The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1505: Sleepless night

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

The Ling family is a big family. Even if he is the patriarch, there are still four elders. Ling Qingquan immediately held a patriarch meeting to persuade them!

"Zhier's hatred, I must repay!" Ling Qingquan said angrily, but the four elders were silent.

"I heard that this is called Ye Xuan's skill, but let the other three families surrender to him, this matter must still be considered from the elders!" Said the elder.

"You are too careful, but it is a three-family family with yellow characters, can you still fight against us? Zhi'er is our Ling family's hope!" At this time, the grumpy second elder also stood up Said.

"Elder Er, can't you say that? I thought that Yun'er wasn't what you said, but he was the hope of the family, but what was the final result?" At this time, the elder San said heavily. The second elder suddenly looked at him fiercely.

And Ling Qingquan's face is not very good-looking. Finally, the four elders said, "The three elders are not the time for us to engage in civil war. We must not forget, what is our purpose!"

"Do you want this little bunny to **** on our Ling's head? As long as the four of us work together, this strength is enough to shake the local martial arts, is it still scared here?" II The elder jumped up directly.

The three elders glanced at the second elder who was blowing his beard and glaring his eyes: "Xing Ling still has to be the bell man, let the patriarch decide this matter!"

After a series of discussions, there was no result in the end. Later, it fell on Ling Qingquan. Ling Qingquan stood up from his seat at this time, bowing one by one to the four elders: "Only It ’s just an unnamed junior. This thing does n’t bother the four elders. I am enough!

The true strength of the Ling family can be confronted with the family at the local level. Ling Qingquan is very confident in his own strength!

In the hospital, watching Fang Li still lived in the intensive care unit, although there was no danger of life, but still did not escape the danger, at this time Ye Xuan could not help holding his fist.

"Master!" Ling Yun looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan nodded. "It's time to go to the Ling family to get a fair return." Ye Tianming heard that, but he didn't speak, but looked at Fang Li quietly. The fist is also clenched.

"Received the news, Ye Xuan is going to look for the Ling family!" The housekeeper of the Zhao family hurried in, and Zhao Tiangang suddenly put down the book he was reading: "Really, what you said is very real. Really? "

"Master Zhao, don't you believe what I said?" Ye Tianming was standing in front of Zhao Tiangang at this time!

"Oh, you kid, your kid learned a little courage with your master, yes, yes!" Zhao Tiangang stood up, and then walked straight to Ye Tianming: "However, your kid is too arrogant!"

"I just came over and said two words to the head of the Zhao family. After I finished, there was nothing arrogant or arrogant ..." Ye Tianming was holding on, but his heart was already beating fast, and Zhao Tiangang said from his expression As you can see, Ye Tianming came here with Ye Xuan on his back!

He couldn't help but smiled, but it was a bit of an eye-catching look: "Well, since it's here to talk, you can talk!" Zhao Tiangang turned back and sat back in his seat.

"In two words, my master will win, and the Ling family will lose!" After that, Ye Tianming turned and left.

"Slow, a big tone, the Ling family will lose, your master will win?" As he said, Zhao Tiangang smiled and threw a document directly in front of Ye Tianming. Ye Tianming caught it and took a look , Suddenly surprised!

"Ling family ... Ling family is ... originally a family of local characters, but was demoted because of the violence involved in it, and the power of Ling family has even reached the strength of the family of local characters. , And there are also beasts! "Looking at the information I collected from Zhao Tiangang, Ye Tianming had nothing to say, and there is a next page!

Now it is better to be with the Ling family, but also the Cheng family. The Cheng family turned out to be the "Earth Gate", which is a powerful existence that is only one step away from the Tianzi-level martial arts!

"Can you say anything more now?" Ye Tian asked looking at the file, his hands shaking, but the next second he dropped the file directly on the ground and laughed: "Ha ha ha, my master is better than The Tianzi School is even more powerful, they are already waiting to die! "

After he finished speaking, Ye Tianming turned around and left this time, leaving only one Zhao Tiangang quietly enchanted, because Ye Xuan was too mysterious, and his strength was obvious to all.

At the same time, the remaining Bianjia and Lianjia, after receiving the news, immediately started to sort out their forces. Bian Tianming watched that Lianjia had been dispatched, and it seemed to be moving. It ’s been a long time since I ’ve been so lively, and it ’s not just that there are four of them in the family.

But basically all stood at the Ling family, thinking about getting the moon first near the water tower. Obviously no invitation letter was sent, and the troops they organized came!

"Homeowner, it's not good, now the Ling family has assembled a lot of people, there are tens of thousands of them!" Zhao Tiangang clenched his fists, glared, and remained neutral, then no matter who won, the loser It ’s you, but what side are you on now? Standing at the Ling family, that is betraying faith, and will be spurned by others in the future, standing at Ye Xuan, so what is his winning percentage?

"How are those two now?" Zhao Tiangang still wanted to see what the two of them meant, but the housekeeper said: "Lian Chengbi has already spoken, and he just supports Ye Xuan, and Bian Tianming is stinky, following Liancheng Bi Run! "

This made Zhao Tiangang really fall into a dilemma. Finally, he grabbed the teacup hard and fell heavily on the ground: "Okay, give me all our forces, today Go directly to Ye Xuan! "

Although Zhao Tiangang opened a casino, he never gambled, but he didn't expect that God had a big joke with him!

"Either you don't gamble, you gamble big!"

"Homeowner, you can think about it, Ye Xuan is just alone, if we are with him ..."

He cried into tears when he said, "We have to pay for the entire Zhao family, and we won't be able to protect us with the money given by Huang Xuanmen!"