The Human Emperor

Chapter 654: Everything is gathered!

Chapter 654

Goguryeo "Mei Chuan Wang", in the border of the northeast of the continent, is the object of killing on the list of Zhang Shouqi. There have been many wars that have been defeated by the "Mr. Mikawa".

Unlike other kings, Mei Chuan has four long knives, but he usually only uses one for the enemy. When the corps fights, he uses two, at least three... and no one can force him to use it now. Three long knives.

"Mr. Meichuan" is completely cruel and killing, and is completely different from the "Small Beast Lin Wang" who likes to hide his own spy king.

On the fierce battlefield, he is the most crazy machine. The more he kills, the stronger his strength and the more he is immersed in it. It is said that he also has a hobby, that is, using human blood to make wine, mad drinking the lower abdomen.

And Meichuan Wang never cares about the life and death of his own people!

The only thing he enjoyed was fierce, crazy battles, and a strong death on the battlefield. The word "chuan" of "Mr. Meichuan" refers not to the river, but to the torrent of blood flowing along.

In the Battle of Southwest China, more than 400,000 Mengwu coalition forces died in battle, and more than 100,000 Tang Tang soldiers died in battle...

Meichuan Wang heard this, so he took the initiative to go deep into the heart of the Tang Dynasty and go to the southwest battlefield to see it himself.

"...and, what did you tell me, who said I didn't look at it?"

Mei Chuanwang slightly closed his eyes, intoxicated and raised his nose, sniffing in the air, suddenly, a fly, squat, like the same ghost, the next moment, has appeared at the top of the mountain, southeast position.

"Ha ha ha, good bloody! I only smelled the smell of a person in the entire battlefield. It was a hearty killing! How many people killed this, five thousand, six thousand, not right, there is one One thousand eighty-seven people! It’s amazing!”

Meichuan Wang looked up at himself and laughed wildly.

If Wang Chong is here, he will be surprised. Because the Meichuan King said that it was precisely the Broken Southeast Front, he killed more than 10,000 places in the Mongolian Union.

The battle is over and even the body has been buried.

The Meichuan King just sniffed, and already knew the true number of Wang Chong’s killings. I am afraid that even Wang Chong himself does not know.

"Adult, do you mean someone is killing 10,000 people here alone?"

A figure flew from behind, to the side of Meichuan Wang, looking at the empty surroundings, a look of solitude.

"Ha ha ha, this is the same person! Unbelievable physical strength, and incredible internal forces! There are incredible wars and killings!"

Mei Chuan Wang Li did not pay attention to the guard behind him, his voice is getting more and more excited.

"Right, I also smelled a very strange blood smell, swaying, like the blood of a burning flame..."

Speaking of the last sentence, Mei Chuan Wang seemed to wake up all of a sudden, but soon, his face showed a more playful smile.

"I heard that the Tang dynasty, Wang family, has a tradition of madness. When the mad blood attacks, the blood will boil, and the killing is like madness, not distinguishing the enemy. Is this madness?"

Meichuan Wang suddenly became more excited.

"I can't think of it, I was fortunate enough to smell the blood smell of the mad blood warrior. It's a beautiful word! This is the real blood of killing. Actually, the physical strength is so long, you can kill 10,000 people! If I can get this kind of blood How wonderful!"

"But in the rumors, madness is passed down from generation to generation, and there is only one person in each generation. The descendants of the Wang family are called Wang Hao, and they are in the palace dungeon. How can there be a madness here? ”

Meichuan Wang converges with a smile, slightly squinting, thoughtful. After a while, suddenly I understood something, and I laughed.

"Tu Lin, this time has your benefits. Passing the message to Your Majesty, we said that we found that the younger son of the Wang family is also suffering from madness. There are two madness in the generation, interesting and interesting!"

Behind him, the Goguryeo warrior named Tu Lin suddenly stopped. The voice of Meichuan Wang still came from the ear:

"However, mad blood is said to be able to distort the will of the people, killing and arguing against the enemy. This young boy seems to have been killing, but the people who have been killing are the people of Mengshe and Uszhan. This control is really Amazing!"

The so-called difference is a thousand miles. Although the madness is powerful, it can greatly improve the strength of the warrior. But once you lose control and turn the direction, then in the battle of the southwest, the death of Wang Chongjian will be 10,000. Many soldiers of the Annan army.

The sword can kill people and hurt others.

However, throughout the battle, Meichuan Wang did not smell the blood of any Annan military soldiers. This control is definitely not something anyone can do.

"A very troublesome role!"

The Meichuan King sank for a moment, his pupils shrank, and for the first time, his eyes showed a tricky look.

"It’s really unpleasant! It’s obvious that you can kill people, why should you control?”

The face of Mei Chuan Wang reveals the envy of undisguised, this powerful blood ability, if it falls on himself, what a heavenly match.

