The Human Emperor

Chapter 1233: Phoenix birds and birds, there are also

Chapter 1,123

"Do not worry, he will definitely come out to meet!"

It seems that I know what Zhang Jian is thinking, and Wang Chongtou does not lift it.

The riots in the Zhou government quickly subsided, and the entire house soon became quiet again.

As time passed, when Zhang Ke thought that Wang Chong had made a mistake, suddenly a dense footstep came. Through the opening of the Bayu Gate, Zhang Que saw a hat with a coffin and a blue plain dress. The middle-aged scribe, pale, with a group of family members and servants, came out from inside. As he walked, he lowered his head and stared at the ground. The whole person looked uneasy and uneasy.

All the way, when there were three or forty steps from the gate, a servant seemed to remind him that the middle-aged scribes had come back to the whole world, and they had finished the whole clothes and quickly greeted Wang Chong and others.

"Unknown alien kings come to visit, Zhou has a long-lost welcome, but also Wang Wang forgiveness."

Zhou Wenchen picked up his sleeves and bowed his hand.

"Zhou Daren is polite, don't you ask me to go in and sit down?"

Wang Chong faintly said.


Zhou Wenchen wakes up like a dream, suddenly returned to the gods, and quickly cited one side:

"Wang Ye please, please, please!"

After saying three words in a row, Zhou Wenchen took Wang Chong into the house.

Entering the hall, everything looks weird. Hey, strange, pale, the door of the house is weird, the look is very unnatural, even Zhou Wenchen is weird, sitting there like a needle felt.

"Isn't Zhou Daren still not ready to say?"

Wang Chong picked up the tea cup on the table, uncovered the tea cover, and gently wiped the tea foam floating on it, opening the way.

Hearing this sentence, the side of the service, the face was pale, and Zhou Wenchen's face was a burst of white.


Suddenly a long sigh, Zhou Wenchen suddenly stood up, like a prisoner before the execution, after a night of suffering, facing the upcoming fate, finally chose to face it.

"Wang Ye, this thing, Zhou Wenchen has nothing to say, Zhou Wenchen is sorry for the prince, no matter how the prince punishes, Zhou will face it calmly, there will be no complaints."

Zhou Wenchen finished this sentence, and he bowed down with respect and respect, and the whole body was folded into ninety degrees.

Wang Chong is the supreme commander of Datang in Khorasan. It is the Daidu capital of Daixi. Because of the anti-watering of Zhou Wenchen and others, Wang Chong’s power was taken away, and the position of the Dadu guard in the Western Dai Dynasty was also taken back. The hard work of Ross’s fierce battles in a few months has vanished overnight. It can be said that Wang Chong is the most direct victim of the whole thing. Zhou Wenchen can not see Song Wang, but he can not see Wang Hao, but he will never avoid Wang Chong. As a literary minister, adhering to Confucian rites, but in this matter, he is a virtue of virtue, which is one of the reasons why Wang Chong determined that he will meet himself.

"Zhou Daren, you are really good."

At this time, a voice came from the side, Zhang Yu looked at Zhou Wenchen bursting cold, the voice was full of hostility and resentment. When I was in the West, it was because of these people that Wang Chong was mad at the blood and the whole person spurted the blood. This thing is still remembered. In the heart, there is a good impression on these people.

What's more, Zhou Wenchen, the minister of anti-water, is still the most sinister thing in the heart of Zhang Ke and others.


Wang Chong waved his hand and stopped Zhang.

"Zhou Daren, so is this your explanation?"

Wang Chong put down the teacup in his hand and calmed his face.

"Wang Ye, Zhou also has a long-lost hardship. Zhou and Song Wang have known each other for many years, whether it is against Song Wang or Wang Hao Wang adults, admire the admiration in the next, Wang Ye in the wild to gallop the field, annihilate the enemy, Yang Wei, Zhou also I would like to sigh for the prince. If you can, please believe that Zhou will never do this."

"Crap! You still don't do it! Is this your explanation? Do you know that in order to deal with big food, hit this step, how many brothers we sacrificed, throwing our heads and blood, and dying on the battlefield of foreign countries, Is this a last resort?"

Zhang Que angry. If it is normal, he will not be so excited, but this time things are different, the hard work of half a year is gone, and Zhou Wenchen's attitude is still so dull, which makes Zhang Que completely unacceptable.

"Chu Que!"

Wang Chong glanced at the bird, stopped him, and then looked back at Zhou Wenchen:

"So, who is the adult who is instructing, and who makes Zhou Daren change his mind, can't all of them say that?"

"Wang Ye forgives sin, not Zhou does not want to say, but Zhou can not say."

When I heard this sentence, Zhang Que was more angry and glared at Zhou Wenchen, but Wang Chong seemed to understand what, and his hands were pressed on the handrail:

"Understood, Zhang Que, let's go!"

