The Idol Group and the Crown

Chapter 80: 80th

His toes lightly touched the drum, and the silver bell between his wrists rang clearly.

Drum hearts are drawn on three sides, and **** dragon-tooth flowers are depicted.

There are two lanterns hanging on the left and right, and thin Qiu hangs the first string, and the sound of the Guqin is like cold water.

Xie Lianyun played the jade flute and smiled at the phoenix's eyes.

Clouds and mist whispered and spread silently, drums rose and fell, and every bell rang on the beat.

Huo bladed in gold yarn, dancing like a long knife quenched by the moonlight, but also like an arrogant hibiscus bird.

Huamei and Lengxian are ingeniously overlapped without any sense of violation.

He jumped sideways with his hands folded, and the drum beats vibrated five times.

The sound of the flute whipped and the Guqin pine was deep and distant. When the two resonated, they flew to the top of the hibiscus tree like a luan bird.

The tinkling drums were decorated with silver bells, which seemed to be a joke with a heartstring and tempting.

Huo Jian's neck and shoulders stretched as he danced, earrings and tassels wobbled around, and his slender waist glowed in the night.

His instep stretched straight on the brisk whistle, and the drum sound was like a sudden rain, which turned sharp and powerful, and the gold yarn fluttered and rotated in the wind.

Suddenly hit hard, it sounds as if the mind is full!

The live barrage burst into tears in praise of the wolf howl.

"What a fascinating thing on earth! How could my boyfriend be so beautiful tonight. Poo, poo, golden yarn and silver bell!!!

"My blade is really strong. The wrists and ankles should be standard with comic actor!"

"The rich canary literature arranges it-this kind of canary with a strong and fragile feeling is really amazing -"

Huo Jian jumped lightly from the drum and bowed in different directions.

There were loud shouts in the field, but the content of the shouts was different.

"I love you!!"


"wear clothes!!!"

The finale was over and Xie Lianyun finished the solo at the end.

He didn't wear glasses, and his smoky purple pupil and half-shoulder white fox fur had a sense of untouchableness.

Because of the contrast of this shape, fans just stared at the screen for a few seconds when they first appeared.

He is-who is coming? ?

Thank you for wearing silver-rimmed glasses and taking the cold route of the iceberg gas field. Fans have been used to it for years.

Dressed up today, the charm and **** coexist, so handsome that the ability to associate is broken-

This is the otaku who shared the game guide some time ago? ?

I finally remembered the idol business after my birthday ? ?

Xie Lianyun looked at the camera, his smoky eyes blinked, and he felt a sudden cardiac arrest.

: I am in love! ! Don't talk about my love! ! Xie Fox locked me and no one was allowed to grab it! ! !

: Lying...Does this point before and after this man remove his glasses change so much? No wonder all TV shows use glasses as props...

: Xie Lianyun Happy Birthday! ! ! Ke Siwen can charm the invincible existence of book gas-in the future, take the flower road with brothers and brothers! !

At the end of singing, the teammates pushed the three-tier birthday cake over, and the sparkle candle flickered with small stars.

A creamy white fox piled on top of the cake.

Then they laughed so that everyone was like a cat.

At the end of the concert, the six of Anke returned to the scene three times, together with Uncle Jiang to be interviewed by the media, and then went to remove makeup and hair accessories as usual.

Pei Ru also leaned at the door, saw Huo Jian back, smiled and turned his lips.

Huo Jian's face was hot, and he quickly greeted his brothers, followed the teacher into the temporary space surrounded by the curtain.

The crimson mockery on his back was painted by the teacher with a stroke.

Temporary tattoos are made with special plant dyes, which are not only brightly colored, but also have a color-changing effect when illuminated by different lights.

When I heard that I wanted to draw a mocking totem on my back, Huo Jian didn't think much.

——Until Pei Ruye holds a brush and sits behind him.

"Don't be nervous," the man said lightly.

