Is that so...?

   "Reporting to the emperor, Mr. Luo Xiang said that the emperor didn't eat much for breakfast, and specially made some snacks for the emperor to taste."

   "I don't need it, let her go back." Feng Lin said coldly.

   "Your Majesty..." The waiter looked confused.

  Feng Lin saw this with an impatient look on his face: "What? You don't even dare to obey Gu's orders?"

   Hearing the words, the male waiter was so frightened that he immediately knelt down, and hurriedly kowtowed to the emperor to beg for mercy: "The emperor spares his life, the servants dare not."

   "The slave will let Young Master Luo Xiang go back."

   Seeing that the male attendant was about to leave the imperial study, Feng Lin didn't know what to think, so he stopped him again.

   "Wait... Forget it, let him in."

   "Yes, Your Majesty."

   Soon, Luo Xiang walked in enchantingly with a tray.

   When she saw Leng Su, she was not surprised at all.

   Instead, he respectfully bowed to Feng Lin and looked at Feng Lin with a shy face.

   "Your Majesty, Xiang'er made some snacks by herself, and I would like to invite the Emperor to try it."

  Fenglin looked at the memorial in his hand, without raising his head, he said stiffly, "Put it down."

   Hearing this, Luo Xiang smiled and walked towards the dragon case with graceful and slow steps.

   After putting down the dim sum, Luo Xiang didn't leave, but picked up a piece of dim sum without authorization and fed it to Feng Lin's mouth.

   "Your Majesty, the body is the most important thing."

   "You are the emperor of the Huang Kingdom and the emperor of the world. If you don't take good care of your body, Xiang'er and the people of the world will feel distressed."

  Leng Su: "..."

   Looking at Luo Xiang's pretentiousness and her pretentiousness, Leng Su suddenly sighed, fortunately Luo Xiang is a woman.

  If Luo Xiang is really a man and is so pretentious, Leng Su is really afraid that she can't help it and spit it out on the spot.

   is really...too Nima is disgusting.

   Listen to the coquettish tone, listen to the pretending to be coquettish, and look at her dissatisfied little appearance.

  Leng Su felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable no matter what.

   "Your Majesty~~~"

   Seeing that Feng Lin has been ignoring her all the time, Leng Su, the woman she hates, is still standing by watching the play, Luo Xiang is full of anger and has nowhere to vent.

   In desperation, she could only stomp her feet while continuing to call Feng Lin delicately, trying to attract Feng Lin's attention.

  Unexpectedly, Feng Lin did look up at her.

   But that icy gaze made Luo Xiang's body stiff, and an inexplicable chill struck.

   At that moment, she only felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, cold to the bone.

   She opened her mouth to say something, but for some reason, her throat seemed to lose her voice suddenly, and she couldn't say a word.

  The time has passed little by little...

  Luo Xiang stood on the spot with a look of horror on her face. Her face gradually turned pale, and dense beads of sweat spread all over her delicate and beautiful face...

   PS: [Daily Tickets]

   Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [A, Master Xu] for the support of the two little fairies, okay?

   The fourth watch is over, good night, little fairies, what is it (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

   Two chapters will be added tomorrow, which means six chapters will be updated tomorrow, are you happy? Are you happy? Is your Lang Xiao good to you? Look, look, I love you so much, hahahahahaha, stop talking, good night everyone



   (end of this chapter)