The Human Emperor

Chapter 203: Night attack!

Chapter 203

The hall was quiet, and it was obvious that the man was also thinking.

"What do you mean?"

On the main hall, the gaze of the man looked at Zhao Qianqiu. As an instructor, Zhao Qianqiu clearly has more say in this regard.

"Oh, I haven't thought about it. Everything is still my guess, and, now, it's just the beginning. This is the first day of the Kunwu training camp. I will see it later."

Zhao Qianqiu said that he is very open-minded in this respect.

"Haha, okay. Today is the first day of the Kunwu training camp. I collected the news from you. I will return to the palace in a while, and I will go back to my majesty. This thing, I have been staring."

The man in the hall smiled.

"Oh, that is the tribute to the adults. It is just the evening to give the group of children a little bit of material. The first day of the Kunwu training camp is not a place to spend the day, let them come to the chic place. To be my student, you have to Have this kind of consciousness."

Zhao Qianqiu also laughed.

"Ha ha ha, don't make it too much!"

The man was also laughed at by Zhao Qianqiu, apparently knowing his style.


Zhao Qianqiu clenched his fist and then left the hall.

After Zhao Qianqiu, the figure also left the Kunwu training camp.


The time passed slowly, the window was completely dark.

Wang Chong sat on the floor with his knees, motionless. The strength of a stock is like a flood of water, and it keeps going to Wang Chong's two arms and shoulders, as well as the waist and the meridians and acupuncture points of the ankle.

Most of the agile class exercises involve acupuncture points in the arms, lumbosacral and other parts. And most of them are brand new meridians and acupuncture points. These meridians and acupuncture points are numerous, and most of them do not coincide with the power class.

The advanced esoterics such as "six-armed gong" require more hidden acupoints than normal agile exercises, which is almost equivalent to re-cultivation, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

And if you choose to take a "speed class" of extermination, it involves more hidden meridians and acupuncture points. At that time, the number of acupuncture points that need to be opened can reach as many as hundreds.

Three types of scholastic training together, involving so many acupuncture points, greedy and chewing is not bad, I am afraid that in the realm of martial arts, life will be stagnant.

This is also why Zhao Qianqiu, and even the entire martial arts community, do not recommend the simultaneous practice of three types of school before the real martial arts.

However, Wang Chong is not the same. The two emperors that the Holy Emperor rewarded in the Tianzhu, Wang Chong has not eaten. The banker and the pool family were under the blood, and they sent two medicinal herbs. This is four.

Moreover, he can still get a few special medicines from the Imperial Palace and the group of alchemists in the palace.

It is precisely this kind of enthusiasm that Wang Chong dare to choose two types at the same time, and even three types of school.

The "six-armed power" practice is difficult, but it is powerful, and with the wording, it can double the power of itself.

Wang Chong keeps the emperor's medicinal herbs and does not eat it. He wants to practice this "six-armed gong" when he wants to go out of prison.

"First build the six-armed building, practice a small adult, and then swallow the medicinal herbs, and use the medicinal strength of the medicinal herbs to impact the meridians and acupoints of the arms, so that the six-armed exercises can be completed as soon as possible."

Wang Chong’s heart is secret.

In the meta-environment, the six-armed work is definitely the first-class agile class. Even if it is placed in the real world, it is also a very strong school.

The night was shrouded, and the Baihu Mountain was so quiet that Wang Chong was obsessed with the practice of the "six-armed power" and did not feel the passing of the outside world.


I don't know how long it took, Wang Chong's ear suddenly heard a crisp sound, just like the sound of people stepping on a branch.

Only once, it stopped.


Wang Chong’s heart moved and opened his eyes fiercely. When this kind of night is quiet, it is suspicious to hear this crisp sound.

Moreover, the sound is very close to the room where I live.

Wang Chong listened carefully, but the room was quiet. The voice just disappeared and disappeared.

"Strange, is it that I got it wrong?"

Wang Chong was amazed.

The room was dark and there was no lighting. Wang Chong listened attentively. In addition to himself, Wang Chong also heard a heartbeat sound. If there is nothing, it is extremely long. This is the sound of Su Hanshan.

He didn't know when he came back from the outside and didn't light up. After listening to Wang Chong for a while, he immediately discovered that Su Hanshan seemed to have discovered something and was listening to himself as well.


Suddenly, a loud bang came as if something had hit the room. The sound is very close, it seems to be next door.

Then I heard a loud scream, my voice was astonished, and I was very eye-catching in the dark.


Wang Chong was shocked and immediately changed his face slightly. The voice is not Zhao Jingdian, but it is the madness of the daytime screaming at the candidates who absolutely do not live with Su Hanshan.

Zhao Jingdian lived with him. There is no doubt that there was something wrong with him.


As soon as Wang Chong’s body was vertical, he bounced off the ground and flew in the direction of the gate.


It’s too late, when it’s fast, when Wang Chong rushed to the gate, suddenly, a tiger whistle, the night, the shadows flashed, a huge figure with a sly mountain wind, from the door The tiger is coming.