Huo Jian kept the robe falling to the ground, pretending to be calm and calm when facing away from the teacher, and a bunch of emotions in his heart had been knotted three thousand times.

For why the teacher came to paint!

Slightly cold fingers had been pressed against the spine, and the iced man tightened a lot.

"The pattern is a bit complicated, it takes about twenty minutes."

Huo Jianben wanted to say that the teacher worked hard, but as soon as he felt that the fingertips moved to the butterfly bone, the respect and gratitude choked into a low bass.

Then there was no more embarrassment to say anything.

The tip of the brush is soft and the dye is wet.

Tracing and painting on the back, like a kiss that stretches so long that it seems to have no end.

Huo Jian is sometimes too strong and wants to catch up with his brothers in everything.

Piano guitar music theory French, and even the progress of brothers and brothers.

Although he knew that he had nothing to do with the teacher in this matter, but when he saw his brothers hugging intimately, there would also be silent hope and restlessness.

Then all the sense of loss is fully compensated today, and it becomes a little joy that can last for a long time.

This gift has never happened between brothers.

——The teacher really likes me the most.

The two of them walked into the quarantine area again, Huo Jian turned his back to him, and his breathing was a little chaotic.

He slowly untied the tie, revealing a full back.

Pei Ru also sat quietly for a few seconds, adjusted his mind and breathing, and whispered: "It needs to be rubbed with alcohol, a little ice."

Huo Jian nodded quickly, and shouted again embarrassedly.

He was a little annoyed that he could not speak at such times.

It's rare to spend time with the teacher for a while, so why can't you stop talking.

It's too dull, not good at all.

Pei Ru also soaked the alcohol with a rag to help him wipe off his fangs and sharp corners.

"Your dance is very accurate today."

The young spine of Binggan Chong passed through a layer of electric current, but he shivered because of this praise.


Pei Ru also found that his ears had a thin red root, and he continued to boast while carelessly rubbing.

"The intensity is well controlled, the eyes and emotions are in place, and the movements are clean at the end."

"I like you...tonight's work."

Huo Jian thought that he had almost heard it wrong and hurriedly said a quick thank you teacher.

He even hoped he wouldn't exaggerate.

When praised by someone you like, your heart will also jump from puff to puff.

He doesn't feel this way when confronting his brothers, fan agents, and anyone else.

Really flustered and happy.

The alcohol will take away the heat when it evaporates, and Pei Ru is also afraid that he will catch cold, and wipes quickly.

Sometimes more hard, a red mark fell on the back.

The boy endured a slight tingling sensation.

Pei Ru also sighed slightly inaudibly.

My little master.

Huo Jian thought that he didn't sit upright and tensed his shoulders and whispered, "You are working hard."

"Huh." Pei Ru also slowly said: "It hurts a little, there is still a third."

He distracted when he spoke, and the wrong hand in his hand increased.

Pei Ru also withdrew his hand to cover him with his palm and gently rubbed the butterfly bone.

"Sorry sorry..."

Huo Jian nodded gently with his breath, and at this moment he clearly felt the lines on his palm.

The corner of the lips always smiled.

The concert was a great success, and album sales soared again.

Although it has long passed the publicity period, one is because of the popular reposting of Weibo, and all kinds of beautiful gif towns are out of the circle, and the other is that the group synthesizer and live broadcast rumors are both under control, pushing the popularity of corona to a higher peak.

Advertisement endorsements were smashed down like snowflakes, and the phone of the business department of spf company was hit daily.

As soon as August arrives, the Tanabata event arrives as scheduled.

Every year, Valentine's Day, Qixi Festival, Christmas and New Year's Day, it is all time for the idols to work overtime and work actively.

This time, Corona and red blood brand seru launched the special event of Tanabata. A total of six three-dimensional oil painting frames were set up at the venue, allowing fans to take pictures with the favorite idols through the glass.

