The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2152: This world is very interesting

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xianxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Mu Xuan is actually quite exaggerated.

After all, there are three strong players of the Saint King level, as well as Master Chen Tianmen, and some masters.

The important thing is that these guys seem to belong to the demons.

No one knows, the flesh of the demon family is terrible and powerful.

There is no chance of winning against them.

But the result is so simple, these master masters are destroyed, it seems like they are dreaming.

Mu Xuan kept telling himself in his heart that this time he was really lucky, and he really was backed by a mountain.

With such a big mountain, the future has unlimited prospects, at least no longer need to be cautious.

"Master, what are we going to do now?"

Ye Xuan laughed, "This is not easy, of course, it is to help you get higher, but we also have to find a justified reason. For example, the demon family killed our master, so you old The ancestors’ disciples barely managed to become masters."

Mu Xuan didn't expect this day to come so fast.

He expected that it would have to be a few years later, but it turned out how long it took him to step into the sky and become a master.

Under the real one, there were more than ten thousand people, and he led the entire Shenmu door.

"But Chen Tian still has a lot of confidants here, and there are also some people who are not convinced by me, and these people are a bit difficult to deal with."

Ye Xuan glanced at Muxuan lightly.

"These are small things. Since they are not convinced of you, they will be cleaned up directly. The Shenmumen also needs to be integrated. No other voices can appear."

Ye Xuan still has a lot of expectations for Shenmumen.

This Shenmu door must be well integrated, as long as people who are not Shenmumen are all cleared.

Ye Xuan wants to turn the entire Shenmumen into his words.

The situation is different.

Especially after the Infinite God Tree broke through to 10,000 meters, Ye Xuan had a lot to do.

I am even more thankful that the Shenmu Gate was not destroyed at the beginning, otherwise it is really a headache.

After Xu Xuan glanced at Ye Xuan's eyes, the whole heart shivered for a while, he knew he was wrong.

With his head bowed, he said, "Master, you can rest assured that I will definitely do something neatly. I will now convene a high-level meeting of the entire Shenmumen, and give this matter first."

Ye Xuan smiled faintly, "It doesn't need to be so anxious, but give them some time to prepare anyway, otherwise how can you blow it out? You are really a pig brain."

Mu Xuan realized that he was a little too anxious.

If there is any meeting at this time, it is estimated that some people will not come.

"Then I will bring the elders first."

In addition to Chen Guang's ancestors, the most influential Shenmumen is Chen Tianmen.

Then there are the elders.

The power of elders is still considerable.

Any disciple in this god's wooden door, if supported by the elders, will have different influence and speaking power.

Mu Xuan is quite aware of what he should do.


Muxuan left Dongtian Small World and was relieved for a long time.

It was only then that he discovered that his entire back was sweating.

Facing such a terrifying Lord, it was really terrifying.

He finally understood what it means to be a king like a tiger.

"I must do things carefully in the future, and there can be nothing more to be missed. I want to leave a good impression in front of the adults, and only then can my position be stable."

After Muxuan left.

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, "I was just going to use the Shenmu door to cover it, but I didn't expect that the infinite **** tree would change after it broke through 10,000 meters, and I had to choose a place for it to take root."

Murmured this.

Seriously, Ye Xuan himself also underestimated the difference of the infinite **** tree.

I didn't expect to take root. Although there are still infinite **** trees in the body, this one outside is just an avatar, but this avatar is also of great use.

Fortunately, the Infinite God Tree is swallowing the Dao Tree, which can simulate the breath of the Dao Tree and come to life.

Even if you stand in front of you, you may not be able to tell whether it is true or not.

It is more than enough to deal with outsiders.

"It seems that in the next period of time, I have to stay in this god's wooden door. Fortunately, there is no mandatory requirement on the side of the dark kingdom, and my sixth giant has nothing to do."

It was too sudden for this accident, which disrupted a lot of rhythm.

Fortunately, it is still acceptable.

Ye Xuan's strength has improved.

Of course, his strength is to use the Infinite God Tree, especially after having this avatar, as long as the Infinite God Tree is within a certain range, the Saint King is as easy as drinking water.

This made Ye Xuan think of a word.


In the site of Shenmumen, he was almost invincible.

This is also as strong as the previous ancestor Chen Guang.

Stronger than him.