Wang Chong finished this sentence, and his sleeves were stunned. Even Li Wen did not care about Zhou Wenchen and immediately stepped out. This scene is not to mention Zhang Que, even Zhou Wenchen is there, for a long time can not speak. Today is the day of Wang Chong's canonization. Almost everyone in the capital knows that Wang Chong appeared in Zhoufu at this time. Zhou Wenchen originally thought that Wang Chong was impetuous and asked the sin to come. He did not expect to say two words. He Just left, even Zhou Wenchen’s heart was wrong.


Just as Wang Chong crossed the threshold, Zhou Wenchen finally couldn't help but scream.

"What do you say about Zhou Daren?"

Wang Chong stopped and walked back to the hall, faint.

"Wang Ye, this thing is indeed Zhou's fault. There are negative Song kings and Wang Daren's support, but the phoenix birds and birds have their origins. If Wang Ye and Song Wang have complaints in their hearts, they will come to Zhou. Let me go... I’ve let go of Zhou’s family.”

"Don't worry, we haven't made it to this point yet."

After Wang Chong finished this sentence, he crossed the gate and disappeared straight outside. Behind him, Zhou Wenchen took a sigh of relief and respectfully bowed a ceremony:

"Zhou Wenchen thank you Wang Ye!"


From the Zhou Jiafu, Zhang Yu’s heart is still somewhat resentful:

"Adult, isn't he letting him go like this? It's said that the literati has a strong bone. This kind of person is simply chilling."

"Go by him, everyone has their own difficulties, it is impossible to deny him because he did something wrong."

Wang Chong calmly said that he was far less excited than Zhang Que.

"But the **** didn't say a word. The adult's official position was cut, the military power was taken, and the efforts of all the brothers were turned into nothing. Just let him go, it's not too cheap for him. We are here. Isn't it white?"

Zhang Que is not flat.

"Who said he didn't say it?"

Wang Chong asked.


When I heard this, Zhang Que was suddenly stunned. The whole process of Zhou Wenchen and Wang Chong met, he was accompanied by him, and Zhou Wenchen was evasive except for evasion, and he also found a lot of hardships and reasons, and other things, half of the words did not reveal. Wang Chong said that he confided something, how is this possible? Zhang Que carefully recalled, how can I not remember what Zhou Wenchen had said about useful things.

"Zhang Que, sometimes does not say, that is to say. Some things, not necessarily have to say it. And he did not say when he finally left? Phoenix birds and birds, there are also sources."

After Wang Chong finished the sentence, the sleeves swayed and stepped onto the carriage, leaving the Zhangque standing behind him.

"Feng birds and birds, there are also sources... What does this mean?"

Zhang Que whispered to himself, but he didn't understand why he was responsible for the intelligence work, but in the case of allusions, he and Wang Chong were hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"Don't think too much, let's go, go back."

Wang Chong’s voice came from the carriage.

Zhang Yu’s heart slammed into the carriage and the whip was pumped. The two horses immediately took the carriage and headed for the direction of the king’s house. The sound of the carriage was echoing on the street, and Wang Chongde was sitting in the carriage and was motionless.

"Feng birds and birds", this is an allusion from the Western Han Dynasty. At that time, there was a sorcerer's sorrow in the palace, which was so widespread that even the three divisions would judge, and the chief judges went along the sorcerer's wood. The man and the cloth man finally traced to a palace lady in the palace. The palace lady was tortured and said a word before her death, that is, "the phoenix bird and the bird, the love is not what I want."

"So, is this because of this?"

Wang Chong’s mind flashed a thought. The phoenix bird was forced to be forced, but the entire court, how many people could force Zhou Wenchen. At that moment, Wang Chong faintly thought of something.

"Now, I should have shot it! No matter who you are, I will definitely pick you up!"

Wang Chong’s heart is secret.

Time passed slowly, Wang Chong returned to the government. At night, an eagle turned over the wall and flew into the palace of the Wang family. Soon, Zhang Que took a letter and hurriedly knocked on the door of Wang Chong. .

"Wang Ye, it's not good! Master just sent a message. Zhou Wenchen has submitted his resignation to the court. It is difficult to be competent for the court's affairs on the grounds of physical discomfort. He requested to resign and go home, and the court has already approved it. Just Master sent someone to check Exploring and discovering that Zhoufu has been evacuated."

Zhang Que kneels on the ground and sinks.

"Got it!"

Wang Chongpan sat on the bed and practiced silently, and his expression was not shocked.

"Wang Ye, now I want to ask the news of the day in Zhou Wenchen's mouth. It is the best time, or we will send someone to arrest him now."

"No need."

Wang Chong put his hand on his hand, and even his eyes did not open. If he said it, he would be awkward.

"But adults..."

Zhang Queu’s whole person was stunned and completely unable to figure out Wang Chong’s mind.

"Don't worry about him, let him go."

Wang Chong faintly said that this sentence ended the conversation.

Zhang is full of unwillingness and doubts, but Wang Chong has made a decision and can only retreat.

When Zhang Ke left, Wang Chong finally opened his eyes, and the eyes burst into a blazing light, but they quickly calmed down and the silence was restored in the room.