The special link lasts for two hours. All six of them must sit in a long square of nearly ten square meters. In the bush castle icon, the cos oil painting figures, while retaining the classic beauty, will also pass through the glass The beautiful smell of the new perfume.

The side walls of their props are completely transparent, and they can greet and chat with nearby teammates.

The six long squares are fan-shaped together, and everyone can see the other companions.

Huo Jian pretends to be a knight with a long sword, and is led by a parrot among the mountains and forests.

Long Li pretended to be the king's virtual support scepter, and there was a deer head symbolizing glory in the distance of the throne.

Chi Ji is a forest elf, the wings of translucent butterflies will flutter and change, and there are springs flowing along the birch forest.

Pei Ru also led his assistant around, stopped in front of Huo Jian's glass wall, and leaned over to smile at him.

Huo Jianzheng tilted his head to see Brother Li stepped on the velvet robe. He turned his head and looked at the teacher a little ignorant.

"Uncle Jiang recently pushed too many film appointments to go to accompany the producer director to make a guilt and drink, and go back first." Pei Ruye also smiled: "Little knight, do you need to lead the way."

Assistant Zhang held the camera and pointed at the two of them: "Come, eggplant!"

Huo Jian didn't expect his first Tanabata photo to be taken with the teacher first. Although it was an advertiser activity, the meaning was also very special.

He pretended to be calm, and said with a smile: "That posture was wrong, just another one."

Then he frankly compared his hands according to the business position.

Pei Ruye stared at him sideways and was photographed by Assistant Zhang.

"Good! The two handsome guys stand together to be seductive!"

There are already a long line of fans outside the venue ready to rush in, and the person in charge of the event here is still confirming each set and advertising poster.

"Xie Lianyun, you took the cross upside down." Bo Jue slowly said: "Take it backwards to believe in Satan."

Father Xie glanced at him: "I deliberately."

Carrying his bow and arrow, he was still touching his pure white wings.

"...Like swan hair."

When the time was up, the security guards of the six-channel venue began to let people in, and the fans rushed in.

The idols who hadn't seen anything before the big wind and big waves shrank back at the same time.

This-this is simply a zombie siege? !


The brand has fully estimated the popularity of the idols. When they jointly promoted with spf, the ticket card was very dead. At the same time, an additional security guard was added to maintain order, and the photo time of each fan was controlled not to exceed 20 seconds.

Huo Jian's task is very simple. It is better to love with fans through the glass, or to raise a pair of scissors and smile together for a photo.

When this time comes, their idol business feels particularly real.

Almost every fan meets them in their best condition.

It's like being a boyfriend who has been in a long distance relationship or even a long distance relationship.

Han dress lo skirt suit jewelry, every girl's makeup is very extreme, and the wrist is also decorated with a crown on the ear side.

The closer they stood in line, the expression became disturbed and tender, and they could not say anything while covering their mouths when they saw the idol with their own eyes.

Half of the ring-shaped screen in the air is broadcasting new advertisements, and half of the screen is randomly broadcasting the interaction of six people with different girls.

Xie Liyun hardly got serious, nodded gently as the fans prayed with both hands, and reached out to touch her forehead across the glass.

A scream in the field——

"Thank you for daring to tease other girls in front of me!!!"

"Crimson priest is too abstinent, so Su-Hu-Woo-"

Huo Jian let the sunflower parrot jump on his shoulder, smile and interact with the fans who lined up the dragon.

He can feel the intention of this design.

Even if it is closer, it must be separated by a thick layer of bulletproof glass.

They and their fans need a sense of closeness, understanding and respect, and a safe distance.

Because of the Qixi Festival, there are many fans who come with love letters and roses.

Most of the gifts were blocked by the security machine at the door, and the company has clearly stipulated that it is not allowed to give gifts, but there are also many people who write love letters and send roses.

Gradually, there are white roses and red roses piled up next to each glass box. Some people even came in to take photos with Aidou in a wedding dress.

