The Human Emperor

Chapter 195: Shifang Thunder

Chapter 194

[There is still a chapter in front, the home page is not displayed, everyone pays attention to it. ^-^]

A word chain!

Wang Chong's swords are one and the violent shots come out. The perfect interpretation of what is called "quiet as a virgin, if you want to get rid of it." Only this move has surpassed the candidates who are over 90% of the audience.

Wang Chong has disappeared, and many candidates who are attracted by the sound of swords are still staring at where Wang Chong originally stood.

"Oh, interesting!"

On the rock, the instructor smiled slightly, not moving like a mountain, and his face was light and cloudy. Although Wang Chong’s word was extremely fast, it was unexpected, but he still could not get rid of his eyes.


The right hand raised, the sleeves shook, and the electric stone fire, just in the moment when Wang Chonglian took the sword with him, the instructor simply went out.

There is no difference between this palm and other candidates. It is simple, but it is as fast as a thunder, and it has nothing to stop.

However, the next moment, something unexpected happened.


Without the slightest sign, just a few steps away from the instructor, a group of swords flashed, and in a flash, Wang Chong instantly lost his sight.

And almost at the same time, hehe! In the sound of the swords of Qingyue, a sword light shot from the oblique rear of the instructor. The sword light was low and pointed to the instructor's lower plate. When the sound came out, the right leg of the instructor was less than a few inches away.

The change was steep, and the original instructor was quiet, and the instructor who did not move the mountain changed his face instantly. In the ultimate speed, it can change so fast, just this trick has already surpassed all the previous candidates.


The sleeves were light and swaying on Wang Chong’s sword. The soft sleeves and the sword body are shocked, but the sound of gold and iron is emitted, as if the sleeves are made of iron.

At the same time, an old man was thick and thick, as if the eagle-like palm suddenly slammed out, pressing down, not grabbing the sword of Wang Chong, but with the footwork, lightning-pressing the palm of the hand to the king.

- Standing at the Kunwu training camp for so long, this is the first time he was forced to leave the raised rock under his feet.

Wang Chong specializes in this move. If he does not want his legs to be scrapped, he can only leave the rock.


Wang Chong walked with the sword and stepped on his feet. At the same time, the sword swayed like a snake, and the iron sleeves of the instructor were swayed, and a slap in the face was a trick. The instructor went straight to the past.


The instructor’s eyes finally showed a dignified look, long sleeves swaying, and a majestic force burst out, throwing Wang Chong directly into the sky like a mountain.


Excited around, everyone knows that it is inconvenient to move in the sky. The gap between students and instructors is still too great, and the instructors can crush students only by their own strength.

When Wang Chong is thrown into the sky, he will basically lose.

"Young Master!"

Zhao Jingdian, who was watching the battle in the distance, couldn’t help but reveal a nervous look. This situation is obviously not good for Wang Chong.

However, the unexpected thing happened. When Wang Chong’s body was smashed, suddenly, in the unlikely event, he fell to the next, while walking with the sword, it was a sword as fast as lightning. The Thunder, condescending, went to the instructor’s hands.

"Ha ha ha, good! No wonder you insist on passing under my name. You have already had a seven-level repair!"

The instructor laughed loudly, and Wang Chong actually borrowed from his iron sleeves when he was thrown away, which really surprised him.

Since the opening of the Kunwu training camp, he has encountered such a trick for the first time.


In the face of Wang Chong's sharp and unparalleled blade, the instructor's breath is swaying, the robes are hunting, the hands are ten fingers extended, and the fingers are not flashing away. The fingertips are as fast as lightning, avoiding the sharp edge, on both sides of the blade, Ten fingers on the ridge of the sword, constantly hitting Wang Chong's sword.

His fingers are extremely heavy, and each stroke seems to be extremely light, but in reality it is as heavy as a mountain. Regardless of whether Wang Chong is cutting or not, the blade is completely smashed to his fingers, let alone his body.

The ten fingers are flexible enough to be such a point.


Not far away, a bystander student muttered to himself, and the whole person was shocked. He had originally passed through here and went to another instructor to try it out. I didn't expect to see this scene.

The instructor's ten fingers are like an invisible fortress. No matter how fast Wang Chong's swordsmanship is, smashing, smashing, cutting, and cutting, all can't break through the instructor's ten-finger barrier.

For the first time, he saw this kind of martial arts.

Around him, there are not many students who are as shocked as him. In an instant, everyone has a feeling that this standing on the raised rock for half a year, it seems that its appearance is not good, but it is amiable, approachable instructor, I am afraid that the most influential people in the entire Kunwu training camp, the instructors who appear today .

“How can students and instructors reach this level?!”

"What is this sword in the end? Take advantage of the force, just like the bones, you can't get rid of it!"