It is a pity that this kid has such a powerful force, but he still has to control it. This makes the Meichuan King who likes to kill it extremely uncomfortable.


When I was talking, suddenly my mind shook, and a strong breath suddenly appeared in the sense of Meichuan Wang. The voice of Mei Chuan Wang was stagnant, and suddenly stopped, suddenly turned to look at the corner of the mountain, sensing the breath position.

I saw the foot of the mountain, not far from the place, a few black, a group of people dressed in costumes, are looking down on the ground to see what.

Among them, the first one, who also felt something, looked up and glanced at the position where the Meichuan King of the mountain was located. The two looked like electricity, and they touched it in the void. It was like an electric shock. Both of them recovered, just as nothing happened.

"Oh, it seems that the Turks are coming."

Meichuan Wang sneered, though a long distance, but the moment the person looked up, he saw the iconic high nose at a glance.

Although the terrain of the Youzhou area in northeastern China is complex, *厥, Qidan, Yi, Datang, Goguryeo, the five forces are simultaneously entangled, to some extent, the other three forces outside the Goguryeo Empire and Datang are natural. Allies, but in private, no one can look down on anyone.

The same is true of Mikawa.

"His Royal Highness, do we need to say hello to them?"

Behind him, the Goguryeo warrior named Tu Lin asked.

"Hey, hello to them, and, can you come over?"

Meichuan Wang stood at the top of the mountain, and he was condescending, and all the surrounding scenery was unobstructed. Looking around, the forces that come around the "mountain of the gods" are more than one.

Hu Ren, Goguryeo, Turkic, Westerners, Big Eaters, and Strips... All kinds of people*, dressed in various identities, are rushing here intentionally or unintentionally.

The battle of the southwest, 200,000 big * team, against more than 500,000 Mongolian and Ukrainian coalition forces, first defeated and won, daggers more than 400,000. This war not only changed the pattern of the southwest, but also changed the relationship between Datang and all the surrounding forces.

The forces that were eager to move around Datang, after hearing the news of the defeat of Mengwu, have retreated from the house and looked a thousand miles away.

This war is a great opportunity for Monsch and Uzang to lose the occupation of the southwest of Datang. For other forces around Datang, it is an excellent opportunity to join forces to incite the power of the Tang Dynasty for hundreds of years.

The worm of the hundred feet, dead but not stiff. Although Datang has declined, it is not as good as it used to be, but the sharpness of its army exhibition is still as fierce and terrible as it used to be.


"Ye Huo is a Goguryeo."

At the foot of the mountain, a trader dressed in a Turkic, whispered.

"It is the Meichuan King."

The headed Turkic man squatted on the ground and looked around, without a trace.

* He is connected with Goguryeo and Datang. When he is in peacetime, Meichuan is famous for his crazy killing. The smell of his body can be clearly discerned even if it is a few miles away.

This is nothing to disguise.

Moreover, the Goguryeo's double-knife and three-knife people are highly recognizable and wrapped in white cloth. For people outside of Datang, they are more conspicuous.

"Don't worry about them, time is limited. Once too many people are gathered, it will soon attract the attention of Datang."

Headed by the sudden humanity.

It's hard to imagine that a simple survey mission, *厥 actually sent a leaf guard, but this matter is too important for *厥.

Datang actually appeared in a top commander who could win one enemy two, win less and more, and at the same time defeat Daqin Ruozan and Duan Gequan. Such an important thing, ordinary scouts and spies are not clear at all. Only those who have rich experience and wisdom in the battlefield can see the clues.

And there is another important thing. The battle between the Mongolian and Ukrainian troops in the southwest was defeated. This matter until now, all the powers of Datang, including the abruptness of things, have not yet been clarified.

Daqin Ruzan and Huoshu belong to Tibet, and Duan Gequan, all of them are world-famous, with these three people commanding and possessing absolute superiority. In any case, they should not fail.

This thing is like a mystery, deeply lingering in the hearts of everyone. This is also the various forces around Datang. They will choose to send people to the field after more than a month after the end of the war.


The black-faced Turkic leaf guard, who quickly stood up, led the crowd behind him and quickly walked in the other direction. After about half a column of incense, a group of * 厥 people have already strolled the entire mountain, and finally stopped in front of a huge pothole.

"Here is the place where the Mon Shea Emperor Pavilion Luo Feng was seriously injured..."

The black Turkic leaf guards crouched on the edge of the pothole, stretched out his finger and touched the edge of the pothole, then looked up again and looked around.

Around the potholes, devastated, criss-crossed trenches everywhere, and traces after the fierce battle. These traces are completely meaningless to ordinary people, but for the top masters of *厥叶护, what they see is quite different.

[Ha ha, respond to everyone's microblogging blow more, today two chapters, right, welcome to pay attention to my Weibo, WeChat reminder! ^-^, search for Huang Qiqi can be. 】