In addition, the most moving thing about Ye Xuan was the feedback that the Infinite God Tree devoured the Dao Tree.

Let his physical body break through to the level of the king in one fell swoop.

In other words, Ye Xuan's flesh has now reached the level of the King's flesh.

As for the number of Heavenly King-level physical bodies in the entire spirit world, Ye Xuan did not know at all.

But he himself is the body of the king.

After reaching the level of the King's flesh, Ye Xuan can feel that his flesh is different.

Very strong.

"I heard that after reaching the level of the heavenly king, I can open up the world of cave heaven. I already have a physical body, but I don’t know if I can integrate it with this infinite land. In this way, I immediately have a cave world. No need for media anymore."

This question, Ye Xuan originally felt that it would be necessary to put it back, but now because of Wu Daoshu, the strength suddenly broke through to the level of the physical body of the king.

In other words, he can now easily explode the strength of the king level.

Although the masters of the Heavenly King level have mastered the power of the rules, now Ye Xuan hasn't mastered the rules, but his physical strength, coupled with the support of the power of the infinite land, makes his power even more explosive.

Ye Xuan didn't even doubt it, even if he met the strong king level.

Mere physical strength can play a few rounds with each other.

Or hundreds of rounds.

The body of the king level is very strong, but how to open up the world of caves, or to refining the infinite land.

Ye Xuan still has to think about it, but at least it's not at the moment.

There was one more ring when I flipped my hand.

This ring was taken from Chen Guang's ancestors.

After this guy died, all his property was inherited by Ye Xuan.

And the most important thing is such a ring.

The ring has lost its mark, and Ye Xuan entered with ease.

It was only after I entered that I discovered that there were indeed many things inside.

For example, a large number of spirit stones, especially top-grade spirit stones, actually reached 500 million in one breath.

As for the Need for Lingshi, there is a full 100 million.

It's really rich.

Even now Xuan Xuan does not have such a big net worth.

These things did not make Ye Xuan have any heart, after some search, but found some useful things.

For example, Ye Xuan is most interested in the **** tree list.

This is an alternative classic.

The big and small **** trees recorded in this book.

Wu Daoshu ranked seventh on this, but Ye Xuan was a little surprised.

"Unexpectedly, the Taoist tree is so strong that it only ranks seventh. Doesn't it mean that there are 6 more powerful **** trees in front of me? If I could refine the **** tree in front, wouldn't it be the infinite **** tree? Has become more powerful."

Ye Xuan's whole heart was excited.

The sixth place is the Phoenix Tree, which is a special tree species formed by the Phoenix landing.

In addition to introducing this phoenix tree, there is more about where the phoenix tree is located.

This Phoenix Tree can only be found within the Phoenix family.

"It seems that there is no Phoenix family in the spirit world, so where can I find the Phoenix Tree?"

Ye Xuan shook his head and continued to look up.

The fifth place is called Red Flame Tree.

This is a red firework.

According to the above, the temperature of this blaze instantly makes the Holy King devastated and fiercely messed up.

Located in Vulcan World.

This is also something Ye Xuan hasn't heard of.

The first few **** trees in the ranking, which Ye Xuan had never heard of, are also very mysterious.

Not even the world seems to be in the spirit world.

Ye Xuan even came up with questions one by one.

"It seems that I know too little, maybe this spirit world is just a small world, not the big world that I have recognized."

Ye Xuan soon realized that there was nothing more than this explanation.

This can also prove why there is no strong king level in the spirit world.

The spirit world is too small!

Originally Ye Xuan was also worried that there would be a problem with his strength improvement. Now it seems that he doesn't need to worry so much.

This world is far more exciting than you think.

Ye Xuan put away this **** tree list.

The killing of Chen Guang's ancestors was still very rewarding for him.

With a move, another classic was added.

This classic is also very promising, because this is how to cultivate the Dongtian world.

One can imagine the preciousness. At least Ye Xuan has not heard of the cultivation steps spreading about the world of Dongtian outside.

Ye Xuan also wanted to take a look at what the steps of practicing the Dongtian World looked like.

Also try to figure out.

After all, his goal is to refine the infinite land.

Only by refining and refining the infinite land can his real strength soar in one step, and his strength is perfectly united. There are no more defects.

But now Ye Xuan's strength still has a little influence, and he didn't really do what he wanted.