Wang Chong was shocked. Through the faint night light, Wang Chong faintly saw that it was only two meters long, his head was thicker than the four heads, and his body was bigger than the giant bear.


When the electric light stone fire was too late to think about it, Wang Chong’s right fist shocked and slammed into the huge tiger claw.

Hey, a huge force came from the tiger's claws. Wang Chong only felt a pain in his wrist, and the whole was shaken out. On the ground, Wang Chong, by this force, bounced off and violently opened the distance.

At the same time, the giant tiger and tiger trembled, the four claws landed, and the eyes glowed red. Under the glimmer, Wang Chong can see clearly, the tiger's stomach is dry, and the two belly pieces are almost stuck together.

This is a hungry hungry tiger! ”

Wang Chong’s mind flashed a thought, and suddenly changed his face. Everyone knows that a hungry adult hungry tiger is absolutely more fierce than a normal tiger, and it is also aggressive.

The recent contest also made Wang Chong know that the strength of this tiger in front of him is probably not much worse than himself. I am afraid it will be stronger.

Moreover, its bones are harder than themselves.

Although the warrior also has the "tiger bone" theory, but it is only a teacher of the tiger, and can not be compared with the real tiger.

(ps: Many people tend to confuse tigers with leopards. They think that tigers are much smaller than leopards. Or they are not much bigger than people. In fact, tigers are much larger than people. Adult tigers can grow to 2 meters at peak. 45 long, standing up, much higher than people. The body is extremely large.

In addition, the head is equivalent to the head of an adult of three or four people. The strength of a claw can be up to 2 tons. The skull can be easily broken. You can check the information. )


After a wave of unrest, a wave of ups and downs, almost the same time that the tiger landed, in the darkness, the mountain wind bursts, and the two hanged beautiful tigers from the outside of the tiger, one left and one right, Appeared beside the tiger.

Seeing these two tigers, in the darkness, in another room, Su Hanshan also stood up.

The rooms in the Kunwu training camp are connected, and there is nothing in the middle.

At the same time that Wang Chong was stared, Su Hanshan was also stared at by two other giant tigers. A tiger is still insignificant, but the three tigers are the same.


The forest shook, and a shout of shouts came from another neighboring palace. They were Zhao Jingdian. At the same time, it seems to be infected, three giant tigers look fierce, one straight to Wang Chong, the other two went straight to Su Hanshan.

In the darkness, the hurricane bursts and the light flashes. The giant tiger in the hill has already flew to Wang Chong. Speed, strength, agility, explosive power... This moment is undoubtedly revealed in front of Wang Chong.

In the Wang family, although Wang Chong also tried the explosive power of the tiger bone level, he could save a few dozen feet of space and easily throw a bird, but compared with the real tiger, it immediately dwarfed, and there were still many gaps.

One is the teacher of the law, a real tiger, and the two are high and understand each other.


I couldn’t wait to think about it, Wang Chong’s foot stepped on, and the electric light stone suddenly flashed to the side. Boom, behind him, the table in Wang Chong’s room was torn apart, and the tiger’s claw fell to the ground, and a huge pothole was thrown on the floor.

After a blow, the hungry giant tiger counterattacked and immediately followed Wang Chong.

However, at this time, Wang Chong had successfully touched the bed and seized the sword that he had put on the bed because of the inconvenience.


A long Qing dynasty, the long sword out of the sheath, just in the moment of the sword scabbard, Wang Chong's entire breath changed, a move "a word in a chain", the speed increased, suddenly came out from the giant tiger claws, In the air, a fold, suddenly with a sword, and refracted back.

A word chain!


The light of the sword fell, and there was a terrible scream in the room. Wang Chong’s sword slammed into the body of this hungry tiger.

However, the unexpected scenes did not appear. When the long sword enters the body, it is like picking up a piece of iron plate and getting stuck in something. It can't be confirmed.

"Tiger bone!"

Wang Chong’s mind flashed a thought. The bones of the tiger are harder and denser than the human warriors, and the sword can be sure of its flesh and blood, but it is difficult to break its bones.

Wang Chongyi did not hack him. Instead, he inspired the tiger's fierceness. A tiger's claws flickered in the cold, like a small mountain peak, and rushed toward Wang Chong.

The strength contained in the tiger's claws, I am afraid that steel can take a bend and slap.

Wang Chong did not dare to confront, and quickly fled back, and then touched a sword on the wall. The scabbard of this sword looks very ordinary, that is, the goods of dozens of copper coins, very inconspicuous.

Many people even if they see it, I am afraid I will not pay attention to it. Even if you give it to him, you don't necessarily want it.

But for Wang Chong, this sword is the most powerful sword that he brought with him.


The cold light passed, the blood was shining, a huge tiger head, hairy, rolling on the floor. The strong and powerful tiger bones can't stop Wang Chong's sword.

It is Wang Chong’s Uzi steel sword!