In addition to the shock, many people's eyes were also transferred to Wang Chong's body. In this mountain, most of them are contests between candidates and candidates, select those who have the strongest strength, and then choose the best.

But in front of him, it is actually a direct challenge to the instructor. That's it, it can still be like this instructor.

Wang Chong’s position suddenly disappeared, and suddenly left and right. The instructor had a ten-pointed shot, and most of the power to regain the Thunder seemed to have been vented by him.

For many people, this is hard to imagine.

"I don't think the strength of the son has reached this point!"

Zhao Jingdian’s heart was one after another. He was also the first to see Wang Chong’s exhibition of “one-word chain”. The sword’s momentum is endless, and Taotao is like a river. It seems that it will not be exhausted.

Anyone who sees this kind of swordsmanship will probably be unforgettable and impressed.

"However, such a son can't win!"

Zhao Jingdian frowned, his family was far from learning. Although Wang Chong looked very good on the scene, Zhao Jingdian still quickly saw that Wang Chong’s sword was erratic, and he couldn’t hold the traces, and there were some veins. The disorder, apparently under the pressure of the instructor, was still under tremendous pressure.


When it was late, it was fast, only to hear a loud noise, the instructor screamed, the whole body swelled, and the robes hunt, in an instant, a huge amount of energy could be blocked, just like the flood Taotao from him. The explosion came.

Wang Chong was in the air, and he was rushed by this vitality. He could no longer borrow strength. The body trembled and the whole person was shaken out.

Hey, or Wang Chong's strain is extremely fast. He was shocked and flew out more than ten feet. He suddenly made a seven-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousands.

"Kid, good strength! I have been in Beijing for decades, what martial arts have seen. You have never seen this sword method. Is it a sword?"

The instructor stepped a few steps, long hair hunting, watching Wang Chong in the direction of the mountain, more than ten feet, the eyes were bright.


Wang Chong smiled and his left hand rubbed his chest, no denial. This instructor is really brilliant, his "one-word chain" on the battlefield, even the alien invaders can win, but actually can not deal with this instructor.

If a flash of fire and light fires, he not only broke through his defense, but he was shocked by his blood and his physical strength was also consumed.


The instructor heard Wang Chong’s answer, and the look in his eyes became more and more strange. Sure enough, it’s incredible to be able to create such a powerful sword at a young age.

"You are so young, this kind of talent is amazing. If possible, I really want to earn you a name. But unfortunately, based on your current strength, there is still no way to pass the rules from me. The rules are the rules, I can't destroy it. If you can't beat me, you can't pass. The first move has passed, do you think about it? Don't continue."

"Yes! Why not?"

Unexpectedly, when I heard this sentence, Wang Chong laughed, smiled and confident, and seemed to be unaffected by the failure.


The instructor heard the sword and his eyebrows swayed, and some accidents:

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, I have been attacking you all the time. I haven't taken the initiative yet, and... I haven't used all the strength!"

"I know."

Wang Chong smiled. The reason why he chose to use a sword is not a moment of confusion. Only in the case of using a sword, the other side can not compensate for the strength gap between the two sides.

More importantly, just after the fight, Wang Chong has already got what he wants from it.

"The ten parties are thundering! The eight parties are moving!"

Wang Chong’s mind flashed a thought.

The martial arts used by this instructor, if he is not mistaken, refers to the "Tenfang Thunder", and the palm of the hand is "the eight sides move."

These two schools are extremely advanced and extremely difficult to practice. It is generally for the generals to practice, but there are few successful examples.

"Tenfang Thunder refers to" is not only a fingering, but also an internal strength, a method.

This kind of martial arts practice is not only the fingers, but the internal strength of the whole body. The **** is only the inner strength to a certain extent, and the natural external performance.

"Ten-finger Thunder refers to both offensive and defensive". Once practiced, the fingers are as strong as steel. On the battlefield, with the help of leverage, in the absence of a sword, you can directly penetrate the other side of the mysterious armor.

It is only a small matter to tear the gold and iron by hand.

Real practice, ten fingers are ten swords, wearing gold cracked stone, unbreakable. Moreover, the "Ten Thunder Thunder" refers to the strength of the whole body, resulting in the speed of the shot, the speed of movement is extremely fast.

Therefore, those who practice this practice are simply not afraid of being flashed.

In the battlefield, the person who has practiced this school is completely invincible humanoid killing machine.

As for the "eight-way move", it is his simple glimpse. Seemingly light, in fact, very strange!

Can be trained at the same time these two people who are absolutely scholastic, on the battlefield, is the bloodthirsty and killing gods, and the most fierce.

Where to go, where is the bloodshed!

Although he tried to hide it, he didn't want to show the dew, but he was still recognized by Wang Chong.

"This person is not simple!"

Wang Chong thought in his heart and raised the sword again.

[Chapter 2 at 10:30 in the evening]