——This life may have the opportunity to get up close, this time, it is my dream to take a wedding photo with Aidou! !

Huo Jian knelt down on one knee, and kissed the back of her hand in the void through the glass.

The high-altitude advertising screen immediately followed the projection, and the knight and the white gauze bride were quite suitable.

On the field, the girls followed the woo and took pictures with their mobile phones.

I already put on my wedding dress wedding dress! !

The roses next to Huo Huo are piled up so high that there are so many hateful rivals!

Why do some people enlarge magnificent bouquets of champagne roses and blue enchantress beside the frame! !

Pei Ru also sat in the rest area, shaking the ice water thoughtfully.

Now there are people lining up to send a big bouquet of roses to the young master.

More mature in the future, how to chase him to make his heart move...

Huo Jian is a little shy in front of the lively girls, but the gentle and considerate performance is very well received.

The team of Eros Harmony and the Fairy Pool next door are progressing very slowly, and the girls are so cute that they would rather be shot by the security guard.

Bo Jue sat next to the silver-white harp, interacting with fans as a bard.

The mints set an early response and placed a huge bouquet of magnificent black lilies and black roses next to his frame.

He took a group photo with them on his side, smiling and thanking them for their long-term love.

Suddenly, when he looked up, his eyes passed through the crowd, and he saw a dragon with a rose on the other side.

Long Ji was dressed in a dark blue velvet robe, and his fingers were more than half a heart, perfectly matching the other half of the fans outside the glass barrier.

He holds a scepter in his hand, his eyebrows are as dark as ink, and his brilliance blooms without restraint.

The young man winked with a smile in the red rose, and a long row of girls clapped their lips with one hand and tried to cover up the scream.

This is the Qixi Festival! ! How can my husband be so charming! ! !

Bo Jue was amazed for a second, and immediately resumed expression management, and continued to take photos with fans with a smile.

It was just a bit dazed.

The Tanabata event was a complete success, and the online and offline word of mouth were quite good.

Some local tyrants have decided to contract the high-end holiday gift box as the mid-year award to the entire company, and signed a six-digit order on the spot.

"Please come again for Christmas!!!"

"Is there any such event in the New Year?"

"It's not a loss to wait in line for two hours. Oh, woo, woo, and finally see them, my heart will be changed--"

The smiling people in charge went to the dressing room to thank them for pouring water and praised their dedication and excellence.

Yuanyao shot Cupid's golden bow at everyone, and turned his head to be swallowed by Chi Jiu's feather wings.

"Knead me."

"Brother Chi's wings also look good," Mei Shengyao blinked: "Let's try another wing and take a picture?"

The scene photos quickly flowed into Weibo and forums, and only the fan group fans, cp fans, girlfriends, fans, moms, fans, all looked calm.

Corona's business ability and business ability should not be too strong, okay! ! !

The official app's cp list is usually changed to top1 every three to five days. Today, with the outflow of photos from various roads, it has rolled a few times like a roller coaster.

The people on the 17th floor did not currently perceive the war in the forum.

They are open from morning till night all day for the holidays, and when they return home, they are all flat on the sofa.

Bo Ju was lying beside Huo Huo, half asleep and awake.

Long Ji helped them to put their belongings away, and saw that Thin Ju's long hair had almost fallen onto the carpet, and he walked over to help him.

Bo Jue sat up, avoiding his touch.

Long Ji's expression slightly moved, unconsciously reached out, habitually want to smooth hair.

Bo Jujue refused to quarrel with him, got up quickly with his head down, put on his slippers and walked to the piano room.

"...Bo Jue?"

Long Ji quickly ran after him and stopped him at the end of the corridor.

"Are you angry?"

Bo Jue turned his head and tried to walk in another direction, but was blocked again.

Long Ji is tall and tall, completely crushed in terms of physical fitness and speed.

"Yes." Bo Jue lowered his head: "I'm not happy."

