The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 834: Nine Lives Cat Demon Girl VS Infatuated

   Chapter 834 Nine-Life Cat Demon Girl VS Infatuated Prince (2)

  His Royal Highness?

  The male protagonist Long Qi?

   Hearing this, Leng Su's eyes lit up, and when the three people were not paying attention to her, he hurried out from under the kite.

  Leng Su entered the plot earlier this time. The body of this nine-life cat demon has just been born, and it is still a milk cat.

   The snow-white little ball jumped on the rockery with a vigorous posture, and hid under a certain flower in a few breaths.

  Long Qi put down the scissors in his hands, patted his hands lightly, knocked off the dust in his palms, and tidied up the hem of his clothes, then got up and looked at the second highness in front of him with a light expression.

   "Second Highness."

  Looking at Long Qi's calm and indifferent attitude, the second highness's eyes flashed and suddenly said, "Big brother doesn't like Xiao'er?"

   "No." Long Qi's expression did not change, his tone remained the same, and he said lightly.

   Hearing the words, this Long Xiao looked wronged: "If Big Brother likes Xiao'er, why do you call Xiao'er the second highness, not the second brother?"

   "..." Hearing this, Long Qi raised his eyes and glanced at Long Xiao with an indifferent expression. He didn't know about his careful thoughts.

   Being looked at by Long Qi like this, Long Xiao's heart froze, his eyes darkened, and he deliberately distorted the facts and said, "Why is Big Brother staring at me like this? Could it be that Xiao'er got the point in his mind and became angry?"

   "Second brother." Long Qi said lightly.


   Hearing this, the blue veins on Long Xiao's forehead twitched several times, and then he smiled sweetly: "Since eldest brother just said that he didn't dislike Xiao'er, can eldest brother do Xiao'er a favor?"

  Longqi glanced at him indifferently, then looked at the kite on the top of the fake mountain opposite the lotus pond: "Okay."

   Hearing this, Long Xiao smiled with satisfaction: "Then there is Big Brother Lao."

  Longqi nodded silently, went forward to bypass the lotus pond, climbed the rockery, and Long Xiao master and servant followed closely...

   The moment Long Qi climbed the fake mountain top and got the kite and handed it to Long Xiao, Long Xiao stretched out his hand to take the kite and pushed Long Qi.

   "Pop!" With a sound, Long Qi fell into the water...

   Seeing this, Long Xiao smiled proudly, took his own kite, and brought his own little **** down the rockery and returned to the opposite side of the lotus pond.

   Looking at the dragon qi that was gradually sinking in the pool, Long Xiao walked towards the outside of the Imperial Garden, and shouted eagerly, "Someone!"


   "Big brother fell into the water!"

   "His Royal Highness has fallen into the water!"

   Watching the figure of the master and servant just disappear into the imperial garden, looking at the figure in the lotus pond who never struggled, Leng Su's heart was dead silent...

  mmp, what a ghost mission! ! !

  The male protagonist is begging for death, and she is also attacking a woolen thread! ! !

   She might as well just accompany him to die with him, and it's easier to come here.

   Tucao returned to Tucao, speechless returned speechless, but Leng Su had to jump into the lotus pond with a sad and angry cat face, swimming with a small body towards the place where the dragon qi sank.

Before    lost consciousness, Long Qi saw a very miraculous and incredible scene...

   The scene in front of him made him, who had been begging for death, suddenly widen his eyes, and looked at the little milk cat in front of him with a stunned expression...

In the fairly clear pool water, a small milk cat with white hair and blue eyes was struggling to scratch its short limbs. Like a small fish, it was constantly spitting bubbles, staring at him with resentful blue eyes. Look……

   PS: [New plane, comparison card, need ambush pen, etc., so writing is slow, sorry. There are 4 chapters later, I am writing, everyone wait a moment]



   (end of this chapter)