Long Jia frowned: "We haven't talked about the sky much today, what happened?"

Bo Ju turned his head back, but was blocked again.

He stared at Long Ji's neckline for a while and smiled lightly: "You are not qualified to ask, I am not qualified to say."

"So be it."

Suddenly, Long Li smelled the vinegar, and suddenly quieted down.

Bo Jue suddenly sank in his heart, thinking that the other party was backing away, and he wanted to go back around him.

"I like you."


"Xiaoju, I like you."

"Are you joking?"

Bo Jue raised his head in amazement, but was caught in his arms the next second, and was touched between his lips.

"I... I have liked you for a long time." Long Ji buried his face in the side of his neck, embracing him sullenly, "You know."

"You always knew."

Bo Jue's brain was blank.

I...was kissed?

What should I do now? Push him away? Scold him and go away?

"What are you doing just now?" he said softly.

Long Ji couldn't blush, and he bowed his head seriously and kissed him again.

None of them have kissed, and the angles are jerky.

But the lips are so soft, just half a second, my heart is hot.

Bo Jue let him hug him, looking up at the tender eyes.

Long Ji was not sure if he was right or wrong, and continued cautiously.

"Will you kiss wet?"

"Um...not sure." He whispered: "Do you want to try?"

Thin Ju nodded slowly.

They held their breath and approached each other again, the distance shrinking.

"Xiaoju," Long Ji said a second before kissing: "I'm holding roses, I actually want to show you."

Bo Jue blushed and kissed the corner of his lips.

"When you were sitting next to the harp today, I especially wanted to hug you in the past."

Long Ji wanted to coax him and kiss him again, bowed his head to continue kissing, and talked down intermittently.

"Don't be mad at me... reluctant to watch you frown."

"Sometimes I dream of watching you play the piano and listen to your training, as if I am happy to do anything."


"Xiaoju," he chuckled against his forehead. "You are so soft."

Bo Jue's embarrassment could not speak, and let his eyes dangle and let his forehead and nose tip.

Long Ji gently supported the back of his head, first tentatively kissed his lips, and gradually his lips and teeth were intertwined, gentle and lingering.

They were all tempted for the first time, for the first time in love, when long kisses were deliberately freed up for a few seconds for each other to ventilate, and then tirelessly leaned on the pillar to kiss like this.

It's sweet, long, happy, and endless.

The adolescents who have been dormant for many years like to spread in awakening, binding each other's heart and pulse like a vine.

Then they resonate.

Huo Jian slept awkwardly, and suddenly remembered that the score had not yet been returned.

He got up from the sofa, and Yao Yao and Chi Ji slept like two hamsters on the left.

"Brother Yun," Huo Blade whispered, "What about Brother Ju?"

Xie Lianyun happened to be counting cards, his brain didn't turn around for a while, his finger pointed away.

"Oh, I used to find him."

When Huo Jian went away, Xie Lianyun reacted violently.

Wait-you can't go there! !

Huo Jian went to the bedroom to retrieve the score, and went down the corridor to find Bo Ju.

Then I saw at a glance that Brother Li pressed his third brother against the wall and kissed him.

Huo blade:! ! !

"Huh? Huo Huo came over?" Long Ji kissed another in front of him: "What's the matter with your brother?"

Bo Jue blushed and said, "Huo Huo, go back first. I will come to you after I have finished talking to your brother."

Huo Jian glanced subconsciously at the two of them leaning against the wall.

"Then... you talk first..."

Then quickly fled the crime scene.

When Huo edged away, Long Ji rubbed his thin nose against the cheek with the tip of his nose.

"What are you talking about?" The young man's face was full and his voice was lazy.

Bo Ju's ten fingers were still held on his tight waist, and he said sullenly, "Kiss again."

Long Jia smiled and kissed his forehead.

He touched the back of his hand with his hands, his fingers clasped silently.

